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Daily devotional

August 23 - Faithful until death, rewarded in resurrection

“The beast…will make war…and kill them…But after three and a half days…” - Revelation 11: 7, 11

Scripture reading: Revelation 11:7-19; Mathew 24:9-14

When one of our members faced a difficult diagnosis a fellow Christian said to them, “Don’t worry, you’re immortal till your work is done.”

The quote was first given by George Whitefield, a preacher of the great awakening in the 1700s. It reminds us both of the power of God in believers enabling them to serve in His kingdom and the sovereignty of God to determine when He alone shall end the earthly journey of those believers.

In Revelation 11 we learn that near the end of time the work of the church as a public, visible witness will end. The church will never die, but she will externally diminish. Under persecution she will go underground. God will continue to build His church, but her visible presence will appear small and insignificant and the world will rejoice.

God wants us to witness in power while being ready to suffer for Jesus. He wants us to know that when it seems the world has won, the Saviour is around the corner, and glory is soon to come. It was the future martyr, Jim Elliot, who said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

The church is the witness of Christ, and she shall carry out her work both in power and in humiliation, in joy and in suffering. God will sustain her just as He wills, until her work is done and she enters His glory.

Suggestions for prayer

Lord may we be faithful in suffering, immortal until our work is done.

Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

August 18 - The good shepherd

“The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them…” - Revelation 7:17  Scripture reading: Revelation 7:13-17; Psalm 23:1-6 Every year loved ones, either in our church, family, or friend circle, finish their earthly race. In Revelation 7 God gives us a special picture of heaven. He lets us know what we can expect when we are called home and the comfort we can have when this happens to Christians we love. Those who go to Christ in glory are forever in the presence of God. From the day of death to eternity, the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them (v17). When Jesus is surrounded by angelic hosts and vast multitudes praise Him in glory, He continues to shepherd and personally care for each of His children. He leads them to fountains of living water. God wipes away every tear from their eyes. Will we weep from godly sorrow over our past sins, or grief in being parted from loved ones? The Bible doesn’t tell us, but the Bible does tell us one thing. The tears won’t last long. God Himself will brush them away. We will be close enough to our Saviour that He will be able to reach out and wipe tears from our cheeks. God is good, and those who go to Him in glory experience a depth of His love and care we can never experience on earth. Don’t fear the final foe of death; just over the hill stands a glory that God guarantees for all who stand by faith in Him. Suggestions for prayer Lord, thank you for the comfort of Yourself in glory. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

August 17 - The centrality of worship

“Be to our God, forever and ever, Amen.” - Revelation 7:12  Scripture reading: Revelation 7:9-17 I had a Christian friend who often reminded us to be ‘re-centered.’ They were referring to the tendency that we forget what life is all about; the tendency to get a little too caught up in the things of this world, a little too distracted by the toys or the cares that present themselves on a daily basis. Amid distraction we need re-centering, and that comes through one practice - fixing our eyes on glory, fixing our eyes on Christ. In today’s vision of glory, several things come to the fore. First, all nations in great multitudes, will one day come before the throne of God in Spirit-filled devotion and praise. The greatest worship service you have ever experienced is waiting just around the corner, and it will not be stopped. It will have the most joyful songs, the most devoted focus, and the most glorious message. It will be a service with people from all nations who have one simple thing in common. All have washed their robes white in the blood of Christ, and now they come to praise Him. The book of Revelation repeatedly ‘re-centers’ us on worship. Is it still central in your life? In your day? Is Sunday worship the highlight of your week? In a life with many distractions, we all need re-centering. May our times of praise with the people of God anchor us on the beauty of Christ, and the blessings of serving Him! Suggestions for prayer Father, please help me not to lose a focus on Your glory in my daily living. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

August 16 - The 144,000

“Do not harm the earth…till we have sealed the servants of God…” - Revelation 7:3  Scripture reading: Revelation 7:1-8; Luke 21:10-19 The 144,000: Super Christians or ordinary Joes? As a child they were super Christians. Courageous, bold, and having the power of God they would go through a world filled with judgments and disasters, but not a raindrop would fall upon their heads, and not an ankle would twist as the earth heaved. The 144,000 were the superheroes of the Christian world. My early imaginings weren’t entirely wrong. The 144,000 are the special forces, and they do have God’s divine power. But they are not ‘super’ Christians, they are ‘simply’ Christians. The 144 is a picture of 12 times 12, reflecting the 12 tribes and the 12 apostles and the fullness that comes through God’s work among them. They’re simply Christians, either from before or after Christ. To these simple believers, God gives extraordinary care. It is not protection from every hardship, but it is a reminder that no matter what the world brings, “Not a hair of your head shall be lost.” Sometimes when Christians see the increase of evil they can become fearful and live out of fear instead of faith. But if we have eyes to see it, there is a seal upon the foreheads of those who believe. That seal in Christ guarantees God’s special care. God’s power and love rests upon you, His protection encircles you. Who are the 144,000? They are ordinary Christians living under extraordinary grace who live for God in remarkable but simple ways. Suggestions for prayer Thank you Lord for the protection and calling you give to each ‘simple’ believer. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

August 15 - Refuge in the blood

“Hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!” - Revelation 6:16  Scripture reading: Revelation 6:9-17; Psalm 46:1-11 A young child hears the thunder roll and sees the lightning in the sky. Fearfully, he takes refuge under that time-tested defence – the blankets on his bed! In the sixth seal, the day of God’s wrath has come, and along with it worldwide calamity. The earth quakes, stars fall, and thunder and lightning sound. When it comes, the people of this world revert to their childhood. They pull the sheets over their head in the best refuge they can find, but the ‘sheets’ have changed. They ask the mountains to fall on them, and the rocks to cover them in hope of hiding from the wrath of God. There is a great gospel reality revealed in this passage. All of us need a covering, a refuge from the righteous anger of a holy God. A Biblical word for covering is atonement. As God gives atonement through the blood of Jesus, what He is providing for His people is a refuge, a protection and covering from His own holy anger. This blood has special power. It is the blood of the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the word” (John 1:29). It is the blood that shows our debt is paid; we are redeemed. Under this blood we find protection from God’s wrath and assurance of His love. We often seek refuge in the wrong places. Every refuge, except one, will fail. Suggestions for prayer Lord, let me find refuge in the blood of Jesus, that I may never fear your holy wrath. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

August 10 - O worship the King

Revelation 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty... Scripture reading: Revelation 4; Isaiah 6:1-8 How important is worship? On a scale of 1-10, how important, how life giving, is the worship of God to you? It is a humbling thing to realize how frequently the book of Revelation shows us the glory of God. Revelation will reveal to us the future. There will be visions of dragons and beasts, wars and martyrdom. But above it all, undergirding it all, is the glory of God and His worthiness to be praised. This is the emphasis of Revelation 4. Before we see the tempest of the following chapters, God shows us Himself. God is holy. He is separate from sin, most assuredly, but He is also separate from creation. He is above all things and even the sinless angels cannot stop praising Him in holy fear. The elders, who symbolize the victorious people of God, cast their crowns before Him and proclaim God alone as worthy. The reward of their perseverance, they cast before His feet: to God alone be glory! Worship is foundational to what life is about. It is something God calls us to participate in and consider repeatedly. It is never an option; we cannot do without it. It redirects our hearts away from the shaking sands of this world to the One who is immovable. It reminds us of who we are saved for. We have been made and redeemed for God’s glory; whatever this life may bring may we give Him the praise! Suggestions for prayer Lord, help me to know Your glory, and give You praise. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

August 9 - Knowing need and fulfilling need

“But you do not know that you are wretched…buy from Me gold…” - Rev. 3:17-18  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:14-22; Judges 16:16-22; Isaiah 55:1-3 There is a particular verse in the Bible that always stops me dead in my tracks. The Philistines come upon Samson after his fall, and he says, “I will go out as before…and shake myself free!” But the verse continues, “But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.” Laodicea was a church that did not realize how far they had fallen. They thought they had it all. Like Samson, Laodicea was self-deceived, believing their strength came from themselves. Perhaps they thought that wealth and good standing was proof of God’s favour. But they did not know that the Lord had departed. Jesus warns them of their danger: He tells them He would vomit them from His mouth! Such words would be gut-wrenching to hear, but it is followed up immediately by encouragement. The encouragement is simple: Come to Jesus. You are more impoverished than you realized, but come buy gold, come buy clothes and buy because these things, from the hand of Christ, are free. Jesus shows that His harsh words to Laodicea are a proof, not of condemnation, but of love. He is driving them to Himself. At the end of his life, John Newton wrote: “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Saviour.” Whatever material blessings God may send, may we not forget the great poverty we have in ourselves, and the great supply that is found in Christ. Suggestions for prayer Lord, help me to know my need and its satisfaction in Christ. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

August 8 - Hard pressed, but not destroyed 

“For you have a little strength…” - Rev. 3:8  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:7-13; Luke 17:1-10 Have you ever admired those men and women who seem exceptional? Every generation has them. They win gold medals or achieve seemingly impossible feats. They make us realize that some people in this world are just…gifted. Sometimes we take the idea of giftedness from the world and apply it to strength in the church. Think of what we consider to be a strong church: growing numbers, a dynamic preacher, a visible and respected ministry. It is the kind of church you look at and can’t help but feel impressed by it. The church of Philadelphia is the second of the two churches in Revelation that receives no critique from Jesus. It is praised by Jesus for something quite remarkable; it is praised for having a “little” strength. They aren’t the strongest or the smartest, they aren’t ‘exceptional,’ but with their “little” strength they keep God’s word and hold fast to Christ’s name. As a result, God sets before them an open door. God provides fruit on their labours and uses them for exceptional things. Exceptional churches don’t need a lot of strength, they just need a little. The same is true for Christians. Sometimes we spend time looking for ‘great’ faith when God is pleased to use the little we have. God uses our little strength, directed the right way, for great things. Praise God for what many people may overlook – a little strength in the hands of an Almighty God. Suggestions for prayer Lord, help me to be faithful with whatever strength you have given me. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

August 7 - A good name

“Hold fast, and repent.” - Revelation 3:3 Scripture reading: Revelation 3:1-6; Isaiah 42:1-9 A lot can be said about a good reputation, but while a good name is better than riches (Pr. 22:1), reputations aren’t always accurate. As a city, Sardis was surrounded by 1500 foot cliffs and thought to be nearly impregnable. But twice in the history of the city, its reputation proved false, and both times it was the presumption of the defenders that led to their destruction. The church of Sardis was experiencing the same reality. Thinking themselves strong, they were actually distant from God. While their singing may have made visitors think the church was on fire, behind the beautiful voices were cold hearts. The same can be true for all of us; the profession of faith made years (or even days) ago can speak of a reality that is no longer there. Jesus calls us to be watchful and to strengthen the spiritual zeal we may still have. Where do we still feel the conviction or encouragement of His Word and Spirit? Where it exists, fan the flame. What you know to be good, do it. What you know to be evil, stop it. For all who do His will, God promises, He will not quench the smoking wick or break the bruised reed. The Christian life can be restored so that, like a repentant Sardis, Jesus would even boast of us before the Father. May God help us not to live on reputation, but by a living, daily walk with Him. Suggestions for prayer Lord, please renew me to abide daily in Jesus Christ. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

August 2 - Safe in the storm

“I am the Alpha and Omega…” - Rev. 1:8  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:4-8 Anchors may not be considered great treasures, but they can be invaluable tools. Not only do they steady a boat to enjoy fishing on a beautiful day, but in storms they keep boats from rocky shores. The future revealed in this book is at times stormy. There will be fearful visions of beasts and dragons, evil empires and earthly calamities. But before these things appear, God points us first to Himself: the Anchor who holds. Who is this God? He is the sovereign, all-powerful, resurrected Lord who loves us, washes us, and makes us glorious in Christ (even when we do not feel glorious). He is the victor, the One who is to come in glory, and who will be worshipped by all. He is the Almighty. Whatever the future may reveal, this God is the anchor for He is the One who holds the future in His sovereign hands. This God promises us grace and peace in Christ. The implication is that we will still struggle with sin and fear in these last days. But it also implies that when we do, all we need to overcome these things will also freely be supplied by Him. As we experience life in the end times, may God keep our eyes on the One who holds all in His hand and who provides from His loving abundance all we need to be safe in the storm. Suggestions for prayer Help us to keep our eyes on Christ, the Anchor of our souls. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

August 1 - Introduction to the book of Revelation

This month Pastor Greg Bylsma leads us through a series of devotions on the book of Revelation. Two Scripture readings are given for each day. The first is foundational to the devotion, the second allows you to dig a little deeper into a similar teaching in God’s Word. We encourage you to take the time to read both! Unfortunately, due to space the entire book of Revelation is not covered. After finishing Revelation 14 the devotions skip to Revelation 21 and 22 for the closing days. We trust it may still be a help to you in understanding God’s message from the book of Revelation. Revelation “The revelation of Jesus Christ…” - Revelation 1:1a  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-3 Have you ever wished you could know the future? The idea seems to fit into the realm of science fiction, yet God tells us from the beginning of Revelation that His purpose is to reveal to His church what must “shortly” take place. As incredible as it seems, God is revealing the future. Sometimes when we look at the book of Revelation we consider it to be anything but a revelation. At best it is confusing, and at worst divisive. The name of the book, which means ‘unveiling’ hardly seems to fit. Yet if we believe Rev. 1:1-3, this book not only reveals what is to come, but gives us key truths to live by when it does. This book has a purpose, and it is to reveal to us the future so we can follow God’s plan as we step into that future. The call to us this month is to hear God’s words about what is coming and to keep them. His word is not always easy, but it is always good and always brings blessing to His bride as she seeks to obey and glorify His name as she does so. As we approach another month of drawing nearer to God, may we do so prepared to hear God’s revelation and live by it. May we see how God prepares us for the trials to come so that, through Christ, we may be more than conquerors. Suggestions for prayer Help us to understand and obey Your revelation to the church. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

July 31 - Having peace with God

“Peace to all of you who are in Christ.” - 1 Peter 5:14 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 5:14 and Romans 5:6-11 Peter ends his letter similar to the way he started it, giving a blessing of peace, not first of all between humans, but peace with God. It can only come from God through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Paul said that while we were enemies of God, He sent His beloved Son so that through Him we could be reconciled to God and have peace with Him (Romans 5:6-11). This is why Peter says, “Peace to all who are in Christ.” One who does not have a living relationship with Christ, does not have peace with God. Peter wrote to those scattered because of their faith in Jesus, those called to be a people of God. Even though Christ’s people can go through all sorts of trials and hardships, they are to trust they have an enduring peace with God. Having this enduring peace with God will also cause you to greet your fellow brothers and sisters who are in Christ in a special way. As brothers and sisters in Christ we can have different cultures, languages and pet-peeves. But if we are at peace with God because we are in Christ, together we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of His own possession. Only in truly believing this can we address fellow believers in Jesus Christ as beloved brothers and sisters. Greeting each other with a holy kiss, means treating each other in a special way as beloved brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ. Suggestion for prayer That as those who have peace with God because we are in Jesus Christ, we treat all those who confess Christ as Lord and Saviour as beloved brothers and sisters. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

July 30 - Standing in the true grace of God

“I have written briefly to you exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God.” - 1 Peter 5: 12  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 5:12-13 Why is it a blessing to go to church each Sunday? We get to be with the Lord’s people worshipping our Saviour together under the preaching of His Word, and we are reminded of our need for God’s Grace. The commandments exhort us not to trust in ourselves, but in the grace of our Lord. In the preaching, the gospel is declared to us that we might grow in the grace that the Father offers us in the gospel. Peter ends, letting us know that Silvanus helped him so that God’s words of exhortation and declaration of grace could be extended far and wide, even to us today. The whole reason Peter had this letter written, was that God’s beloved children could be told to trust in His grace even in the hardest of circumstances. We are to trust that, because of Jesus' great work on the cross, we can truly know and believe that God will always love us, no matter what hardship we are facing or struggle we are dealing with. The more we trust that God’s unconditional love is real, the less struggles, losses and hardships will control our hearts and minds. The joy of salvation will overwhelm us. Peter says he writes from Babylon, referring to the fact he and those with him are in captivity. Peter is emphasizing that God’s children can go through hard times, but this does not take away the fact that they are chosen children and nothing can separate them from the unconditional love of God. Suggestion for prayer That the exhorting and declaring of God’s grace would sustain God’s children in all times. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 25 - Purified by God

