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December 29 – The beast from the earth

“Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth.” – Revelation 13:11 

Scripture reading: Revelation 13:11-18

Another beast arises from the earth. This beast looks gentle, but he is a dragon in sheep’s clothing. As the beast from the sea often represents the power of nations against God, the beast from the earth represents human thought, teaching, knowledge, and wisdom apart from God’s revelation. There is ‘wisdom’ that is earthly, unspiritual and of the devil which results in chaos and confusion. This wisdom is focused on this life, this world and our flesh. Very attractive, but very deceitful. Satan is calling forth such lies to deceive, if possible, the followers of Christ to think in Christless, self-centred, earth-centred ways.

Such wisdom seems powerful, even miraculous at times, in what it seems to deliver. Yet, it always leads to death. The first beast gives authority to this beast. Just think of how a secular government takes the responsibility of parents away and seeks to indoctrinate children in ‘public’ schools, and by use of mass communication technology. This has been a constant throughout history as godless governments seek to control the thoughts and minds of citizens. No government can last long simply through power! Thus it needs ‘prophets’ and teachers!

In many ways the kingdom of the beast from the sea mimics the kingdom of God: it has saviours, even a mark of belonging like baptism. But it is the mark of the beast, of man. We are shown the beast so that we are not taken in by the lie of the false prophet. Man is not supreme. Christ is!

Suggestions for prayer

In this day when Governments, education, mass media and those enamoured with man and his image seem to dominate, pray that God will keep us from being taken in and help us to see Jesus alone and serve Him, for in Him alone is eternal life.

Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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