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December 2 – The word who created

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” – John 1:1-3 

Scripture reading: John 1:1-14

In the creation account of Genesis 1, God simply speaks. The repeated refrain is, “And God said, let there be…” By the power of His Word, He created, divided, formed and filled. When we make things, we shape projects from existing material. We have to start with something like wood, paper or metal. God, however, made everything from nothing (Hebrews 11:3). 

In John 1, we learn that God did this through His Son, also called the “Word.” The original term for Word is “Logos.” The Logos is the perfect expression of God; it is the Logos who reveals God. He is with God and is God. God and His Logos are inseparable; they are One. Yet, profoundly, we see the Logos mediating between God and creation in the beginning. He is intimately involved in creation from the start. It is profound to think that this same Logos “…became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). What a beautiful mystery, that He would choose to visit the creation which He had spoken into existence! He is the Word Who is full of grace and truth (1:14), and Who has declared the Father (1:18). He demonstrated the power of His Word over the wind and waves (Mark 4:39) and even over sin and suffering (Luke 5:23). There is great hope in these opening words of John’s gospel and great hope in that God still reveals Himself to us through His Word!

Suggestion for prayer

Pray that the busyness and events of this month would not distract us from the Word of God, but would be a time of drawing nearer to Him in truth.

Pastor Robert VanDoodewaard currently serves the Free Reformed Church in Powassan, Ontario, Canada as a minister of the gospel.

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