“For it is time for judgement to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us; what will be the outcome of those who do not obey the gospel of God.” - 1 Peter 4:17  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:15-18 When we suffer for being a follower of Jesus Christ we will be blessed. However, it is not good to suffer for doing wrong. Peter specifically tells us not to suffer for being a murderer, thief, evildoer or meddler. Jesus taught that saying “you fool” is considered murder and stealing starts with desiring what does not belong to you. An evildoer is anyone who does anything considered to be evil by God. A meddler wants to know everything and thinks he can fix everyone’s problems. If we are honest, we have to admit that we do these things at times and deserve to be punished. But as followers of Jesus Christ, when we suffer for doing sinful things, we should not turn from God. Instead, as His children, we are to turn to God, seeking His forgiveness. Then we can go on our way thankfully, glorifying God, seeing that God punished us to purify us, so that more and more we live for Him in the joy of our salvation. Peter goes on to ask that if God brings judgement on us to purify us, what will He do to those who do not follow the gospel call to repent and believe in Jesus Christ? When Peter quotes Proverbs 11:31, he does so to warn us: accept His discipline, repent and believe. Those who are ungodly and sin with no care in this life will receive their suffering, not as a purifying force, but as an eternal punishment in hell. Suggestion for prayer That we would accept the discipline of the Lord as a blessing that is purifying us as His beloved children. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 24 - Sharing in Christ’s suffering

"Do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you." - 1 Peter 4:12 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:12-14 In high school I remember a coach saying, “I will bring you through these hard tests in practice to strengthen you so that in a game you will be able to serve the team.” Peter tells us that God brings us through fiery trials to test us in a similar way in order to better serve Him. It is about declining to go places or participating in ungodly activities because you are a follower of Jesus Christ and being criticized for it or about not taking a position at work, or joining a sports team because it would limit your ability to worship and serve the Lord. In allowing us to experience fiery trials in these ways, God wants us to trust Him. He tests us to strengthen us in our service for His glory and in our ability to do His will. The Bible has many stories demonstrating how God tested His children through various trials. Think of Daniel and his three friends. When we suffer for Christ through a fiery trial, Peter says we share in Christ’s suffering. Christ suffered for the glory that would come through His suffering. We are called to be patient when we suffer fiery trials in our service of Jesus Christ, trusting that when His glory is revealed we will see our Saviour not only in all His power and might, but in all His love expressed to us in the words, “My good and faithful servant”. Suggestion for prayer That we would be willing to suffer for Christ and be patient when we go through a fiery trial. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 23 - Good stewards of God’s varied grace

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” - 1 Peter 4:10  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:10-11 Peter tells us that each Christian has received a gift and is to use it to serve others. God does not only save us to be His beloved children, but He also equips those whom He saves to serve in some capacity in the church community. That is why Peter says each of us have been gifted by God to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. God, in His grace, desired to work in you so that you believe, and are now part of a most special and glorious community - the church community. As transformed people of the household of God, you are now called to serve one another with the gifts God gave you. The gifts you were given are to be seen as God’s gifts to the whole church community. Peter groups these gifts into two areas: speaking to people’s spiritual needs and serving people’s physical needs. Some are able to bring God’s words to others in all kinds of ways. Others see people’s physical struggles and show a desire and ability to help. To those who serve by speaking, they are to use the Bible and not their own ideas or they will be ineffective. To those who serve in a physical capacity, they are to seek God’s guiding strength in serving others or they will be burned out. In this way, God is glorified because it all comes from Him. This is why Peter ends this section with a doxology of praise to God. Suggestion for prayer That as part of the household of God, we would be eager and happy to serve the body of Christ Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 22 - Showing hospitality

“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” - 1 Peter 4:9 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:9 If you love someone, it is easy to invite them over and show you care for them. Most in our church show hospitality to family members and close friends because they love them. But if you do not love someone or don’t really know someone, it is harder to show that person hospitality. After telling us to love one another, Peter now tells us to show hospitality. The word Peter uses could be translated as “show brotherly love for strangers”. Peter tells us not to show hospitality just when you have things in common with people, but to show hospitality to all you come into contact with, especially those of the household of faith. We are to do this because Jesus demonstrated His love to us and changed us. He made His home amongst us and showed love to us who were not only strangers to Him, but by nature enemies to Him (Romans 5:10). If we really know the loving embrace of Jesus Christ, this ought to change us so that we are willing to invite over those we don’t know well. Peter adds that we are to do this cheerfully, without grumbling. Jesus invited us into His life by displaying the greatest love He could. He gave His life for us on the cruel cross. We are now called to invite others into our lives in a loving and caring way. This Sunday start inviting someone that you have never invited and show them what Christ-like hospitality is all about. Suggestion for prayer That we would be able to show Christ-like hospitality. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 17 - Setting apart Christ in our hearts

“In your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy.” - 1 Peter 3:15  Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:13-17 In calling us to brotherly love, Peter encourages us to be witnesses in this dark and often confusing world. When we suffer any kind of opposition from a hostile world while seeking to follow God’s Word, Peter tells us that no real harm will come to us. As we seek to serve the Lord in the joy of salvation, we are called to trust that God will turn all things for our eternal good. Even death will be turned to our good, for then we will see our Saviour face to face. Peter tells us to have no fear of those who oppose us as children of God. Instead, we are all the more to set apart Christ in our hearts. That is, we are to get to know Christ. He truly is the joy and treasure that satisfies our hearts. As we grow in this, Peter tells us to be ready to give the reason for the hope we have in this broken world. We must live in such a way that our joy and hope are noticed by those around us, to such an extent that they would ask why we have hope in this broken and rebellious world. We are to talk of Jesus with humility and not as if we deserve this hope and joy because we are better than others. We are to talk of our hope and joy in such a way that they would think this can be theirs through faith in Jesus Christ. Suggestion for prayer That we set apart Christ in our hearts and that we would be able to speak of our hope to others with tact and love. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 16 - Showing we are God’s children

“Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.” - 1 Peter 3:9  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 3:8-12 Peter finishes this section on how to interact with others by calling us to live a certain way with everyone. If we are honest, we have to admit that these godly virtues are not easy to follow. They can only come from a heart that knows how deeply we are loved by God. Many times within church communities we allow pet peeves and little arguments to divide us. When we have differences with fellow Christians, may we see that, our Saviour and our desire to serve and worship Him is what must unite us. This should cause us to have sympathy for each other when we see brothers and sisters going through struggles, even when these are caused by their own foolishness. Brotherly love is all about loving our fellow Christians because we are one in the Lord, even though we have differing opinions on certain matters. We need to have a tender heart toward each other and be humble as we deal with each other, not seeking to repay evil for evil, reviling for reviling or gossiping with gossiping. We are called to bless each other; that is to approve of each other as beloved children of God. When we do this we will receive a blessing from God. We need to remember that God sees all. If we speak badly towards or about others, we need to remember that God is displeased with us when we do this. But when we speak lovingly and faithfully towards our brothers and sisters, God sees this with delight. Suggestion for prayer That we would refrain from speaking badly toward or about each other, but encourage and bless each other. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 15 - Healthy relationship

“Wives be subject to your husbands . . . husbands live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honour to the women.” - 1 Peter 3:1 & 7  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 3:1-7 Peter continues the theme of being subject to those whom God has placed over us, this time in regard to marriage relationships. God instituted marriage with the understanding that the husband is to be the head of his wife and lovingly honour her. Peter encourages wives to be subject to their husbands even if they are not Christians. In the early church, many women came to faith and wondered how they were to respond to their unbelieving husbands. Peter encourages them to be subject to their husband, hoping they would be won over by their conduct. He tells them this should be done not by impressing them with outward appearances, but by a gentle and quiet spirit. We live in a world that encourages women to concentrate on outward appearances so as to impress others. Peter’s words should guide all women to see what is important in life; not impressing others with outward appearances, but working at having a gentle and quiet spirit as godly women in the past have done. One can only have a gentle and quiet spirit when one truly trusts that nothing will be able to separate them from the love of God. Peter calls believing husbands to live with their wives, understanding their needs, and showing them honour as fellow saints in the Lord. We live in a world where men often seek to express their power to control. Peter warns all men not to bully women, including their wives, by use of strength or authority, lest God ignore them and their prayers. Suggestion for prayer That husbands would show love and honour to their wives and wives would be subject to their husbands to show they are God’s beloved children. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 14 - Following Jesus

“Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His steps.” - 1 Peter 2:21  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 2:18-25 Peter continues to show us how to conduct ourselves in front of unbelievers, telling us to be subject and respectful to masters. Most early Christians were slaves and many were not treated well. Often, Christians were given an especially hard time. Some masters tried to push their Christian slaves to give up the faith. As Christians then and today, it is hard to be kind, loving and submissive when treated badly by others, especially those in authority over us. Peter tells us that we are showing that God’s grace has changed us when we endure while suffering unjustly. When we endure suffering graciously while doing good, God is pleased. Then we are showing that the grace that He displayed to us is starting to live in us. We are called to live this kind of life. Jesus died for us so that we would follow His ways as His brothers and sisters, eager to do what pleases Him. Jesus was reviled and suffered greatly by those who killed Him, yet He said, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”  Jesus died on the cross to wash our sins away, to make us new people following His example to die to sin and live to righteousness. We are to show that His death on the cross has changed us; that we no longer live as the wicked world around us. We live a new way, by loving those who treat us badly, following our Saviour and Lord’s example. Suggestion for prayer To be more like Jesus in each area of our lives as we grow in our understanding of what He did for us. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 9 - The living and abiding word of God

“Love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.” - 1 Peter 1:22-23 Scripture reading: Romans 10:5-9 Peter encourages us to have a healthy fear of God, to be in such awe of Him that we always want to do what is pleasing in His sight. He goes on to say that our souls have been purified by our obedience to the truth to develop a sincere love for our brothers. Notice that Peter does not say by our obedience to the commands of God, but to the truth. The good news of Jesus Christ is the truth. Obedience to the truth is trusting Jesus truly saved us. Peter tells us that if we believe the gospel, we will have sincere brotherly love. We who have become new people through faith in Jesus Christ, are called to love one another earnestly because we have a new heart. We are to show that we are new persons in Jesus Christ by having a deep love for brothers and sisters in the Lord. We are to do this even if we do not always get along with them. Why is this both possible and necessary in our lives? It is because we have been born again, or made into a new person, by the living and abiding Word of God. This Word, the Good News of Jesus Christ, changed us and will keep on changing us so we will not only have a desire, but also an ability to love one another. If it is not changing us so that we are starting to love others, it has not yet saved us. Suggestions for prayer That the living and abiding Word that saves will continue to change you to love one another. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 8 - Have a proper view of our heavenly Father

“Conduct yourself with fear throughout the time of your exile knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.” - 1 Peter 1:17-19  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:17-21 In the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, He instructs us to call His Father our heavenly Father. Peter tells us that if we do call God our Heavenly Father, we should conduct ourselves in a certain way, showing we have a special fear of God. This fear of God is the opposite of having a fear of man. As children of our heavenly Father, we should first seek to do what is pleasing to Him, not our fellow man. We are to do this while we wait for the time when He will call us to our heavenly home. We are to live our lives, remembering the payment made for us to become part of the family of our heavenly Father. The payment was made with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. May we trust that God, from eternity, wanted to send His son to make this payment so that we could be His beloved children. God sent His Son into this world to sacrifice His life on the cross. He sent His Son to do this so that sinful, undeserving people can call God their loving, heavenly Father. Do you believe that Jesus paid the price to ransom you from the futile ways of this world to be a beloved child of a heavenly Father? In believing this, you are called to conduct yourself as one who does not fear what man thinks, but what God thinks. As His beloved child, you are called to do what is pleasing to your Heavenly Father. Suggestions for prayer That we would grow to fear man less and our heavenly Father more. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 7 - Having our focus on Jesus’ return

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passion of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you are to be holy in your conduct.” - 1 Peter 1: 14-15  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:1-16 We live in a time the Old Testament believers would have loved to see. Peter writes a “therefore” statement. Because we live in the time we do, knowing and believing in Jesus Christ, we are to prepare our minds for action, that is we are to keep our minds focused on Jesus Christ and what He did for us. Only then can we be ready to serve Him. When our mind starts to concentrate on the things of this world, we will lose our desire to serve the Lord. Peter goes on to tell us that we need to be sober minded, meaning we are to focus our minds on the heavenly kingdom. We are not to set our hope on the things of this world such as money, careers, or even our families, but on Christ, looking forward to what He will give us when He returns. Peter writes about the great future Jesus purchased for us on the cross, the new heaven and earth. As God’s adopted children we are to keep our eyes on the home Jesus is preparing for us and not on earthly treasures, as if we don’t know what Jesus purchased for us. It would be like settling for sand castles at the beach rather than a heavenly home. For this reason, Peter tells us that while we live on this earth we are to be holy, people who live differently, not for worldly pleasures, but for God’s glory and His Kingdom, fixing our eyes on our heavenly home. Suggestions for prayer Ask that we would be holy, having our focus on living for the Lord, having our eyes fixed on our heavenly home. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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July 6 - The blessing of our position in history

“…the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully.” - 1 Peter 1: 10  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:1-12 Yesterday we saw the great joy that is ours through faith in Jesus Christ. Peter goes on to tell us that the prophets in the Old Testament longed to see what we often do not appreciate as much as we should. The Old Testament prophets wrote about the coming of the One, God was going to send to redeem His people. But they did not fully know who this person would be and to what extent He would go to save His people. They did not know the One coming was God’s beloved Son and that He would go to the cross and experience the agony of hell to save His people. They did not fully know the glorious reality we would receive because of Jesus. Jesus’ work allows us to be called sons and daughters of God, having the privileges of God’s family. Paul mentions this in Ephesians 1:3, “In Christ we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” Peter, in His second letter, tells us that through faith in Jesus Christ we become partakers in the divine nature. We get what Jesus has as a beloved child of God. Although the Old Testament writers did not know what we know about Jesus, they served us, for we can look back and see that they were speaking about the coming of Jesus. When we read scripture or hear it preached and soak in the good news of Jesus, we are called to rejoice and see that we live in a glorious time in history. Suggestions for Prayer That we would understand the great position we are in history, having the complete revelation of our God. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional, Uncategorised

July 1 - Introduction to 1 Peter: holding fast to Christ in a rebellious world

During the past years, our governments and the people of our lands have shown more rejection of God and His Word. We see ungodly lifestyles promoted. We see what Paul explained in Romans 1. Although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking has become futile and their foolish hearts are darkened. Although they claim to be wise, they have become fools, exchanging the glory of God for images and heroes of their making. We see that God is giving them over to their sinful desires. When we see the foundations of our culture being destroyed, we wonder what the righteous can do. Peter wrote his letter in a time of great persecution, immorality and confusion. We are not sure what lies ahead for us, but Peter tells us where to find our hope and comfort, and how we are to live as saints set apart in the midst of a rebellious world, being ready to give a reason for the hope we have as beloved children of God. We will be going through the first letter of Peter this month. Peter tells us to praise God in the midst of a fallen, rebellious world for the great blessings we have because of Christ our Saviour. He also tells us how we are to live for Him as His beloved children, fighting sin and encouraging each other as fellow citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, looking forward to a glorious future that will never perish, spoil or fade. May Peter’s words encourage us to be faithful, so that we will not give up following Jesus, continuing in the mission He has given us: to tell others about Jesus and show that Jesus is a true and loving Saviour. Having our identity in Christ “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion . . . according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.” - 1 Peter 1:1-2a  Scripture reading: John 21:15-19 Peter starts this letter by emphasizing the identity of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Earlier, Peter had struggles in this area. On the night Jesus was arrested, Peter was asked if he knew Jesus. He denied it three times. But Peter repented and now calls himself an apostle of Jesus Christ; one who represented and witnessed for Jesus Christ. And he gives special designations to those to whom he is writing. First, he calls us God’s elect, chosen to be God’s beloved children according to His eternal, unconditional love. God sent His Son to die for His people. He also sent the Holy Spirit to enable His children to believe and live in joyful obedience because of Christ’s sprinkled blood. Peter encourages us to trust in Jesus Christ, find our identity as His beloved, chosen people and confess our faith in Him. In the second designation, Peter calls us strangers. Peter was writing to those who were scattered throughout the world. Although they were scattered among various places they were citizens of a new Kingdom, the kingdom of God. Peter is encouraging us to see that this world is not our real home. We should seek to be a blessing to any country we live in, yet in believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. May we see that we are strangers to this world and part of God’s chosen people, the Kingdom of God. Suggestions for prayer That we would more and more see our identity in Jesus Christ as members of God’s elect people, strangers in this world living in obedience to our Lord. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 30 - Jesus the radiance of the glory of God

