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August 31 – Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!

“And the Spirit and the bride say ‘Come!’” – Revelation 22:17

Scripture reading: Revelation 22:12-21; Philippians 3:7-14; Romans 13:11-14

One of the strongest memories of my childhood is waiting. Waiting every morning for the school bus, waiting for friends to come over, waiting for my grandparents at Christmas, sitting by the front window to see when they would arrive and how many presents they would bring! But nothing compares to the eagerness with which the children of God should await the coming of their King. After all the visions of Revelation, after all the depictions of battle and victory, sacrifice and success, the church has one great, Spirit inspired response. “Come!”

How should we respond to God’s Revelation? In the midst of the battle, aware of the King and His foe, hearing that He is coming soon, the Bible tells us our response. “Even so, come Lord Jesus!”

The race is nearly over. Our redemption is nearer than when we first believed. As we worship, may we do so with a cry for His coming. As we fight sin, may we do so with a cry for His coming. As we bear witness to the lost, may we do so with a cry for His coming.

The Lord lifts up the head of His bride and directs her attention away from the cares of this world towards Himself. The church cannot help but long for her groom’s appearing as she catches a glimpse of Him in these final chapters. Let us never be so focused upon earth that we forget what we are waiting for.

Suggestions for prayer

O Lord, come!

Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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