Magazine, Past Issue
June 2014 issue
WHAT’S INSIDE: Worldviews and dogviews: what are they? / Leggings not much different than legs / Burning BC babies for energy / In a Nutshell / How to build Noah's Ark / You did not do this for me / What would you do? Are we ready to act to help "the least of these"? / Forgiveness: Do we need to forgive those who don't ask for forgiveness? / Sorrow and sorrow: Not all sorrow for sin leads to repentance. So what does godly sorrow look like? / Life after porn: 5 things my husband did to rebuild trust / Book Reviews: a taste of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) / The Bill Whatcott Dilemma: a courageous and disappointing pro-family leader
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