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” - Psalm 19:14  Scripture reading: Hebrews 1:1-4 Radiance is a rarely used word in the Greek New Testament. It means shining brightness. That probably doesn’t help matters much in terms of trying to define what radiance is. What I love about this title for Jesus is, it really is at the very edge of both our language and ability to explain that Jesus is the Beautiful One. Thinking about Him and His work is like following a sunbeam that pierces the clouds after a rainstorm. As you follow the outward edges of the sunbeam upwards your eye is drawn to the source of its light, the sun. So it is with Jesus, the more you consider Him, the longer you gaze into Scripture and contemplate Who He is, the more your senses will be drawn upwards in Jesus, up toward the brilliance of the Living God, Who alone lives in unapproachable light. It is the contemplation of the Names of God and the Attributes of God which clarify your understanding of Who He Is. As you spend more and more time thinking about God, your imagination gets stirred up and your soul soars in hymns and prayers to Him. If He did not reveal Himself, His radiant brilliance and His glory would remain hidden. He has shown us His salvation. He invites you to keep learning of Him, so that in the endless reaches of eternity, you will still shout: “Oh, Jesus, radiance of the Father’s glory, show us more that we may give more love to You, Triune God, and serve You ever more joyfully!” Suggestions for prayer As you continue to read the Bible, pray that the Spirit of God will show you more of the beauty of God, His glorious Self-Revelation, so that your vocabulary for praise and worship will grow and your delight in the LORD our God will be infectious to all around you. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 29 - Jesus the Nazarene

“And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled: “He shall be called a Nazarene”.” - Matthew 2:23 Scripture reading: John 1:43-51 It is difficult to understand how much Jesus was despised in His lifetime. Today many people hear Jesus’ Name used as a curse word. It is a sign of how sheltered my upbringing was that even now, I am shocked whenever someone spits out the Name of my Saviour in frustration. The Bible prophesied this—“He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). Intellectually you know Jesus was rejected, but how many sermons have you heard on this? Soon after Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, Joseph was warned in a dream that King Herod would try to kill Him. So, the holy family became refugees in Egypt. They were displaced because Jesus was despised even before He’d done anything good or bad. When it was safe for Joseph and Mary to return to the Promised Land, they had to move to an out-of-the-way little town, so that they’d escape the vengeful eye of the King who followed Herod. The conversation between Philip and Nathanael highlights the mockery Jesus received. Nathanael can’t imagine anything (or anyone) good coming out of the backwater town of Nazareth. Jesus was called a Nazarene all through His life. It was the place where many foreigners lived and intermingled with the Jewish people—so that those who lived there were not considered pure Jews. His reputation is, humanly speaking, sullied by association. All of this means that when you pray to Jesus, you are speaking with the One Who can identify with all your rejection and wounds. Suggestions for prayer Bring in prayer to Jesus, the hurts of rejection and wounds caused by the circumstances of your life—you will find in Him One Who is full of compassion; as the Spirit of God brings to mind people in your life who are suffering, remember their needs and circumstances in prayer. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 28 - Jesus a son

“…an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son…”” - Matthew 1:20b  Scripture reading: Matthew 1:17-25 The reading today focuses on Jesus as a son—the emphasis is on His humanity. What a picture the Bible paints of the humanity of Jesus. We read of Joseph, His earthly father, in the early part of Jesus’ life, but not later in His life. Jesus lost His earthly dad. Before Jesus was tempted, He fasted for forty days and nights. It is such a blasé statement to describe what must have been going on inside His body—He’d be near to starving. He experienced real, gnawing hunger, and was without sin. Jesus saw the crowds coming to Him and He had compassion on them “because they were like sheep without a shepherd” (Mark 6:34). Jesus Himself had just learned that His cousin, John the Baptist, had died. Around the same time, His disciples who’d been sent out to various towns to prepare them for His coming to teach there, returned to Jesus and clamoured for His attention. He experienced complex emotions. Just before Jesus began the conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, John informs the reader that Jesus was weary from His journey (John 4:6). In other places of Scripture, you read, “Jesus wept”. Why mention all these things? The Bible shows that Jesus is fully human. Because a man sinned against God the Holy One, a man must bear the wrath of God against sin. The Bible shows Jesus to be fully human. Think of Jesus as human as you are and yet, without sin. What a glorious Redeemer He is! Suggestions for prayer Pray that God the Father will teach you more about the humanity of Jesus so that you can draw closer to Jesus and know Him better; so that you can truly love Him and be more amazed at the grace He brings you. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 23 - Jesus: the holy one, the true one

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: “The words of The Holy One, The True One, Who has the Key of David.”” - Revelation 3:7  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:7-13 The Holy One, The True One are titles which, applied to Jesus, draw together many teachings of Scripture. He has the power to shut the Kingdom to wicked people and open it to sons and daughters of the Most High God. In the hands of ordinary people, such power would corrupt. Humans strive for power, promising to use it for good, but achieving power, we find out how corrupt their hearts are. Jesus is the Holy One with God the Father, co-equal in power, majesty and holiness. Jesus’ power to open or shut heaven is always, perfectly and honourably carried out. Though Jesus is fully man and fully God, His humanity is conformed in perfect obedience to the will of God. He cannot be corrupted. Therefore, His warning to the people of Philadelphia and to us today, is an important teaching. Believers must hold fast to Jesus Christ as the only foundation for their salvation. We are called to be holy as He is holy. He is the Only True One. This makes sense when we think of the idiom: ‘He is a true friend’. When you say that, you mean his friendship will withstand the tests of time, betrayal and reconciliation after hurts are healed. Jesus is True. When His own people waver in affection, Jesus stays true. Nothing can stop His steadfast love which is poured out on His people through the presence of the Holy Spirit. This love brings the people under His care to a place of patient endurance for the sake of His Name. Suggestions for prayer Bring any struggle in your faith to Jesus, The Holy One, the True One, trusting in His steadfast love; if things are good in your life, intercede for those experiencing hardship in their walk with God; when such trials are covered by the merciful love of God, give thanks. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 22 - Jesus: holder of the key of David

“And he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David. He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.” - Isaiah 22:21b-22  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:7-13 To understand this title, one must know what the Key of David is. When King David ruled, the steward of his household was the key holder who had the authority to grant access to the king. Later in the Old Testament, God prophetically used the title, “the key of David”. This use of the title was both for the time of Eliakim and was used as a foreshadowing of the time of the Messiah, the True One, Who is the ultimate holder of the Key of David. In the time of Eliakim, holding the Key of David meant God granted him the authority to open or shut. Eliakim would be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the people of Judah. A father defends his people from imposters. Previous leaders were false leaders and kings. These false holders of the Key of David led the children of God into apostasy. They embraced wickedness and spawned evil children who rejected the Living God. Jesus is the Holder of the Key of David: He exposes those who are false children though they claimed to be God’s sons and daughters and true Jews. Jesus shuts out of the Kingdom those who think they can come to Him based on their works, based on how well they kept the Law. The only way to enter the Kingdom is based on receiving Jesus’ righteousness. He alone is our righteousness. Jesus welcomes true sons and daughters, bringing them to the City of God, ushering them into the presence of the Great I AM. Suggestions for prayer Examine your heart for any falseness leading to rebellion against God; praise God the Father for giving Jesus the Key of David; praise God for the work of the Spirit to reveal to believers this gift of life which ushers believers into the presence of the Father. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 21 - Arbiter

“There is no Arbiter between us, Who might lay His hand on us both.” - Job 9:33  Scripture reading: Job 5:7 Perhaps this proverb from Job is familiar to you. Those who love the movie Anne of Green Gables might recognize it because it is quoted there. Think of roaring campfires, the deep night pierced by the flames which lick up the wood and as it is devoured, it breaks before the blazing tongues of fire, sending sparks jumping upwards, dancing in the night air. Why is man born to trouble and suffering? It is Job’s question as he wrestles with God and strives against his friends whose words do not bring him comfort. Job longs for a mediator between himself and God. It is our suffering that drives us into the arms of Jesus Christ—the arbiter between God and man. It is suffering that shows us the ugliness of sins and the wrong-headedness of our old nature. It is suffering, the path which Jesus endured, which unites us with Christ—for He suffered more than we ever could or will—and His suffering, death and resurrection made us right with God. When I see sparks fly upward, I am reminded of my desire to fly up to God. But I also recognize how easily my own passion dies out. When I see sparks fly upward, I am reminded that Christ was raised up and His fiery passion never burned out. He endured great agony on the cross so that He might lay a hand on us and present us to the Father as blameless and pure. Jesus’ sacrifice has done this for us. Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Suggestions for prayer Praise the Father that He has given you an Arbiter between Himself and you. As you think of sins which haunt you, ask the Father to pour out His Spirit so that you will know that you are forgiven, and He will strengthen you to turn from your sin and walk in His righteousness. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

June 20 - Jesus who has the seven spirits and seven stars

“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: “The words of Him Who has the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Stars.”” - Revelation 3:1  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:1-6 Reading the letters to the seven churches in Revelation has changed for me. Now I pause to consider the revealed Name of Jesus as He gives His words to the churches. Jesus has the Seven-Spirits of God (a.k.a. the Seven-fold Spirit). He Who wields the power of the Spirit is speaking to a church that is spiritually dead. Why is Jesus speaking to this church if it is dead? The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 1:4) is the same Holy Spirit Whom He will give to revive Christians who are in need. This same Spirit has the power to raise the dead. Jesus has the seven stars, the seven angels given to guard the seven churches. Those whom Jesus revives by His Spirit, He protects by sending His angels. What a glorious picture this is. It is also a picture with a long term view. A. W. Tozer noted, “The faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service. The new order must wait for the Lord's own time. It is too much for the man in a hurry. He gives up and becomes interested in something else.” Something happened in Sardis so that people wandered into sin. They refused to repent. But Jesus is here appealing to His people. Listen. Wake up. I will protect you. I will lead you in victory so that you will be conquerors over sin. This is the power I have and this is the power I give to all who hear and are prepared to obey. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Father for the wonderful work of Jesus and the gift of the reviving Spirit. Thank Jesus, Who sends His guardian angels to protect His people. Pray for repentance in the areas of your life where you need to repent so that you may walk in newness of life. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 15 - The God of peace

“Now may the Lord of peace Himself, give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all.” - 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Scripture reading: Hebrews 13:20-21 Peace. What a sweet concept. It eludes many. Night terrors haunt some. Financial woes squeeze others. Perhaps hounding peers are cruel and vexatious. Where can one find peace? There are those whose lives are bound up in sin, living as slaves to it and are so wretched that every temptation is instantly obeyed, even knowing that by doing so, they are digging their own grave. How can peace ever be attained? Death breaks the hold of sin. Sin cannot reign over dead men’s bones. Jesus, the Sin-bearer, was punished under the wrath of God and bore the sins of the world. When Jesus went to the grave, rose after three days, death and sin had no power over Him. All who are in Christ are now free from the tyranny of the devil. It is this work of Christ which puts peace into the Father’s hand so that those who believe in Jesus receive such a measureless treasury of peace. Peace is not like a country-song played backwards — you know, now you get your dog back and your house back and so on. No, peace is the deep assurance that no matter what this brief existence throws at you, God knows your name. He has you in the grip of His grace. He will give you every good thing so that the result of this life will be the joy-filled experience of eternity lived in the presence of the Triune God. That is true peace. That is God’s to give to those who believe. Suggestions for prayer When experiencing troubles, ask God to direct you by His Spirit to know the source of such things—is it because of unconfessed sin, or for the purpose of growing you in grace, or providential suffering common to all? Pray for God’s grace so that by His Spirit’s power you will be sustained, sealed in as one covered by the blood of Christ. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 14 - The Lord the judge

“The heavens declare His righteousness, for God Himself is Judge!” - Psalm 50:6  Scripture reading: Psalm 50:1-23 Little ones have great imaginations. And they have great fights. One expression you might hear is, “You can’t tell me what to do!” Adults, often mistakenly thinking they are more sophisticated when they fight, might use an expression like, “Don’t judge me!” Oh, how our sinful hearts rebel against authority. As we read in earlier devotions, the LORD the Creator is also the Judge. It is His right to judge all He has made. What the world often misses as it chafes against the title of Judge, is that the LORD’s laws and His warnings are merciful. He speaks to the people of the earth and declares to all peoples what is right and just and good. As people measure their words, actions and thoughts against His standard, they find themselves under conviction. Those who know themselves to be unclean and wicked in His sight find that is the precise moment when His mercy is evident. To sinners and rebellious people, to those who realize they have forgotten God, He offers a chance for repentance. The laws of God point out the sins of man and their need for the Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Old Testament sacrifices which were given with thanksgiving (verse 23), pointed the believer directly to Jesus Christ. New Testament believers know what they saw in faith. Jesus is the One Who stands in our place—He was punished, that all who believe in Him are set free to serve Him. Today the LORD, the Judge, offers mercy to all who repent and believe in Jesus. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for mercy and opportunity for repentance; for family members and friends who do not yet believe, ask the Spirit to show them their need for repentance and ask for the opportunity to share the Good News of God the Judge and Jesus the Saviour. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 13 - Jesus the good teacher

“Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” - Mark 10:17  Scripture Reading: Mark 10:17-27 What a strange response Jesus gave the rich young man. The man, seeking to flatter Jesus, called Him “Good Teacher”. Prodding him, seeking to understand why the man called Him Good, Jesus asked him “Why do you call Me Good?” The interaction between Jesus and the rich young man highlights the truth of Jesus’ title: Good Teacher. Jesus is the Good Teacher because He is God. He has the power to save. His blood and His propitiating work is the only access one can have to the Father in heaven. He is the Good Teacher because nothing is impossible with Him; nothing will stop Him from bringing many sons and daughters to the Father. Jesus is the Good Teacher, as He proves by His great patience in dealing with the prideful, rich man. That man, conceived and born in sin, was so misguided that he believed he had kept all the commandments. How do you know this is not true? No one keeps them, except Jesus. Jesus by the questions He asked the man, proved the man had violated the greatest commandment “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” The rich man turned away from Jesus and so proved he loved his possessions more than he loved God. Jesus is the Good Teacher, as He patiently teaches the wayward crowd, and His often-confused disciples. More than this, Jesus continues to patiently teach us, by His Word and Spirit, so that we will know Him as truly Good and truly our Teacher. Suggestions for prayer Praise Jesus as your Good Teacher; pray that many will know Him as the Good Teacher Who has conquered sin and leads His followers in the way everlasting. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 12 - The Lord, the lifter of my head

“He will drink from the brook by the way; therefore He will lift up His head.” - Psalm 110:7  Scripture Reading: Psalm 3:1-8 Helpful information to explain this Name for God is found in Psalm 110. Jesus regularly quoted from it and applied it to Himself. The imagery presented there is of the Warrior, Who shatters kings. The enigmatic saying, which is quoted above, ends Psalm 110. Think about what a battlefield might be like in ancient times. No public drinking fountains. No taps. No garden hoses. When a warrior drinks, he must stoop down, and the moment he does so, he is utterly vulnerable. But Jesus is not vulnerable. His enemies will be so thoroughly conquered, He can stoop and drink, and He will lift up his head, the Victor. He Lifts His Head over every opponent. In Isaiah 46:1-13 a contrast is made between the worthless idols of all the nations and the power of God. He declares: “There is none like Me” (Isaiah 46:9). It is God alone Who can sustain His people, from the first stirrings of each man’s life, until his hair greys, and every nanosecond in between. He is One Who lifts His people. He protects. He shows them tender mercy and care. Now Psalm 3, with all its imagery of battles, and that strange possibility of sleep even in the middle of what seems like loud-clashing warfare, makes more sense. The Psalmist declared of the LORD: “My Glory and the Lifter of My Head”. Through every battle, in every crisis, God Lifts your head. He gives victory. He alone can guard you until today’s faith becomes sight in eternity. Suggestions for prayer Praise the LORD Who is mighty over every enemy, Who is the Warrior King defeating every enemy; pray, thanking Jesus, that He has disarmed the enemy at the cross, so that in the power of His Spirit you can lift your head in the victory He gives you over sin and death. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 7 - Jesus the cornerstone 

“Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?”” - Matthew 21:42 Scripture reading: Isaiah 28:14-16 By the work of the Spirit, the Word of God shines with the Self-Revelation of God—Who He Is and How He Acts. The LORD declared that He has laid a foundation in Zion, a Cornerstone. This is a clear reference to Jesus Christ, Who referred to Himself as the “Cornerstone”. Jesus is the gift promised long beforehand. History is oriented to the coming of Jesus Christ when the judgment and mercy of God would be revealed. Jesus is the Cornerstone. The orientation of a building is set by the position of the cornerstone. Jesus’ life teaches the believer to set his life’s course by the direction Jesus has set. As Jesus’ life on earth was lived in obedience to the Father, so too the believer conforms his life in obedience to the direction set by the Cornerstone. The cornerstone bears the weight of the building, but believers, built on Christ, are not called to carry burdens by themselves. Instead, sharing burdens and joys (I Corinthians 12:26) means bringing all these to Jesus in prayer. God the Father guarded His people through history, until the time when the foundation He built was prepared for the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God directs believers to conform to Jesus in obedience to the Word until the building, that is, the whole community of Jesus is built up in true faith. Jesus carries the weight of the whole building of believers. He has the strength to do so and He has the compassion large enough to do so. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for keeping His covenant promises as seen in the gift of Jesus; ask of the Spirit guidance and perseverance to live according to the direction set out for you in Jesus Christ. Ask the LORD to give the children in your church, family and community new life and direction in accordance with the promise that Jesus is their Cornerstone also. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 6 - The Spirit of the fear of the Lord

