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August 19 – A new humanity: Raised with Christ

“If then you have been raised with Christ” – Colossians 3:1

Scripture reading: Colossians 2:16–3:4

In Colossians 3:1-4, Paul sets before us the gospel pathway to spiritual security and maturity. Having just addressed the paths that lead only to ruin: the paths of empty philosophy (2:8-15) and legalistic piety (2:16-23), Paul now sets before our eyes the path that leads to glory.

But in so doing, Paul not only seeks to remind his readers of where they’re going, but he also seeks to remind them of who they are. Whoever the false teachers in Colossae were, they were not only seeking to rob the Colossian believers of their security, but also of their status. Their insistence on various rites and rituals and religious experiences was causing some in the church to feel as though they were lesser.

But in Chapter 2:20, Paul assured them, saying, “If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations?” And by asking that question, what Paul was essentially saying to them was – “Don’t you know who you are? Don’t you know that you have died with Christ, and that since you have died with Him, you’ve also been set free in Him?”

Paul was reminding them of their new status in Christ. And this is the thread that Paul is going to pick up in Chapter 3: our new status and the implications of it in the Christian life.

Suggestions for prayer

Give thanks to God for the freedom that we have in Christ. Pray for the grace to live in light of the reality that we have not only died with Christ, but that we have also been raised with Christ.

Rev. Bryce De Zwarte is a native of Pella, Iowa and a graduate of Dordt University and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Rev. De Zwarte has been serving as the pastor of the Adoration URC in Vineland, Ontario since April of 2020. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

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