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December 8 – Cain & Abel: Two lines, two heads, the first quake

Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, ‘For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.Genesis 4:25 

Scripture reading: Genesis 4:1-16, 25

Although Adam and Eve are no longer in Paradise, they still experience God’s gracious goodness: they have God’s promises, they are on God’s side, and now they are the proud parents of two boys. Cain becomes a gardener; Abel a herdsman. Two different men. That’s okay. Two different occupations. That’s okay too.

Not okay is that the two brothers stand on opposite sides of the spiritual fault-line because they are loyal to two different masters. The sacrifices show where their loyalties lie. God required their first and their best. Cain offered some of his produce. Not the first fruits, not the best fruits, just ‘some.’  In contrast, Abel offered the firstborn from his flock and gave the fat portions, meaning the best portions, to God.

Cain grew jealous and angry because God looked with favor upon Abel’s sacrifice, but not on his. God warned Cain to master his sin lest sin masters him. But Cain didn’t listen. Hatred quaked within his heart. His brother became the victim. And Eve, the mother of all living, became the mother of one dead.

Her two sons stood on opposite sides of the spiritual fault-line. Cain represents those who are loyal to Satan. Abel represents those loyal to the Saviour. But Abel is now dead and Jesus was supposed to descend from Abel’s line. Could God’s people still look forward to the Advent of Christ?  Yes! God gave Eve another son, Seth, in place of Abel. From Seth’s line, the Saviour would come (Luke 3:23, 38).

Suggestions for prayer

Thank God for keeping Advent hope alive when Satan sought to snuff it out. Ask God to reassure you that no matter how powerful Satan may be, God’s plans will prevail and His kingdom will not fail.

This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God DevotionalRev. Brian Zegers has been serving the Lord by working with Word of Life Ministry as home missionary to the Muslim community in Toronto, Ontario since 2015.

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