“And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD.” - Isaiah 11:2-3a Scripture reading: Job 38:1-30 In my years of preaching and writing devotions, one Bible-phrase I’ve used that will almost always generate pushback is “the fear of the LORD.” Those who hear this phrase will naturally protest and claim there is no reason to be afraid of God—He is, after all, loving, merciful and kind. This is true. But it misses the fact He is All-Powerful. He is appropriately angry with the wicked. Sinners cannot stand in His Presence. The work of the Spirit, in His seven-fold brilliance, is the work of instilling in believers an appropriate reverent, awe-filled respect for the LORD of Splendour. Consider the words the Omnipotent God spoke to righteous Job. Though Job was blameless and upright in his generation, he was still small. He could not be compared to the greatness of God. The majesty of the Living God prompts His people to be keenly aware of their need for Him and their puniness before Him and therefore awed at His greatness and humbled by His mercy. When one considers the creation works of God, aided by the Spirit, one is made aware of his true place in the plan of God; though man is small, God is mindful of him. The Seven-fold Spirit, the Spirit of the fear of the LORD, shows the believer his great sinfulness, brings him to the place of appropriate confession and humility, and moves him to praise the Living God, Who loves His people and works in them a desire for and an ability to grow in holiness. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the gift of the Spirit of the fear of the LORD and seek the appropriate knowledge of the fear of the LORD in your Bible reading and prayer so that God’s word and will may be taught to you. Intercede for those who live irreverently that their hearts may be changed. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 5 - The Spirit of knowledge

“ have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator.” - Colossians 3:10 … Scripture reading: Colossians 3:5-11; Proverbs 26:4-5 Reformed Christians believe the image of God in man consists of true righteousness, true knowledge and true holiness (Colossians 3:10 and Ephesians 4:24). The Spirit gave Jesus the ability to understand the ways of the Father. The Spirit supported Jesus’ human ability to know the Father and in knowing the Father, gave Jesus the wisdom to use this knowledge in the times that were best and appropriate. Think about the seemingly paradoxical parallel statements from Proverbs. Why did Jesus sometimes choose to engage in debates with the Pharisees, Scribes and teachers of the Law? Why did He at other times refrain from doing so? It is true knowledge, assessing each situation appropriately. One time it is receiving counsel from the Spirit of Counsel, knowing it was time to speak, but in another circumstance, it was time to be silent. The Spirit of knowledge will teach you information that cannot be gleaned from human senses. What you might call “insight” or “intuition” about someone else is the gift of the Spirit. It is critical for you at that point to ask, “Why have I been given this knowledge?” It might have been so that you can pray for that person. It might be given so that you can supply a need and do so in the Name of Jesus, kindly and gently. It might be you are given knowledge of someone’s life so that you are warned not to take the same path. Ask the Spirit for insight as to why you have received this. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Spirit will give you knowledge so that you will know how to serve Jesus Christ, when to witness and to whom so that others will join in the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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June 4 - Receiving the Spirit of might

“And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might…” - Isaiah 11:2a Scripture reading: Ephesians 1:15-23 Today is Sunday, the day on which believers celebrate our new life in Jesus Christ. It is a great blessing to go to church, hear the word preached and meet with other believers. Jesus is the Saviour of the World, our Redeemer and our model. Let me explain. Jesus was fully God, the second Person of the Trinity, from all eternity to all eternity. At a particular moment in time, He took on flesh. He became fully human. In His humanity Jesus was empowered by the Spirit for holy living (in fact, Jesus was given the Spirit without measure, John 3:34). He was a true flesh and blood man, Who walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. Scripture refers to the Spirit as “the Spirit of Might” (Isaiah 11:2). Our passage today, helps us to understand might, also referred to as the strength of the Spirit at work in us. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the power that is in you and in all who believe. The expression “might”, or “strength” is used in the Old Testament as the strength for victory in battle. When believers engage in spiritual warfare—against our own flesh, the Devil, and the forces of darkness, it is the Spirit of Might residing in us, Who completes the victory of Jesus in us. His power is at work in us, defeating sin, breaking down strongholds and giving us spiritual gifts so that we can walk in true communion with Jesus and with one another. Suggestions for prayer Thank God that He has reconciled us to Himself in Jesus Christ and that by His Spirit of Might, He guards us in this glorious salvation; pray that the strength of the Spirit would continue to grow in you so that sins are defeated and the victory of Jesus will be more clear in your life. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 30 - Jesus, our chief cornerstone (II)

 “The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.” - Psalm 118:22-23  Scripture reading: Psalm 118:1-29 Not all who see Jesus will accept and treasure Him as the Cornerstone of the building. Psalm 118 tells us that this cornerstone was rejected by the builders. That is one of the responses toward Christ. But those who do value Him, rejoice in what God has done. Every believer will say with this Psalm: This was the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes! Jesus has become their tested and tried and trustworthy Cornerstone to rest their lives upon. They agree with what Peter says about Jesus as the Cornerstone: And he who believes in Him will by no means be put to shame (1 Peter 2:6). None of those who have trusted in Christ will ever say: “I put all my hopes on Jesus Christ. Jesus became the foundation of my life, but it turned out to be like the house on the sand, it was useless, it still brought great destruction.” No, Jesus Christ is a stone that can be tried and that is found faithful, stable, 100% trustworthy. When He gives us faith in His promises, there is no doubt He will fulfill them. When He invites us to rest our entire life on Him, we know that He will never leave, nor forsake us. He will never ever let us down. He might try us at times; we might go through troubles. We might not be spared difficulties, but one thing is very sure. Jesus is more than 100% trustworthy. Trust Him today! Suggestions for prayer Praise God that there is such a sturdy foundation to your life, through Jesus Christ! Pray that you will learn to trust Him throughout each season of your life. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 29 - Jesus, our chief cornerstone (I)

“Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes in Him will by no means be put to shame.”” - 1 Peter 2:6 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 2:1-10 Jesus is our chief Cornerstone. What does that mean? A cornerstone is a stone upon which a building rests. Theologians differ in opinion as to what a cornerstone really was. Some think it was a special stone at the corner of a building. Others think it was more like a foundation, or a capstone. Whichever it was, the point of this stone is clear. A cornerstone brings both durability and stability to a building. So also Jesus! His people are built upon Him as living stones of a holy temple (vs. 5). They all rest upon Him. Through His foundational work on the cross and at the open grave, the temple in which God will be worshipped is stable and durable! God will be worshipped through Christ throughout all the ages! Our text quotes Isaiah 28:16, which shows us that this was already foretold in the Old Testament. Jesus is the Stone that was elected, chosen from eternity to be the Chief Cornerstone for His people. It was God’s eternal, gracious and amazing plan to send His Son into this world to save sinners. It was God’s good pleasure to send Him, God’s boundless mercy! Jesus is not only the chosen Cornerstone, but He is also the precious Cornerstone; precious to His Father; precious to all who know Him and need Him for the stability of their lives. The more we grow in our knowledge of our sin and our Savior, the more He becomes precious to our souls. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for His plan to make Jesus the Cornerstone to our worship of Him. Thank God for sending Him to our rescue. And pray that as you grow in your knowledge of self and the Savior, He might become more precious to you! Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 28 - Jesus, our mercy seat (II)

“And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” - 1 John 2:2  Scripture reading: 1 John 1:5-2:2 While yesterday’s text shows that Christ is the Mercy seat, today’s verse uses a different Greek word, which tells us that He is more than what happens at the mercy seat. Not only was the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat to turn away God’s just wrath over our sins, but something more precious happened. Positively, atonement brought a restoration of fellowship and came with an invitation to commune with God. Exodus 25:22 tells us that God promises: There I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the Testimony, about everything I will give you in commandment to the children of Israel. How precious that God can meet with us, through Christ! He can welcome us in His holy presence. And not only that! He will speak to us! He graciously instructs us from between the two cherubim. Think about it! God meets with us! God speaks to us! No longer does God speak to us from the earthly ark of the covenant and mercy seat. Now He meets with us in His Son and speaks to us through Him. (cf. Hebrews 1:1-2) What is His message? Peace! What else? I will write the law upon your heart! I will be your God, and you shall be my people! (Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10, 10:16). Through Jesus Christ, we will have a relationship with God and the closer the relationship, the more it will transform our obedience. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the way in which we can now meet and speak with God through Christ’s blood. Pray that the law would be more and more written upon your heart, so that you delight in obedience. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 27 - Jesus, our mercy seat (I)

“…whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness.” - Romans 3:25a  Scripture reading: Romans 3:1-31 In this verse, Paul tells us that Jesus is set forth as a propitiation. More literally, Paul is saying that Jesus is our Mercy seat. What was the mercy seat? It was the lid of the Arc of the Covenant. In it there was the law. On it were the two golden cherubim. This was the footstool of the Lord. It was placed in the most Holy Place, which was a picture of God’s throne room, yes, heaven itself. God has set forth His Son Jesus, as a propitiation, as a Mercy seat. Once a year, on the day of Atonement, the High Priest would enter into the Most Holy Place to sprinkle blood on the lid of atonement. He went there to make propitiation, to turn away the wrath of God over His people’s sins. The blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat. But no longer! For now, Christ Himself is what the mercy seat pictured – namely, the place where God’s wrath is turned away. Why? Because of the sacrifice of His blood, God looks upon Christ and can now pass over the sins of His people. He demonstrates His righteousness to all who trust in Him by faith. The blood-splattered lid now covers over a law that condemns sinners. Unworthy sinners, like you and me, may now come boldly to His throne of grace to be given help in our times of need because Christ’s blood is sufficient to once and for all, turn away the wrath of God over sin. Suggestions for Prayer: Thank God that the blood of Jesus turns away the wrath of God over our sins. Thank God for the access we have to His mercy seat through Christ. Come boldly to be helped in your time of need today. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 22 - Jesus, our banner (II)

“You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth.” - Psalm 60:4 Scripture reading: Psalm 60:1-12 Yesterday we began answering the question: How is Jesus a banner to His people? Let’s look at another reason today: Just as a banner reminds weary soldiers to whom they belong, so Jesus our Banner reminds us of the truth of His love – Psalm 60:4 shows us that God has given a banner to those who fear Him, so that it may be displayed because of the truth. This means that weary soldiers who fear Him, and who fight under the banner of Jesus’ cross are reminded of His truth and love when they look at the cross. That is what keeps them going in the battle against sin, self and Satan. When we look to the banner of Jesus’ cross, we see the truth of God’s justice on display. God is just and must punish our sins, but for every believer He has done so, pouring out His just wrath upon Christ. Not only do we see the truth of God’s justice on the cross, but also the truth of His love! God so loved us that He did not spare His only begotten Son! God’s just wrath is satisfied, and His love is put on display. Yes, Song of Solomon 2:4 tells us that His banner over me was love! The more we look to the Author and Finisher of our faith, the more we will be able to strengthen the hands that hang down and straighten the feeble knees, killing our sins (cf. Hebrews 12:1-2,12). Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the truth of the cross, where the justice of God is satisfied, and His love is put on display. Pray for strength to resist and kill your sins, and for renewed courage to fight in this battle when you feel weak. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 21 - Jesus, our banner (I)

"And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, Who shall stand as a banner to the people; For the Gentiles shall seek Him, And His resting place shall be glorious." - Isaiah 11:10 Scripture reading: Isaiah 11:1-16 Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah, from the line of David, is compared in this verse with a Banner. A banner is something that encourages soldiers. It might have been a cloth, a figure, or at night a torch, that was there to help soldiers during the battle. In order to be encouraged by a banner, it needed to be lifted up for all to see. Jesus is that Banner. How is Jesus this banner for His people today? Just like a banner identifies a group of soldiers, so Jesus identifies with His people – When we are enrolled by faith in Jesus’ army, Jesus identifies with us. We have become Christians. Christ now lives in the believer (Galatians 2:20). And He rallies and unites Christians around Himself (Galatians 3:28). Just as a banner brings soldiers together, so Jesus, through His cross brings Christians together – Jesus told us personally, when He would be lifted up, He would draw all men unto Himself by the banner of His cross (John 12:32). He said this in light of some Gentiles who came and asked Phillip if they could see Jesus. And Jesus, knowing this verse from Isaiah, tells Phillip that Gentiles and all kinds of people will be brought together after His death. A world-wide army of believers, who have seen the power of the cross, will enroll under Jesus’ banner. When the cross is held high in the preaching and in missions, we can be assured that the church will grow. Suggestions for prayer Praise God for the cross and for its attractive power. Pray for pastors, Bible teachers, professors and missionaries and other places where the cross is being held high. Pray that many would be brought to saving faith. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

May 20 - Jesus, our victorious lion (II)

“…Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll, and to loose its seven seals.” - Revelation 5:5b  Scripture reading: Revelation 5 When John weeps because no one is found who is worthy to open the scroll of the unfolding of history, we are once more introduced to Jesus Christ as a Lion, this time a victorious Lion. He has prevailed, which means He has conquered so that He is now found worthy to open the scroll. Why is Jesus able to open the scroll? Because He is not only spotless and pure, but He has conquered sin, death and hell, and continues to conquer them in the lives of each one of His children. After John is introduced to the Lion, he turns to the place from which the voice came. And when John looks, he doesn’t see a Lion, but a Lamb! Jesus is the victorious Lion, Who conquered by being the Lamb as though it had been slain. Jesus is the Lamb that offered Himself up for His people. He was slain on the cross and we are called to worship Him as the slain Lion-Lamb. This Lion-Lamb from the tribe of Judah still invites sinners like you and me close. When you are close, changed by His victory over sin, death and hell, be comforted that He is also the Mighty Lion, Who can defend you! Yes, Who saves sinners who come to Him to the utmost and shares His victory with them. How glorious and precious is Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Trust Him as the Lamb, before you meet Him as the victorious Lion. Suggestions for prayer Thank God that Jesus is the worthy Lion-Lamb. Approach Him based on His victory on the cross. Ask Him to protect you and pray for the grace to find fresh comfort in His wounds. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 19 - Jesus, the kingly lion (I)

“Judah is a lion's whelp: (…) The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” - Genesis 49:9a & 10  Scripture reading: Genesis 49:1-12 Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. When we think of the picture that a Lion evokes in our minds, the first thing that comes to mind is that like a Lion, Jesus is Kingly. That is exactly the point Jacob makes on his deathbed when he reveals that Judah is like a lion’s whelp. He prophecies that a king in the line of Judah will rule. That’s why there is no surprise when verse 10 speaks about a scepter, lawgiver and the obedience of subjects. Just as a lion rules in the animal world, so Jesus rules over the entire world as King of kings and Lord of lords. When we see a lion, we respect the animal. We’d rather not get into trouble with such a powerful creature. How much more so with Christ. We are to respect Him for His power and glory. He is far more powerful than any lion. When a lion roars the whole animal kingdom trembles and is quiet. Every animal in the forest knows who is king. When Jesus is compared to a lion, we are reminded that when we walk in sin, we must expect Him to be like a fierce lion (Hosea 13:7-8). How we ought to tremble with respect for King Jesus, especially since on judgement day, when we all have to meet Him! When He is for us, who will be against us! But, when He is against us, who will be for us?! Suggestions for prayer Pray for awe, respect and obedience to Jesus your King. Rejoice in His world-wide rule. Reflect on your readiness to meet Jesus on judgment day. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 14 - Jesus, the rock of ages (I)

“Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAHWEH, the Lord, is everlasting strength .” - Isaiah 26:4  Scripture reading: Isaiah 26:1-9 Because the Lord is the Rock of Ages, it is safe to trust in Him. Yes, we should trust in Him forever! Isaiah’s word choice evokes the picture of a strong and large boulder, or a mountain cliff. God is just like that, Isaiah tells us. Jesus is our Eternal Rock - This Rock has been there for all ages, since eternity. When it speaks here about YAH, the Lord, we know that this refers to the One Triune God, Father, Son and Spirit. The Son is as eternal as the Lord Himself! He has been there from eternity (Colossian 1:17). Therefore, this applies to Jesus also. There was not a moment in the eternity past when Jesus did not exist. He is from eternity! Jesus is our Changeless Rock – If you have ever visited the Rocky Mountains, or if you live close to them, you know how impressive and massive these huge pieces of Rock are. When you are in that area it is easy to notice that they are there day after day, seemingly immovable. Storms can rage, frost can come, lightning may hit, the sun may beat, the clouds can hide them but nothing really changes these giant mountains. What a picture of Jesus! Jesus is the Rock known for His indestructible strength and duration… Troubles and trials may come to your life; weak faith may hide Him from your view… Still Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! Like an unchangeable Rock!! Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the fact that Jesus is eternally trustworthy and that He changes not. Pray for the grace to look to Jesus amidst the changing circumstances of life. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 13 - Jesus, the light of the world

