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August 11 – The lion of Judah

 “The Lion of the tribe of Judah…has prevailed…” – Rev. 5:5 

Scripture reading: Revelation 5:1-8; Daniel 12; Matthew 6:9-10

While interpreting visions takes care, understanding the scroll in the hand of God is essential. It contains God’s purpose and plans for the future of His creation. This can be known with confidence because of what we read as the seals are opened (see Rev. 6:1-8:1), as well as the comparison to a similar vision in Daniel 12.

When the angel asks who is worthy to open the scroll, he is asking if anyone is worthy to bring about God’s purpose on the earth. When no one is found, it teaches us that no mere human can bring God’s purposes to pass. We need to learn the sorrow of John in recognizing that in the billions of people on earth, not one could carry out or accomplish God’s will. We need to recognize that if God’s purposes depended on us, all would be lost!

But here, we also need to learn the joy of Christ. Because of Jesus, John is commanded not to weep. Because of Jesus, God’s purposes won’t fail. Because of Jesus, it doesn’t matter how much opposition Christians face. God will secure His sheep. Because of Jesus, we should not lose hope even in the face of our own sin. God’s purposes depend not on us, but on His Son.

Revelation 5 teaches us to lift up our heads. The Lion of Judah has overcome, and God’s purposes will triumph in Him both for this world and for you and me.

Suggestions for prayer

Lord, teach me the unfailing hope of knowing the victory found in Christ.

Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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