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” - John 8:12  Scripture reading: John 1:1-14 When Jesus says that He is the Light of the world, He is telling us that there is darkness in this world. Without Jesus Christ in our lives, we are in deep spiritual darkness. Without Jesus, our hearts and lives are full of darkness and selfish sins. When we are unsaved, we love the darkness rather than the Light! We love our sins! The worst thing is that the prince of darkness, the devil, blinds our minds and hearts, so that we don’t desire the glorious Light of Jesus to shine into our hearts. It’s just like a spider who has weaved his web in a dark corner. There comes the fly. Because of a lack of light, it flies right into the web… Immediately, the spider jumps on the poor fly… It is totally trapped and ready to be killed. This is a picture of Satan's work. He blinds us for the danger of sin so that He can bring sinners to hell. But when the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World shines into our hearts, brighter than the sun, we begin to see our sins. We begin to understand how we are being trapped by our sins. Praise God, Jesus’ power is far more powerful than the darkness of sin! It will drive out our sins. We begin to hate our sins and we begin to love the Light. We want the Light, just like sunflowers, that constantly turn their heads toward the light. Suggestions for prayer Thank God when He has shined in your heart to take away the darkness of sin. Pray that you will have a deep desire to walk in Jesus’ light. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

May 12 - Jesus, the pearl of great price

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” - Matthew 13:45-46  Scripture reading: Matthew 13:44-53 Because they are found on the ocean floor and are difficult to obtain, pearls are costly. For some who desired to have pearls, it cost them their lives. In this parable, we see a salesman who buys pearls. He probably has done so for years and knows his trade. As he looks for them, he searches high and low, far and near. When he sees a costly pearl, he knows it instantly. Pearls were more precious than gold. One day, suddenly, he sees a beautiful pearl he has never seen before. He knows he must have this one! He is willing to give up everything! The beauty of this pearl was so attractive that he wanted to make sure he became the owner of this pearl. So it is with Jesus, the Pearl of great price. We are willing to give up everything simply because of the beauty of Christ. Following Jesus is costly and yet we don’t earn anything by giving up everything. In Philippians 3, Paul shows that he collected pearls in his past. But when he found Christ… All these other things paled in comparison. He wanted to know Jesus. He wanted to be found in Him. Christ was Paul’s extremely valuable Pearl. Is Christ supremely valuable to you? Is He worth giving up everything? Has His beauty taken hold of your heart so that you are willing to treasure Christ as nothing else? Do you count everything as a loss for the sheer joy of knowing Christ? Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord will show you more of the beauty of Christ and pray for joyful surrender of every ‘pearl’ in your life that is less valuable than Christ. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

May 11 - I am the resurrection and the life (II)

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.” - John 5:25  Scripture reading: John 5:24-29 After winter, it is always a joy to see how nature revives. It is a joy to see the flowers pop their heads out of the ground, the trees filled with buds and how they are ready to leap into full bloom soon. Every year again we receive a tiny, little taste of God’s resurrection power. When all seems dreary and dead, the Lord shows He can resurrect nature all around us. Something far more glorious will take place one day. Christ will bring forth each of those who have died at His coming, back from the dead. He has the power! He shows it every year at springtime. He showed it at the grave of Lazarus. He showed it when He Himself rose from the dead. All can look dreary and depressing. But on that day He will show that He is the Resurrection and the Life! He will show everyone the glory of this name! When you have heard His voice in conversion, you will know something of this power already working in your life. We, who were dead in trespasses and sins, He made us alive. But there is more to come! The resurrection power that we experience when we are born again fills us with a living hope that one day, the whole world will be transformed with life. That is the inheritance that awaits believers (cf. 1 Peter 1:3-4). On that day Resurrection life will flourish as we have never seen before! Praise God for life! Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the hope that the resurrection of the dead brings to our lives. And praise God for giving us yearly reminders of His Resurrection power in the seasons. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

May 6 - Jesus, our close friend (II)

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” - John 15:15  Scripture reading: John 15:11-27 Three more things about Jesus as our close friend: He shares secrets with us and we with Him (John 15:15) – Servants are only called to obey, but with friends, we share our hearts and our secrets. Christ does so with believers. He tells us the secrets of the loving heart of His Father toward His friends. Through His Spirit, He reveals to us His grace and glory in salvation. He corrects us when we are foolish and sinful (Proverbs 27:6) – The wounds of friends are faithful, so when Christ disciplines us because of our sin or foolishness, it will hurt, but we must trust, it is for our good! We love to please Him (John 15:14) – We love to please our friends, so if Jesus is our friend we do likewise. Jesus said: You are my friends, if you do what I command you. We can know that we have become Jesus’ friend when we have a desire for godly obedience in our lives. Have you lost friends? Are you lonely? Are you longing for a friend? Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother! If He is your friend, entrust your whole life to Him. What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear And what a privilege to carry                       Everything to God in prayer Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the privilege of sharing all that is on your heart with Jesus in prayer. Pray God for more friendship-motivated and joy-filled obedience. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

May 5 - Jesus, our close friend (I)

“A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” - Proverbs 18:24  Scripture reading: John 15:1-14 Older brothers can be close, as well as friends. Friendships are important in life; we trust, help and encourage our friends. Friends help us see things we missed. Real friends are willing to share and make sacrifices for each other. Brothers can be friends and close, but Proverbs 18:24 shows us that there is a friend that sticks closer than any brother… That close friend is Jesus! Now, what does it mean that Jesus is a close friend? He sacrificed Himself for us (John 15:13) – Jesus laid down His life for His friends; there is no greater love than that! Our friendship with Jesus begins when we believe this. That He is willing to be a friend of such a terrible sinner?! What a marvel! If He gave Himself, I want to willingly give myself to Him! We believe in Him (James 2:23) – When Abraham believed and was justified, from that moment he was called a friend of God! And so it is with us… When we believe in Christ, we are justified and we become His friend! Now we trust Him! We want to be in His presence (Proverbs 17:17) – Friends love at all times; we find out who our friends are in times of difficulty. When Jesus is our close Friend, we know He is there in times of difficulty… But we have a desire to be close to Him in prayer and we desire to hear His voice in the Word. Suggestions for prayer Reflect on your relationship with Jesus. Is He your close friend? Or, have other people/things taken that place? Rejoice if He is, repent if He is not. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 4 - Jesus, our older brother (II)

"For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren." - Hebrews 2:11 Scripture reading: Hebrews 2:10-18 Yesterday, we considered that Jesus, as our older Brother, is willing and able to stand up for our help and protection. But there are more blessings to the fact that Jesus is our older Brother. It means that believers now belong to the Father’s family! When He came down to earth, Jesus became a human being like us, to be one with sinners, in order to unite us to God. This means believers will receive the same kind of upbringing and teaching from our Father, for He always leads His children through suffering to glory! (cf. 1 Peter 1:11 & 5:10). But more, believers also share in the same inheritance. Older brothers were supposed to take care of the inheritance. Jesus has done so! He secured eternal life by the shedding of His blood on the cross and by His resurrection from the dead (cf. Hebrews 9:14-17). Probably, the greatest privilege of being part of God’s family through Christ, our older Brother, is the joy of being able to approach the Father, as our Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ! God, the perfectly holy, all-wise, all-mighty and all-glorious heavenly Father, has for Jesus’ sake become our Father! (cf. John 20:17, Romans 8:15-25). Is He through faith, your elder Brother already? How precious it is to have Jesus as our Elder Brother! Then we are protected and eternally safe, whatever happens to us! When God is for us, who shall be against us? He did not even spare His own Son! Suggestions for prayer Praise God for the security of having Christ as our elder brother by faith! Pray that we learn to faithfully follow in Christ’s footsteps as the Father leads through suffering to glory, to make us more like Christ. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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May 3 - Jesus, our older brother (I)

“For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” - Romans 8:29  Scripture reading: Romans 8:29 & Genesis 44:18-34 It is wonderful to have a big brother who is strong when you get into a fight on the playground. If you have ever had an older brother, you know that in times of trouble it means protection and privileges. When the Bible speaks about Jesus as our older brother, it means that and more. I see a group of distraught brothers stand before a stern-looking Pharaoh. This second Pharaoh of Egypt has made it rather difficult for these men. He asked many questions and discovered they had a younger brother. He demanded he come along next time. Now Benjamin is with them and Pharaoh’s cup is found in his sack. The angry king wants to bind Benjamin and keep him in Egypt! It cuts through their hearts to think what will happen when they return to their father Jacob without Benjamin… Would he die of sadness?! But then Judah, Benjamin’s older brother, stands up. He has become surety for Benjamin. He speaks on behalf of his younger brother; he explains the situation… Jesus is our older Brother! He is willing and able to stand up for younger siblings in big trouble! He knows that we are bound by sin, Satan, death and hell! He is willing and able to stand in our place, taking the punishment! And that is why He is called older Brother, for all who are born again and part of God’s family. What a blessing it is when we belong to God’s family! Suggestions for prayer What kind of trouble or sin do you find yourself in today? Lay it all before the Lord Jesus; He as the Son of God is more than able to deal with them. Rev. Pieter van der Hoek served the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville ON Canada since May 2017. This year he took a call to the Heritage Reformed Church of Hull, Iowa USA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 28 - The book of life

“I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.” - Revelation 3:5b:  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:1-6 Scripture tells us that God has a book, a register in which peoples’ names are entered, a roster of all those destined for eternal life. It’s a book of life since the names of the spiritually dead are excluded. Scripture teaches us that we can be baptized, profess faith, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and still be excluded from the book of life. Our names can be on the church register without being on God’s register. The book of Revelation records a frightening future. One day books will be opened and the dead will be judged by what is written in the books. Everyone whose name is not found in the book of life will be thrown into a lake of fire (Revelation 20:15). Note this: if your name is not in that book it’s because you’ve excluded yourself by your own unbelief. But Jesus gives us a wonderful promise here: He will never blot out the names of those who persevere in faith and repentance, whose robes have been washed with the blood of Christ. It’s an amazing scene to envision. In the final judgment, Jesus will produce this book of life and he will recite the names of the faithful before God and all the angels. Imagine hearing Jesus say your name! Many names, acclaimed today, will sink into oblivion and never be heard again. On the final day, however, the names of the obscure will be recited and celebrated. Don’t be so sensitive about human opinion! Be very sensitive about divine opinion! Suggestions for prayer Pray that Christ would enable us to profess His name today in anticipation of Christ professing our name tomorrow. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 27 - The test of holiness

“I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality.” - Revelation 2:21 Scripture reading Revelation 2:18-28 In the beautiful garden of Thyatira, there was a weed (v.20): “Nevertheless I have this against you: you tolerate the woman Jezebel.” Thyatira is the reverse of Ephesus. Ephesus had lost its first love but did not tolerate evil. Thyatira had retained its first love, but tolerated evil. Jezebel is the name Jesus gives to a prominent woman in Thyatira who called herself a prophetess, but was compromising the Christian faith. We don’t know precisely what she taught, though it was likely a variant of the notion, common in the early church, that you could engage in sexual immorality without damaging the spirit because the body is simply the spirit’s inconsequential house. Jezebel seemingly endorsed membership in the trade-guilds and approved of participation in those civic parties which often included sexual immorality. Satan tries in any number of ways to entice churches into sin. If he can’t destroy the church by persecution, he will corrupt it with evil. One of the ways we discern sound teaching is through the test of holiness. Does a teaching encourage holiness? Does a teaching endorse sin? Jezebel’s teaching endorsed sin and so God was going to judge her. Jezebel’s bed of adultery, Jesus says, will become a bed of sickness; the scene of sin will become the scene of judgment. The disobedient will not inherit the kingdom of God. It’s all very grim until you see that God has given Jezebel and her followers a remarkable and gracious gift: “I gave her time to repent” (v.21). Don’t abuse God’s patience! Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the gift of time and pray that you might use it well, not least to repent and to seek Him. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 26 - Creed without conduct

“But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality.” - Revelation 2:14  Scripture reading: Revelation 2:12-17 In 29 BC a temple for the worship of Caesar Augustus was constructed in Pergamum, making it the first city in Asia Minor to feature a temple for a living emperor. The Christians in Pergamum boldly defied civic expectations, however, and refused to participate in emperor worship, and not without cost. Their own pastor, Antipas, had been arrested and promised release if he willingly professed, “Caesar is Lord.” Because he insisted, “there is no king but Jesus,” Antipas was martyred. Though faithful to her creed, Pergamum was failing in her conduct. She was following the way of Balaam who said the right things, but was a seducer. Professing believers were endorsing participation in city parties which included eating food sacrificed to idols and, in some cases, sexual immorality. Refusal to participate in such parties implied withdrawal from social life entirely. You can imagine the logic to which some in the church resorted: “We don’t need to be social outcasts. Let’s not be obnoxious to our neighbours.” But it’s a stratagem of the devil that if you can’t get people to deny their convictions, perhaps you can get them to gratify their passions. It’s easier, after all, to be right in doctrine than holy in life. We cannot separate our creed from our conduct, however. It’s possible to be very careful in one’s doctrine and yet very careless in one’s life. The truth test is not: What do you think? The truth test is: how do you live? Faith without works is dead. Suggestions for prayer Pray that God would give you a life of integrity, in which conduct matches creed, and practices match profession. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 25 - The crown of life

“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” - Revelation 2:10c  Scripture reading: Revelation 2:8-11 Though Christ’s letters to the seven churches often include critique and threaten discipline, every single one of them ends with the promise of a reward. Such rewards are never earned; they are given. Jesus is generous with His gifts, and to the church in Smyrna He promises a wonderful reward: “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” In the Greek of Bible times, there were two words for “crown”. Here the word is not the royal emblem a king wears, but a prize an athlete obtains. When we suffer, we are competing in a contest, and when we finish, we are crowned with life. As he was martyred some 50 years later, Polycarp, the pastor of Smyrna prayed, “I thank you for counting me worthy this day and hour of sharing the cup of Christ among the number of your martyrs.” Perhaps Polycarp was mindful of Christ’s second promise to the believers in Smyrna (v.11): “The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.” If you are faithful to the point of death—the first death, physical death—you will not be hurt by the second death. You avoid the second death through the second birth, being born again through faith in Christ. Jesus here gives two wonderful promises for those who endure: you will escape hell, which is the second death, and you will enter heaven, which is the victor’s crown. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the rewards Jesus promises the faithful would motivate you to persevere in faith, love, and hope. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 20 - Eyes on the Lord

“Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” - Colossians 3:18-21  Scripture reading: Colossians 3:18-21 What is striking for me about this passage are the messages embedded in the text’s grammatical structure. Notice first how the callings of husbands and fathers, unlike those of wives and children, are restrained by the prohibition, “do not.” Husbands, love your wives and “do not be harsh with them.” Similarly, fathers, “do not provoke your children.” Because Paul recognizes that the positions of power husbands and fathers occupy are easily misused, he is essentially saying to such parties: “you’re susceptible to abusing authority, so restrain yourself!” Notice secondly that the callings of wives and children, unlike those of husbands and parents, are uniquely described with reference to the Lord. Wives must submit to their husbands, “as is fitting in the Lord.” Children must obey their parents in everything, “for this pleases the Lord.” Unlike husbands and parents, wives and children are in vulnerable positions. They are required to submit and to obey, respectively. Not better than their wives and their children, husbands and parents are not worthy of the submission and obedience they should receive. Though submission and obedience are part of an order the Lord has designed, they are never deserved and should never be given absolutely. You can’t talk about submission and obedience, Paul is saying, without reference to the Lord. You’re not ultimately serving your husbands or your parents; you’re serving the Lord. When you submit or obey, remember who the Lord is: not your husband, not your parents, but Jesus. Your eyes must always be on Him. Suggestions for prayer Pray that husbands and fathers (parents) would be prevented from misusing power/authority and that they would enable wives and children to live to honour the Lord especially. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 19 - The peace of Christ

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” - Colossians 3:15 Scripture reading: Colossians 3:15-17 The Roman empire was famously characterized by a period of peace, the so-called Pax Romana that spanned two centuries, representing the longest period of stability Europe has experienced in recorded history. Both Jesus and Paul were born and died within the Pax Romana. By His death, Jesus had secured a deeper peace in relations between God and humanity and within humanity, and He summoned us to a banquet of peace and harmony. So called to peace, we must let peace dominate (v.15): “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” The verb “to rule” here was used by referees in sporting events who must make judgments. The peace of Christ, in short, must be our heart’s umpire. I’ve discovered that peace can sometimes be idolized, as if there were no higher objective to pursue. The Canadian author Rudy Wiebe captured this of the Mennonite community in his novel, Peace Shall Destroy Many. We do not pursue peace at all costs, certainly not at the expense of charity or purity. Conflict is sometimes good and necessary. To let the peace of Christ arbitrate is to accept all those Christ accepts and to accept them in the way Christ accepts them. Jesus has decisively dismantled barriers between all people groups, not least between Jew and Gentile. Don’t erect barriers where Christ hasn’t. This way of life becomes possible for those who seek the things above and set their minds on Christ, ruling at God’s right hand. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the peace of Christ would arbitrate in your heart so that your life is increasingly characterized by His loving judgements. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 18 - Dress the part

“Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” - Colossians 3:12  Scripture reading: Colossians 3:12-14 For their baptisms on Easter Sunday, converts in the early church would wear an old outer garment to church, remove it for baptism, be baptized, and then receive a new garment. It symbolized the putting off of the old and the putting on of the new. By faith we are united to Christ. We have died with Him, been buried with Him, but we’ve also been risen with Him to new life. We have become new men and new women in Christ. God now wants us to dress the part, to showcase our new identity in Christ: “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” Unlike personal virtues like discipline or courage, these are relational virtues which envision other people and how we interact with them. Such virtues are what David Brooks categorizes as eulogy virtues. They are not the virtues you feature on your resume; they are virtues you want recited at your eulogy. Significantly, they are also virtues that characterized Christ, and that’s the point. If you are a new person in Christ, you need to relate to others the way Jesus did. Do these clothes fit? Do they suit you? If they don’t, is it perhaps because you have not yet been touched by the gospel? Is it perhaps because you have not been humbled by the love of Christ? Suggestions for prayer Pray that God would so transform you that the new clothes of Christ fit you well. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 17 - Remove the grave clothes!

“Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” - Colossians 3:5  Scripture reading: Colossians 3:5-11 Our strongest desires are those sensual desires we share with animals—desires for food, sex, sleep, safety—and they are easily gratified. They are also easily mistaken for our deepest desires, but are intended, in fact, to point us to our deepest desires. Our deepest, most important desires are for fellowship with our Creator, for Whom we are made, and these desires are not easily gratified. If you excise God from your worldview, you will necessarily be blind to your deepest desires. You will live as if the only desires you have are those strong and sensual desires we share with animals, as if this earth—the realm of King Sin—is all that matters. It is this orientation that Paul wants us to crucify and mortify when he says (v.5), “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you.” Through His resurrection, Jesus has launched a new creation in which the powers of sin and death are defeated. Christian believers do not live under King Sin, whose realm is this earth without heaven, but under King Jesus, whose realm is earth and heaven. To pursue the vices Paul lists in our text for today is to live an earthly life which denies one’s union with Christ in His resurrection. Since you were raised with Christ, get rid of the old grave clothes. Don’t live as though this earth is all that matters! To do so is to be guilty of worshipping the creation rather than the Creator, and that’s, as Paul says, idolatry. Suggestions for prayer Pray for God to give you the strength to put to death those vices that are generated by a perspective that denies the reality of heaven and the authority of Christ Who is seated there. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 12 - God’s acre

“But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” - 1 Corinthians 15:20  Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 As we saw yesterday, Paul argued that denying a future resurrection implied that Christ himself did not rise from the dead. Such a denial is no trifling matter. If Christ has not risen from the dead, the Christian faith is pointless, and Christians are of all people most pitiable. In today’s passage, the apostle continues to underscore the inseparable link between Christ’s resurrection and the resurrection of believers. Paul here envisions the resurrection of all believers—past, present and future—as a great harvest and Christ’s resurrection as the firstfruits, the initial yield of that harvest. Since the firstfruits of the harvest are already in, the rest of the harvest will undoubtedly follow. In this sense, Christ’s resurrection is a pledge of the resurrection of believers. Corresponding to this conception of the resurrection as a harvest, Paul in this chapter compares burial to the planting of seeds. When a body is buried, a seed is planted which will be harvested at the resurrection when Christ returns. Christians in times past would appropriately call cemeteries “God’s acre” or “God’s field.” Cemeteries in this biblical analogy are fields of planted seeds, often in rows, waiting to arise as resurrection bodies. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to enable you to see the interments of your believing friends and family as rituals in which seeds are being sown to be harvested when Christ returns. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 11 - Hinge of the Christian faith

“Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?” - 1 Corinthians 12:12  Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 The Corinthians objected to the resurrection of the dead, apparently believing that receiving the Spirit made the body unnecessary (v.12): “Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?” People had a dim view of the body in the ancient world. The body was seen as the locus of suffering and pain and thus a necessary evil. It’s therefore unsurprising that when Paul preached about the resurrection of the dead at the Areopagus in Athens, some scoffed (see Acts 17). If the body were the source of so much pain, and death represented the final release of the soul from the troublesome body, how could receiving the body back in resurrection possibly be good news? But Paul situates the resurrection at the centre of the Christian hope. If you deny a future resurrection, it must follow, Christ Himself was not raised. But if Christ is not raised, then the whole Christian faith is a sham: the preaching of the gospel is futile, everyone remains in their sins, and Christian believers are of all people most pitiable. The resurrection of Christ is the hinge of the Christian faith, the launch of the new creation and the ground of Christian hope. The Christian hope, as we shall see, is not simply that we will receive our bodies back at the resurrection, but that our present bodies will be powerfully transformed at the resurrection. Suggestions for prayer Thank God today for your body and for the promise that one day it will be transformed and made incorruptible. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 10 - In accordance with the scriptures 

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4  Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The virgin birth of Christ is important, as are His crucifixion and ascension. For the apostle Paul, however, the resurrection of Christ is “of first importance.” There simply is no gospel to preach and no hope to embrace without Christ’s resurrection. This central event in Christ’s ministry is also “in accordance with the Scriptures.” Since the Gospels were not yet in circulation, the Scriptures here refer to the Old Testament. We find an explicit Old Testament witness to the resurrection of Christ in Psalm 16, which Peter cites in his Pentecost sermon: “For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the paths of life” (Acts 2:27-28). There are also many indirect allusions to Christ’s resurrection in the Old Testament. The powerful promise of life from the grave in Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37) is linked to the third day in Hosea 6:1-2: “Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him.” As He has repeatedly delivered His people from their enemies, God will deliver the Israelites from Babylon. Christ’s resurrection marks the ultimate deliverance from death which is exile from life itself. Suggestions for prayer Praise God for His faithfulness in fulfilling His ancient promises of resurrection and ask Him to convince you (afresh) of its centrality. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 9 - Come and see, go and tell!

“Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples.” - Matthew 28:6b-7a Scripture reading: Matt.28:1-15 After proclaiming the Easter gospel to the women who visited the tomb, the angel issues a number of commands, the first of which is: “Come, see the place where he lay.” The Easter gospel isn’t wishful thinking. There is factual evidence and the women are invited to see it. They see the empty tomb with their very eyes and later see the risen Jesus Himself. The Bible repeatedly underscores that the risen Jesus was seen by people, hundreds of people (see 1 Corinthians 15:6). No less than, witness testimony is prized today in contemporary courts of law and such testimony of Christ’s resurrection is preserved for us in Scripture. That women were the first to see the empty tomb is strong support that the story wasn’t fabricated by the disciples. Women weren’t regarded as credible witnesses in the ancient world. If you wanted your fabricated story to be compelling, you wouldn’t make women the primary witnesses! The angel doesn’t only summon these women to see the evidence; the angel also commissions them to testify to what they have seen (v.7a): “Then go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead.” Once you come and see, don’t stay, go and tell! The Easter Gospel, first visible for these women, must now become audible for others. Those who see must tell. That’s how the Easter Gospel spreads. Suggestions for prayer Praise God for Christ’s victory over the grave and ask Him to open doors for you to share the Easter message. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 4 - The riddle of King Jesus

“They answered, “He deserves death.” Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him.” - Matthew 26:66b-67 Scripture reading: Matthew 26:57-68 The Supreme Court for the Jews, the Sanhedrin, assembles in the house of Caiaphas the High Priest with an impressive list of guests—priests, elders and scribes. They await the arrival of Jesus until He is finally ushered into their presence. This is not a reception for a king, but a trial for a prisoner. Here we encounter the riddle of King Jesus. Spiritually blind, these men in Caiaphas’ house can’t solve this riddle. Not solved by reason or logic, the riddle of King Jesus can only be solved by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Even Peter, who once acclaimed Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, sits at a distance with the temple police, an outsider, a mere observer. Here we see King Jesus scorned and mistreated—they spit in His face, strike Him and slap Him. But do you have eyes to see? Far from contradicting His messianic claims, the sufferings of Christ corroborate them. This is what the Messiah came to do for sinners like you and me. Jesus here is actively fulfilling Isaiah’s messianic prophecy: “I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting” (Isa.50:6). The riddle of Jesus has become the riddle of the church. The maligned King Jesus has become the maligned church which reigns with Christ in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord for fellowship with His sufferings in order you might also experience fellowship with His glory. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 3 - A Garden of Grief

"And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”" - Matthew 26:39 Scripture reading: Matthew 26:36-46 As we begin what is sometimes termed “holy week,” commemorating the last week of Jesus’ earthly life, we travel to Gethsemane, just outside Jerusalem. Because the city was overcrowded for Passover celebrations, most pilgrims had to sleep outside, not least the disciples who chose as their campsite for the week, this now infamous olive orchard. The garden is the site of deep and dark grief for Jesus. By His own admission, His soul is very sorrowful, even to death (v.38). What is killing Jesus is an ominous cup He must drink. Throughout Scripture this cup represents the judgment and wrath of God against sin, including your and my sin (see, e.g., Isaiah 51 and Jeremiah 25). The terrifying cup Jesus must drink is more than a preview of the cross; it’s a foretaste. With bloody sweat on His brow, Jesus plaintively asks the Father if there’s any other way for His wrath to be satisfied. At the same time, however, He commits Himself to do the Lord’s will. It’s an extreme instance of what we all at times experience—namely, a summons to obey the mysterious will of God in the face of the pain we know it will bring. As the sin-bearer, Jesus experiences the judgment we deserve so that we might be declared innocent. He drinks the cup of God’s wrath so that we might drink the cup of God’s blessing. He faces the fierce anger of God so that we might enjoy His warm smile. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to provide you the grace to obey His will when it runs counter to your ambitions and dreams. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 2 - What King Jesus provides

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” - Luke 19:38 Scripture reading: Luke 19:35-40 On Palm Sunday the crowds, by spreading their cloaks on the road before Him, give King Jesus the red-carpet treatment fitting for a dignitary. They likely see Jesus as a political deliverer who has come to rescue them from their enemies. Not wanting His kingship misrepresented, Jesus enters Jerusalem riding not a camel or a horse, but a colt. He is a humble king and His kingdom will be advanced in the way of peace and humility. This is not the first time crowds wanted to acclaim Jesus as king (see, e.g., John 6:15). When He faced this scenario before, however, He withdrew. By accepting the acclamation here, Jesus triggers a sequence of events that will conclude with His death. The enthusiasm of the crowds enrages the Jewish leaders, apparent in the Pharisees’ response (v.39): “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” The time has come for Jesus to be arrested, condemned and crucified. Jesus’ response is striking (v.40): “If these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” If people don’t acclaim His kingship, in other words, the stones, with which this city is built, will. No one who encounters King Jesus remains neutral. He is repulsive to some and alluring to others. What are you going to do with King Jesus? Sadly, the loud praise, for many in the crowd at Jesus’ triumphal entry, proved to be empty. The Palm Sunday songs of “Hosanna” were replaced within a week by Good Friday shouts of “Crucify him!” Worship King Jesus sincerely today! Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to give you a contrite heart so you can worship Him sincerely today. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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April 1 - Introduction to Christ’s death and resurrection 

I am grateful that the Canadian civic calendar still aligns with the church calendar in many places. Good Friday, for example, and Christmas remain public holidays. Commemorating these days for me is of course less about a civic or cultural heritage, however, and more about celebrating historic events that have transformed the world in which we live. For our devotional readings and reflections this month, we’re going to study the world-transforming events of Christ’s death and resurrection. Central in Scripture, these events ought to be central in our lives as well. Good Friday and Easter are not only calendrical days and historic events; they ought to be personal experiences! We will begin the month by following Christ down the via dolorosa, the pathway of suffering, and we will stop at the foot of the cross on Good Friday to see our Saviour. Easter Sunday we will accompany the women to the empty tomb to revisit the momentous event of Christ’s resurrection. The following two weeks will be spent walking through chapters on the resurrection, first 1 Corinthians 15 about the importance of Christ’s resurrection and then Colossians 3, the implications of His resurrection. We will conclude the month by contemplating the powerful messages the risen Christ has for the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. What King Jesus needs “The Lord has need of it” - Luke 19:31, 34  Scripture reading: Luke 19:28-40 On this Saturday, as we anticipate Palm Sunday, we attend to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Before Jesus is hailed as a king, He acts like a king by ordering His disciples to find a colt, untie it and bring it back. The colt must be one “on which no one has ever yet sat” (v.30). Alfred Plummer, the late 19th century Bible scholar, compared this colt to the virgin womb in which the Lord was conceived and the virgin tomb in which the Lord was consigned—a tomb Luke would later describe as “one in which no one had yet been laid” (25:53). The colt King Jesus conscripts is uniquely suited for His sacred service—an unbacked and unyoked colt. King Jesus adds an instruction: “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it’ you shall say this: ‘the Lord has need of it’ (v.31). If a king needs something from you, he will say so, and you should comply. When the disciples find a colt and explain to the owners, “the Lord has need of it,” the owners readily volunteer it. They too are disciples of King Jesus—ready to offer their things for Him. What do you have that King Jesus needs? What are you prepared to volunteer for Him? Some of your disposable income? Some of your free time? Suppose the message came to you: “the Lord needs your Wednesday evening.” Would you consent? Suggestions for prayer Seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom regarding when and what you may volunteer for Him. Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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March 27 - Preparing by trusting

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” - Psalm 20:7 Scripture reading: Psalm 20:1-9 Everyone lives by trust. We all trust someone or something. David, the inspired psalmist, looked around himself in his day and age and saw that there were those who trusted in military might. In ancient times many trusted in chariots and horses, the super-weapons of those long ago days. David, directed by the Holy Spirit, warns us against such a trust in human power of any kind. We who know and love the Lord have the most powerful trust of all, a wholehearted faith in Jesus, as our only Saviour. When we trust in Jesus to save us, we gain a wonderful confidence and a lasting sense of peace. Each time we remember the name of the Lord, we exercise that amazing trust, for the very name Jesus means Saviour. As you walk with the Lord day by day, live in the power of that trust, which all who believe in the Lord have found totally dependable through the ages. All around us today we see unbelievers put their trust in earthly schemes, in weapons, in so-called science, in government welfare programs, and in empty political promises. Those who put their trust in such human efforts are sure to be disappointed. Such earthly trust is always betrayed and evaporates into nothing. As children of God, disciples of Jesus, let us avoid that by putting our trust in the Lord alone, in Jesus, in whom we find all things necessary for our salvation in this world and in the world to come. Suggestions for prayer Pray for the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in your heart that you may receive the wonderful gift of faith. Ask the Lord to lead you in His ways, so that your faith, once given to you, will be strengthened. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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March 26 - What attracts you?

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” - John 12:32 Scripture reading: John 12:27-36 Today, the doors of the churches are open. Worship services are held. I hope you plan to attend. If you do, good, but dare to ask yourself, “What attracts me to worship God in His church?” Consider Jesus' words in our text. His people are drawn to Him by the power of the cross. It is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross that reconciles us to God, that restores us to the Father's favour and opens heaven's gate for the sheep of the Good Shepherd. What draws you to church? Is it mere custom, routine, or a fear of hell? Such motives are insufficient and unworthy. It must be the Lord Jesus Himself, Who attracts His sheep. It must be the power of the cross that pulls and tugs at our heart, which draws us to the Saviour Himself and to His House of Prayer to worship on the Lord's Day. In these days, when we think upon Christ's sacrifice for us in a special way, remember the judgment of the cross: that God's justice is sure and must be satisfied. Remember that the price of that satisfaction is the perfect sacrifice of the Lord Jesus upon the cross. May it be true faith in Christ Jesus, love for Him, and a deep and abiding thankfulness for His willingness to give Himself for us to pay the price of our redemption, that draws us to the Saviour. May that motivate us to worship Him today (and always) with wholehearted devotion. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to fill you with thankfulness and devotion for His great salvation. Pray that, as you worship in church today, you will be drawn ever closer to the heart of Jesus. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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March 25 - Preparing by standing firm

“Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.” - Matthew 26:56 Scripture reading: Matthew 26:47-56 Many Christians have a negative opinion about the disciples’ behaviour in the Garden of Gethsemane. We think, though we dare not say it openly, I would have behaved differently. It is true that the disciples do not look good in this Gospel account. If our reaction to the reading is merely to compare ourselves to the disciples, and to figure that, compared to their performance, we look pretty good, then we have made a dreadful mistake and are woefully unprepared for an up-building commemoration of our Saviour's passion. Our text shows the disciples forsaking Jesus and fleeing. That is the natural human reaction to a dangerous situation. Remember, however, that we believers are called to walk the path of the Christian life by following Jesus. That path is the way of the cross, of persecution and struggle. If we want to be a follower of Jesus, we must take up the cross and follow Him. To do this we must not flee away, rather we must stand firm. To stand firm we need God's grace. Only the grace of God can make a fleeing soul into a pillar of faith, a dying ember into a soul on fire for the Lord. Seek that grace of God in your personal devotions and by attending worship services in church tomorrow, where we receive the means of grace. Without God's grace you will be a fleeing disciple, fleeing away from carrying your cross. By God's grace alone, you will be able to stand firm in faith and follow Jesus. Suggestions for prayer Pray that God will fill you with the desire to receive His sovereign grace through personal devotions and by faithful attendance at worship in church tomorrow.  Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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March 24 - Preparing by serving

“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” - John 12:27, 28 Scripture reading: John 12:26-36 As we draw near to those great days of remembrance for all Christians: Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter, let us prepare our hearts by reflecting on the saving work of the Lord Jesus and His cross. By His life and death, Jesus glorified the Father. He showed us God's everlasting love, His grace and His mercy. In His prayer in John 12, Jesus showed His concern was that He would glorify the Father's name. By the resurrection, the Father glorified the Son. We believers know that the divine Son of God obediently accomplished His Father's will. He gave His life on our behalf. The cross is a sign of Christ's victorious obedience. It is a symbol of God's glorious love. By faith let us share, as His disciples, Jesus' will and spirit. Let us come to know our purpose: that like our Master we are to serve the Lord. By our faith, let us glorify the Name of God. Let us find in our hearts the glory of the cross. We find wonder and inspiration in the work of Jesus. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). May our response to Christ, our faith in Him, motivate us to serve Him in loving obedience, taking up our cross and following Him. This is our challenge, as we remember all that Jesus did. May we, as humble disciples, follow our Master by living in wholehearted service to our God. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord will open your eyes to opportunities for service. Pray for spiritual strength to live a life that glorifies God. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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March 19 - Four marks

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” - Acts 2:42 Scripture reading: Acts 2:29-47 It's the Lord's Day. God calls you to worship Him. As you do so, you should see in yourself and in the church that you attend, four characteristics that are described in our text and were clearly seen in the gatherings of the first Christians in Jerusalem. The first mark is “they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine.” Our calling as Christians is to be faithful to the truth of God's Word. Do you truly believe what the Bible says? Does the church you attend faithfully adhere to the teachings of Scripture? Some, with the name of church, openly deny the authority of Scripture. A true Christian's calling is to continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, all of it. That is needful for any group to be a true church of Jesus Christ as well. The second mark is fellowship. Sharing in the full life of a Christian community is vitally important for spiritual life and growth. The church is the family of God and to cut yourself off from that family is a major step toward spiritual disaster. How is the walk of your discipleship when it comes to fellowship? The third mark is the breaking of bread. If you have an opportunity to partake of the Lord's Supper this Sunday, do so well-prepared and in good conscience. The fourth mark is prayer. It is a privilege to share a prayer time with fellow Christians in God's House. Personal and public prayers are vital to a rich, vibrant spiritual life. Suggestions for prayer Pray that your Sunday will truly be the Lord's Day, as you worship with fellow believers in a church that steadfastly continues in all of the apostles' doctrine. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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March 18 - Preparing for an exam

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” - Psalm 139:23, 24 Scripture reading: Psalm 139:1-24 How fortunate we are that other people cannot read our hearts and minds. Our employers, employees, teachers, students, preachers, parents and children, none of them can truly know what's in our hearts and minds. We are safe, except, of course, that God can read our thoughts and He knows exactly our innermost feelings. David comments on this in Psalm 139. By the inspiration of the Spirit, David declares that the Lord is all-knowing and everywhere present (verses 1-12). He knows all because He is our Creator (verses 13-18). God sees the evil of the wicked and will visit them in judgment (verses 19-22). Then, in our text, David requests that the all-knowing Lord examine him. How did David dare do this? He knew that God would see his sins and weaknesses. Yet David had confidence that God's examination would reveal that he was a child of grace. It was well with his soul because God had forgiven him and made him righteous by grace alone. David also asks that, after examining him, that God would lead him “in the way everlasting.” As you prepare to worship the Lord in His church tomorrow, search your heart and life. In that examination, reflect on the fact that God knows your inmost thoughts and feelings. Then seek from the Lord His grace and forgiveness, and pray for His guidance as He leads you onward in “the way everlasting.” A good start is to attend worship services tomorrow on the Lord's Day. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you each step of life's way and to help you prepare for worship tomorrow in the midst of the communion of the saints. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 17 - Preparing with God’s comfort

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!" says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her warfare is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins.” - Isaiah 40:1, 2 Scripture reading: Isaiah 40:1-11 Through all of life, comfort is a major goal we all want. Life in this world is rough: aches, sorrows, disappointments and stress. Every one of us experiences our share of these negatives. How thankful we are that the message of Scripture is so comforting to those who are disciples of Jesus. We can and should live our lives reflecting upon the ministry of Jesus as upheld by the comfort of the Lord. To us, who come to Christ by faith, the prophet declares that God speaks in a tender voice. In that voice, God tells us through the Gospel that our warfare has ended, not because we have no earthly struggles, but because Christ Jesus is victorious! Our iniquity is pardoned because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. What of the future? The “double” that the prophet declares God's people receive is not a double punishment, nor a declaration of, “you get what your sins deserve.” Rather it is a promise that God's people receive from the Lord a double blessing; sins are forgiven and a new life begins! Do you worry about the past? If you believe in Christ, the message is comforting: your sins are pardoned. Do you worry about the future? Our text promises every disciple a double blessing: a forgiven past and a present and a future in which you, by faith, live a new life in Christ. What wonderful comfort God gives to His people! Prepare to celebrate the great deeds of our Saviour in the joy of this comfort. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for the daily comfort He gives you through the gracious promises of Scripture and above all, through the saving ministry of Jesus. Pray for the opportunity to share this comfort and joy with others around you. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 16 - Preparing by looking

“…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” - Hebrews 12:2 Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:1-11 Life is busy. If we're honest, we confess there is a danger that spiritual preparation gets lost in the shuffle. How important, then, is the admonition of Hebrews 12 that it is time to get serious about our spiritual life. Hebrews 12:2 teaches that we do this by “looking unto Jesus.” We look, or “fix our eyes” on, what we consider important. We are to look to Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith,” the very source of our faith. His sacrifice at the cross saves us. He bestows light and life in the power of His resurrection. We find our completeness in Him. His complete righteousness becomes ours by faith. As the Apostle Paul declares in Colossians 1:28, we are “perfect in Christ Jesus.” In our busy lives, we are called to spiritual preparation. As you look forward to celebrating Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter, use every opportunity to grow in God's grace. Follow the inspired advice of today's Scripture reading: throw off all hindrances of sin, run the race marked out for you, and look unto Jesus, fix your eyes on Him. These spiritual steps are not optional. It is basic Christianity. Don't fix your eyes on your own unworthiness, nor on others whom we can so easily criticize, but look to Jesus, and make Him the centre of your spiritual attention. Look to Him as your Saviour, Who sustains your life and Who promises you a place with Him in His heavenly kingdom, where our eyes shall truly behold Him. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to give you wisdom to look in the right place and to the right Person, as you live day by day. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 11- Preparing with the Lord’s favour

“Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation…” - Psalm 51:11, 12 Scripture reading: Psalm 51:1-19 Few today know what it is to be “cast out.” We live in a very tolerant society, but in other places and times, it was different. To be cast out was like a sentence of death. Whole nations were cast out of their homes and left to perish. It is a tragedy repeated far too often in human history. King David knew the feeling of being cast out. He recognized that his sin had evil results and feared that he would lose God's favour and that God's Holy Spirit would be taken from him. This terrible feeling drove him to seek the Lord and His grace in prayer. We should learn from this. Too often our souls can be dull. We take it for granted that God's Holy Spirit is happily dwelling in our hearts. The fact is: sin disrupts our fellowship with God. When we turn away from the Lord in self-righteousness, or neglect the means of grace provided for us in the church, we will soon feel a spiritual emptiness and lack a good conscience. David could not accept this spiritual loss. He had sinned, but he turned to the Holy Spirit Who could restore him to God's favour. That blessed restoration resulted in David again experiencing the joy of the Lord's salvation. As another week ends and you prepare for worship in God's House tomorrow, may you seek the blessing of the Spirit's work of applying Jesus' righteousness to you, so that you too will experience the Lord's favour and the joy of His salvation. Suggestions for prayer Seek to experience the Lord's favour by asking the Spirit to apply Jesus' righteousness to you and allow you to know the Lord's favour. Pray for spiritual wisdom which recognizes the importance of public worship, which the church provides tomorrow. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 10 - Heartfelt preparation

“...because your heart was penitent...I also have heard you, declares the Lord.” - 2 Kings 22:19 Scripture reading: 2 Kings 22:1-20 A major part of our faith and our response to God is found in our inner life. People around us hear our words and see our actions, but God alone reads our hearts. When we stifle our deep and powerful heartfelt feelings toward God, we do ourselves spiritual damage. That is certainly true when it comes to repentance. Those who deaden their hearts, deny their inner struggles and train themselves to be unfeeling, have great difficulty here, because repentance involves our total being as we turn away from the world and toward the Lord Jesus Christ. We see this in 2 Kings 22. The Law of the Lord convicted King Josiah of his sin and the sin of his people. The king had a reaction. Outwardly he tore his clothes, a public action and custom of his day. That outward action, however, was not merely a custom, rather it was the result of what was going on in the heart of the king. His heart was truly penitent as he wept. He humbled himself before the Lord. His outward actions were a reflection of his inner struggle of soul and of his repentance. In a few weeks, we will mark Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. Many will outwardly celebrate with chocolate bunnies and coloured Easter eggs and nothing more. God grant that our celebration be far different! May all that Christ Jesus accomplished move us deeply. Like Josiah, let us turn to the Lord with penitent hearts. The Lord Jesus receives the penitent in His overflowing grace! Suggestions for prayer: Express your sincere penitence with prayer that humbly seeks the Lord's forgiveness. Seek His divine help to banish pride, worldliness and stubbornness from your heart and life. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 9 - Preparing in humility

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” - Luke 18:14b Scripture reading: Luke 18:1-14 The Lord Jesus, in this parable, states that the way to righteousness is the way of humility. The tax collector, by very definition in those days, a sinner, does not try to deny his sin. He confessed his sin, cried out to God for mercy and trusted in God's gracious pardon. He knew that he had no merits to claim, no deals to make; he just asked to be forgiven. So it was, says Jesus in the parable, that the tax collector went to his house, right with God. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. The tax collector found the way of righteousness, and peace with God. It is the way of humility: confessing one's sin and finding the sure hope of pardon in Jesus Christ, Whose sacrifice on the cross is the means by which pardon is given. As we look forward to the days of Christian remembrance, particularly Good Friday and Easter, may our hearts and souls be stirred to appreciate the grace of God. Let us be humbled, as we realize that only the perfect sacrifice of the Saviour could pay the price of our pardon. Remember that God does not forgive you because you feel you are better than others, or because you have said or done enough to merit His pardon. What every sinner needs is to humbly confess his sins, trust in Christ's power to forgive through His sacrifice on the cross, and then live in humble obedience each day as thankful recipients of God's amazing grace. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Holy Spirit to move powerfully upon your heart and in your life, so that you may know your need of pardon and humbly seek that pardon where it is found: through the power of Christ's sacrifice. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 8 - Preparing with forgiveness

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” - Isaiah 1:18 Scripture reading: Isaiah 1:10-18 The sweetest word for the sinner is – forgiveness. The forgiveness that Jesus merited for us is the most blessed gift that a sinful human can receive. No earthly treasure can compare with forgiveness, because it is the doorway through which we can enter into fellowship with God. God does not ask the impossible. The plan handed to us by God to receive His pardon is reasonable. It is based on divine love, so great that the Father sent His Son to die for our sins. In return, the Lord asks us to recognize our sins, repent and come to Jesus in faith. This is truly a most reasonable plan. Those who respond to this call of God find His pardon and a wonderful fellowship with Him. What a blessing it is to be forgiven! We find peace with God and the joy of knowing that our hearts and lives, once stained by sin as red as scarlet, are now by the power of Christ's death and resurrection washed clean, as white as snow. As you look forward to remembering the days of Christ's passion, His death, and His glorious resurrection, do so knowing that by trusting in Him you share in the divine blessing of forgiveness. By the power of the Spirit, be part of the fellowship of forgiveness. Have peace with God. Be calm in your soul. Be steady in your faith. Trust God's promise that He looks upon you, not as a stained sinner, but as one washed clean in Jesus' blood. Suggestions for prayer Make a heartfelt prayer for forgiveness part of your daily devotions. Also request the indwelling power of the Lord to assure you that His pardon is real in your heart and life. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional, Uncategorised

March 3 - Preparing by carrying

“... they seized one Simon of Cyrene who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus.” - Luke 23:26 Scripture reading: Luke 23:13-31 On the first Good Friday, Simon carried the cross of Jesus. Simon carried a physical cross and we Christians, who can see ourselves reflected in Simon, are called to carry our cross and follow after Jesus in heartfelt discipleship. As we look forward to Good Friday 2023, we do well to consider this calling carefully. Search your heart and life, and dare to ask yourself a few very important questions: How do you view your own trials and temptations? With a shrug of the shoulders or with much bitterness? The Lord calls you to see that it is through the struggles of life, that you carry a cross. As you follow Jesus, there will be trials and temptations: your cross is laid upon you for your spiritual benefit. Are you willingly carrying your cross? How are you living day by day? Are you following Christ, walking in His footsteps? That is the call of God to you. The pathway is not easy, but by following the Lord Jesus you prove yourself to be His disciple. As such, you are called to take up your cross. Where is your hope? The well-prepared Christian finds hope in the cross of Christ, not in vain human works and efforts. Hear the call of the Lord. Take up your cross and follow Jesus, and so you will be prepared not just to mark the special days of Jesus' passion, but to live a lifetime in fellowship with the One Whose sacrifice on the cross was the price of our salvation. Suggestions for prayer Seek wisdom from the Lord to view your trials and temptations from a Christian perspective. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength to bear whatever cross is there in your life as you follow Jesus. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 2 - Preparing with prayer

“And he said to them, “Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation.”” - Luke 22:46 Scripture reading: Luke 22:39-46 For too many people, prayer is a last resort. Such people are, as it were, sleepwalking through life. They are missing out on the sweet fellowship with the Lord that prayer provides. As we read in our Scripture passage, the disciples, in their weakness, slept, while Jesus prayed. This account of what happened on the night before Good Friday, should challenge us. How is your prayer life? Prayer is to be more than mumbled words or well-worn phrases uttered by custom. Prayer is a sigh deep in our souls. Prayer springs from a heart yearning and searching for the One Who alone satisfies our needs. Christian, get up and pray, as you ready yourself to remember again the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus and His glorious resurrection! In our text, Jesus is telling us that we too, like those first disciples, need to be people of prayer, so that we will not fall into Satan's snares. The devil's plan is to impoverish our spiritual lives. When prayer is scarce, that is the result. Get up and pray to God for His needed blessings, both spiritual and physical. Pray for wisdom to turn in faith to Jesus Christ, the righteous One. Let us hear Jesus say to us: Get up and pray, seek the face of God, bow in adoration before the Almighty One, Who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Appear before the throne of grace in prayer, and you will have fellowship with the Crucified One Who is now the Glorified One! Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to help you be faithful in prayer. Make it your petition that you will be well prepared for life in fellowship with your Saviour, as you remember His sacrifice for you and His victory over sin and death. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

March 1 - Introduction to preparation

Preparation is an essential part of life. Our children go to school for years as a vital part of their preparation for adult life. We prepare for holidays, graduations, weddings and all sorts of other family celebrations. Spiritual preparation is also of utmost importance. For generations, some Reformed Churches had special services of preparation before administering the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper, although sadly this excellent custom has fallen into disuse in many churches. If your church still observes a preparatory Sunday, count yourself blessed. In a personal way we prepare for a new day, or to bring a day to its close, with family and private devotions, and I hope that this booklet will be a help and encouragement in this. Next month, we Christians will mark some of the most important days on the Christian calendar: Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. It is my hope and intention that, using this daily devotional in this month of March, in the Year of our Lord 2023, we will prepare spiritually to remember these high points in our Saviour's earthly ministry, upon which our very salvation is established. May God grant a blessing to all who use these devotionals to reflect on the Scriptures and to lift up faithful hearts in prayer. Preparing by Walking “Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” - 1 John 2:6 Scripture reading: 1 John 2:1-11 Life is portrayed as a journey in a number of Scriptural passages. All of us are walking down a path with an eternal destination. Sadly, many walk down the broad highway that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). Our calling as Christians is to walk the narrow path that leads to life. As we prepare to mark the great events of Jesus' earthly ministry: Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter, we do well to consider our walk of life. The Lord gave His life to save us and calls us to follow Him. How? John's inspired answer is that we “ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.”  Throughout his letter, John mentions how Jesus walked to save us. He lived as the atoning sacrifice (I John 2:2). We too are called to walk the path of sacrifice. What have you sacrificed for Jesus? Our Lord perfectly obeyed the Father's will. Jesus walked the path of righteousness (I John 2:29). Do you? Or are your feet on the path of worldly pleasure? God calls you to walk in obedient righteousness. Jesus also walked the path of love (I John 3:16). His love was real and enabled Him to give His life for His people's salvation. How real is your love? Do you love others enough to forgive them and bear with their weaknesses? Do you love the Lord enough to serve Him and build up His church? Those who walk as Jesus did, love God above all and their neighbour as themselves. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Holy Spirit to work in your heart so that you will truly reflect the sacrifice, righteousness and love of your Master, as you follow Him. Pray that you will be well prepared not only to mark the great events of Jesus' earthly ministry, but for a full life of discipleship. Rev. Gregg V. Martin was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1977. In his years of service, he pastored a total of five congregations in three Canadian provinces. He also served for more than seven years in Latin America as a missionary, providing leadership training in Reformed mission churches. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 28 - Ashes for the head

“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” - Job 42:5, 6   Scripture reading: Job 42:1-6 Saints in the Bible often showed their repentance by pouring ashes and dust on their heads. They were symbolically saying they felt consumed and buried by their sins. It was not a lame repentance like, “If I have offended you, I’m sorry.” They did not equivocate. Job, too, was genuine. God showed him how little he knew and how his complaints against God were groundless. For sure, Job was a godly man. He had knowledge of the truth, but his knowledge was limited. He could not understand how God would allow a man who loved him to suffer so much. He did not allow for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in his life as God saw fit. So he grumbled. And that was a serious sin. Yet, his godliness came out even more when he confessed his sins in a clear and unequivocal way. One recent US president claimed to be a Christian, but said he did not repent because he did not sin. How foolish! Let God’s Word and God’s Spirit show you your sins. Everyone sins! But what wonderful hope Christians have! You have an Advocate with the Father and He paid the full price for your sins. And don’t forget, real repentance requires a godly sorrow for sins, a hating of your sins, a forsaking of your sins, and a turning and living a godly life before God. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will be a person of God’s Word and understand His will and that you will be quick to sincerely confess your sins. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 23 - Life is short and full of troubles

“Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.” - Job 14:1  Scripture Reading: Job 14:1-7 It really doesn’t matter if Job predated Moses or not, as some theologians believe. What is important is that both were inspired by the Holy Spirit and that we listen to both. Moses, in Psalm 90, reminded us that man’s days are short and are full of trouble, so man is to “number” his days, or rather, use his days wisely. Moses, a godly prophet, lived to be 120 years old and experienced many difficulties as he led God’s people who became more and more rebellious. The Israelites accused him of betraying them and taking them to the desert to die. Job expressed similar sentiments to his friends: Life was short and full of troubles. He understood the frailty of life. His friends did not understand that as long as man is in this world, man will be torn by sin, strife and death. They assumed life should be smooth and man would live long. How wrong they were! We need to realize that good nutrition, exercising regularly, and having quality medical care (as good as those things are), do not guarantee a good life and do not guarantee a long life. The nicest person you know will become “worm food” one day. So expect troubles in life and in death and prepare for them. You can face these troubles when you know Jesus; trust Him, and rest in Him. Heaven is waiting. Wait for heaven. A glorious life is coming. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will not worry about how long you live, but you will learn to live well. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 22 - God puts Job in his place

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” - Job 38:4  Scripture reading: Job 38:1-11  Job could not wrap his head around the fact that he was living a good life and yet experienced severe troubles in his life. He lost his children and his relationship with his wife, most of his wealth was gone, his religious friends attacked his faith, and he lost his social status. Maybe he thought, like many today, “If I do good, good things are bound to happen to me.” That type of thinking is more like the Hindu teaching of “karma.” You may be thinking similarly as Job when you have troubles, but you must learn, as the apostle Paul taught in 2 Corinthians 4, that sometimes you will face severe trials even when you are obedient. (Of course sometimes troubles come because of sin and you must confess them.) But read 2 Corinthians 11:23-30 and see the extent of the suffering of this most godly man, the apostle Paul. In order to set Job (and you) straight, God reminded him He was the One Who set all things in place. Job did not know how the foundations of the earth were laid or when they were laid. How could he know all the deep mysteries of God? Even Adam did not see how the earth was made. The solution is then to say, “I trust you, Lord, that even though I don’t understand why I am going through a hard time. I know you love me and have a plan for me.” Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will accept the harsh discipline of the Lord and that you will trust the Lord will always do what is best for His redeemed children. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 21 - Annihilation for the dead is a deadly doctrine

“And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God…” - Job 19:26 Scripture reading: Job 19:26-29 Most Christians understand the contemptible heresies of Jehovah’s Witnesses and others regarding our bodily resurrection. They believe men will simply cease to exist after they die. They reject the idea of a glorious bodily resurrection. But Job believed and clearly taught the reality of the glorious resurrection after death for Christians and the disastrous resurrection to judgment of those who reject the Saviour. God taught the resurrection of the dead. This was evident from the hope of the saints of the Old Testament. You see Abraham’s confidence in the resurrection even through his mourning and burial of Sarah. You see David’s confidence of seeing his dead son again. You see it when saints named their children, giving them names of hope. They knew resurrection was on the way. And most of all, they knew the One through Whom that resurrection would come. You see that in Hebrews 11-12. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, all who were given to Him by the Father and placed their hopes in Him would have that glorious resurrection. Their resurrection would be a resurrection of life. They were in Jesus when He died, was buried and rose again! Those who believe in annihilation are holding to a deadly doctrine. They too will have a resurrection, but it will be a resurrection of death. You have the Good News of the resurrection; don’t you want to share it with others? Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will look forward to standing before God in your resurrected body and that you will introduce others to the One Who gives new bodies and new souls! Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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 February 20 - Is your redeemer alive?

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth;” - Job 19:25  Scripture reading: Job 19:23-25 Job knew that his Redeemer was alive! What an incredible testimony by one who never saw the Redeemer or had seen or heard of the Redeemer’s suffering, death, burial and resurrection as you do today! What eyes of faith he had! If Job had not believed in the Redeemer, he would have been in therapy for sure. Humanly speaking, he had lost everything of value in his life. But he never lost the most precious gift, the gift of eternal life through the coming Saviour. And even though he knew he was suffering intensely in body, mind and spirit, even though he faced condemnation from his friends, and even though he suffered at times and felt far from God, he always had that assurance that his Redeemer was alive. Isn’t this the only thing that can give you peace in this life? When you know your future, knowing your Redeemer is alive to complete what He has started in your heart, you can face the trials of this world with confidence. You know that your sins will not stand before you to convict you. You know your Advocate will claim your innocence because He took your guilt. Shouldn’t you then point the world to this One, the only One Who can give eternal life and give meaning to earthly life? You can face anything the Devil, the world and your flesh throw at you because you know your Redeemer lives. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will praise God for the work of your Redeemer, a work that gives you hope to confidently live for Him now. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 15 - Golden hope or hope in gold

“If I have made gold my hope, or said to fine gold, ‘You are my confidence’; This also would be an iniquity deserving of judgment, for I would have denied God who is above.” - Job 31:24, 28 Scripture reading: Job 31:24-28 Someone said if you look out your window you can see the beauty of the world, but if you put silver behind your window, you only see yourself. And it’s true, isn’t it, that silver has a tendency to block out the true joys of life and kills the desire to worship the true and living God. Job learned that his confidence was not in how much money he stored up, but in how close he was to the Father through His Son. He developed God’s vision for the world. What happens when money becomes your hope? If money becomes your hope, you won’t trust God anymore. You will hope your money will secure your future and it will keep your wife and children happy. You won’t tithe to build God’s kingdom. You won’t worship as you ought. You won’t give to the needy. And, as Job pointed out, you will deserve God’s judgment for putting confidence in money. And remember, you can’t take your money to hell with you. (On the other hand, be warned that poverty is not a virtue. Don’t feel spiritually superior if you are poor, especially if you are poor because of laziness.) If at the end of your life, you trust in Jesus and live for Him, you will be rewarded with a crown of gold for your service, a golden crown that does not fade away and a crown that can never be stolen but enjoyed forever. Suggestions for prayers Pray that you will have more passion for heavenly gold than earthly gold and that you will put in the time and effort to store up treasures in heaven. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 14 - Drink water from your own cistern

“I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?” = Job 31:1  Scripture reading: Matthew 5:27-30 It almost seems inappropriate for an older man like Job to speak of having to control his lusts, but he was just being honest. He knew that no man, regardless of his age, is free from temptation. (He probably had grandchildren by then.) He refused to act as if he were so spiritually mature and was never tempted by human lusts. The Devil never stops attacking every man, woman and child, so long as we remain in this world. He would tempt man to lust, whether for adultery, for food or for creature comforts. He hates it when men live faithful lives and are able to restrain their lusts with the help of God’s Holy Spirit. The Sneaky Snake never rests. So it is wise, as the Lord Jesus Himself did, to fortify yourself with the Word of God. Reflect on all the riches and pleasures you have in Christ, both for now and eternity, and fend off the temptations for the temporary shiny possessions of this world. None of the things of this world brings eternal joy and they are so quickly but a memory, or they are stolen, burned-up, or taxed away. All that glitters is not gold. God told Abraham, “I am your exceedingly great reward.” Who needs anything more? What could be better than what you have in Jesus? Look to that which has lasting benefits. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will be thankful for your spouse and show it and that you will make a covenant with your eyes not to lust for earthly things. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 13 - Don’t be afraid to speak when you know

“Men listened to me and waited, and kept silence for my counsel. After my words they did not speak again, and my speech settled on them as dew. They waited for me as for the rain, and they opened their mouth wide as for the spring rain.” - Job 29:21-23  Scripture reading: Jeremiah 1:4-10 Ministers often defer to others even if they might be able to do a better job. That is often vain humility. Deferring to others when you are able to do better is not always honouring Christ. When you are teaching others, you may yield to your idea to give them an opportunity, but that is a learning proposition. Job knew people waited to listen to him speak. They treasured his advice. They were delighted by his advice. They loved his advice like a farmer loves rain in its season. He spoke! He gave great advice. Job was a wise man because he learned from God. It is true we don’t know much about Job and his theological training or his church attendance, but he knew God in an experiential way. He knew God’s law! James confirmed Job was a man of patience. Ezekiel described Job as a truly righteous man. A man does not become righteous by saying he believes in Jesus. He becomes righteous by spending time learning about God and what God expects him to do, and then doing it. He knew that his justification in the coming Saviour was only the beginning of his life. Therefore you must desire to learn so you can be of use to the kingdom. Are you a mother? Learn God’s calling on your life so you can help others. Are you an older brother? Teach by words and examples how your siblings ought to behave. Are you a scientist? Speak against the evolutionary myth. Suggestions for prayer Pray you will grow in the knowledge of the Word so you can be a blessing to the young in Christ. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 12 - When life seems to fall apart

“Then I said, ‘I shall die in my nest, and multiply my days as the sand.’” - Job 29:18  Scripture reading: Job 29:18-30:1 It is nice to coast in life. You study diligently, you work hard, you marry well, you save up for retirement, and you expect to spend time enjoying life and playing with your grandchildren. But life doesn’t always turn out that way, does it? You might have a tragic situation, like losing your job, getting sick, or having a loved one pass away. Life gets turned upside down. This was what Job felt after his life of ease and comfort fell apart. He lost almost everything. Even his wife urged him to turn away from God. The only thing left for Job was his faith, but that was all he needed. He could take the rough times because he knew the One Who “holds the future was the One Who was holding his hand.” You’ve heard people say, “With Christ in the vessel you could smile at the storm.” It’s true. It was his faith that kept Job going, even when his friends turned so strongly against him and rebuked him, accusing him of arrogance. So dear friends, don’t be too closely tied to the things of this world. Nothing on this earth is guaranteed. Nothing on this earth is worth it. If you have good things and a good life, praise God, but don’t be surprised if you lose something. Remember, the rewards which are worth saving up, like Jesus said, are in heaven. That’s where you will have perfect peace in which to praise God eternally. Suggestions for prayers Pray that you will be thankful in prosperity and patient in adversity and not complain. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 7 - Serving in the civil sphere?

“When I went out to the gate by the city, when I took my seat in the open square…” - Job 29: 7  Scripture reading: Isaiah 1:16-20 Job longed for the time when he was able to go out to the gates of the city and be an elder to help make civil judgments and bring peace to society. He could easily have said he was too busy. He was busy. But he wasn’t too busy to be involved in the civil realm. He aimed to live a balanced life. Maybe he couldn’t spend as much time with his grandchildren as he desired, but a balanced life was important to him. He knew part of his work as a child, redeemed in the coming Saviour, was to be a light to the world. Light must be shone to give directions. So he longed and prayed to be able to go to the city gates. There are those who say Christians should never get involved in politics or government business, but that’s not the example we see in Scripture, and that’s not the instruction we get from Scripture. While you must be careful in your civic involvement, you are called to reflect Christ to the whole world. (There is only one King.) This is part of shining your light that the world may see Jesus living in you. Shining your light is not just sharing the Gospel. It is giving guidance to a blind world. But when you are serving, let your judgments, your actions and your words reflect the truth of Scripture and don’t bring shame to the name of Christ. Let Christ shine. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you will get opportunities to serve your nation and that you will have the desire to serve your nation. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 6 - Is it wrong to be rich?

“…When my steps were bathed with cream, and the rock poured out rivers of oil for me!” - Job 29:6  Scripture reading: Psalm 49:15-20 Maybe you cringed when you heard about Job’s desire to have cream and an abundance of good oil. But you should not! Job was not doing anything wrong by saying this. God often blessed His people with great riches. Read Deuteronomy 28. When they went into Canaan, God gave Israel wells they did not dig, vineyards they did not plant and houses they did not build. God is rich and He often passes those riches to His children when it suits His purpose. Also, God gives His children gifts to make them happy. It is not a virtue to be poor. You should not be racked with guilt if you are honestly rich. That is God’s kind providence. So ask God for good and pleasurable things. It is not unholy to ask for things that bring you comfort. Many don’t get things because they don’t ask. But what happens if God doesn’t give you the things for which you ask? What if you were really poor and asking? You must be ready to accept from His fatherly hand what is good for you. Sometimes God wants you to learn to be without so you don’t become boastful, sometimes it is so you can trust Him more, or sometimes God wants you to experience lack so you can empathize with those who don’t have. And then again, have you considered that the greatest gift of all, your salvation, is already in your grasp and none can take it away? Suggestions for prayer Pray you will ask for things that are needful to do God’s work and pray for good things that you desire. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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Daily devotional

February 5 - Learning to rebuke for the glory of God

“But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips.” - Job 2:10  Scripture reading: Mark 6:14-20 We do live in a time when everyone is “entitled” to his own opinion. It seems quite impolite to tell someone his views are wrong. But what if someone believes something that is grossly harmful to them, is it okay to remain silent and let them suffer? A good Christian would say “no.” You have a duty to speak up. This is what we find with God’s servant Job. He knew Christ. All Old Testament saints were saved by Christ. And he knew he had to live for Christ and speak for Christ, so when his wife told him to “curse God and die” and get out of the miseries he was experiencing in his body, mind and soul, he had to speak up. She was telling Job to rebel and reject God’s providence. She was telling him to only accept good things from God and not the bad ones. She was telling him he deserved good things only. We can only imagine how that must have hurt godly Job. The one he expected to have better knowledge of God and his doctrines showed her ignorance, and therefore, her contempt of God. He was direct, even blunt because the truth must not be handled casually. He told her she was speaking foolishly. Do you have this kind of courage (without being mean)? Are you afraid to lose friends if you attempt to correct their false doctrines? This was not a small matter. This was the doctrine of God. Suggestions for prayer Ask God for the grace to take His harsh discipline. Pray that you will have the courage to speak up when you see serious sins in your brothers. Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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