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August 10 – O worship the King

Revelation 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty…

Scripture reading: Revelation 4; Isaiah 6:1-8

How important is worship? On a scale of 1-10, how important, how life giving, is the worship of God to you?

It is a humbling thing to realize how frequently the book of Revelation shows us the glory of God. Revelation will reveal to us the future. There will be visions of dragons and beasts, wars and martyrdom. But above it all, undergirding it all, is the glory of God and His worthiness to be praised.

This is the emphasis of Revelation 4. Before we see the tempest of the following chapters, God shows us Himself. God is holy. He is separate from sin, most assuredly, but He is also separate from creation. He is above all things and even the sinless angels cannot stop praising Him in holy fear. The elders, who symbolize the victorious people of God, cast their crowns before Him and proclaim God alone as worthy. The reward of their perseverance, they cast before His feet: to God alone be glory!

Worship is foundational to what life is about. It is something God calls us to participate in and consider repeatedly. It is never an option; we cannot do without it. It redirects our hearts away from the shaking sands of this world to the One who is immovable. It reminds us of who we are saved for. We have been made and redeemed for God’s glory; whatever this life may bring may we give Him the praise!

Suggestions for prayer

Lord, help me to know Your glory, and give You praise.

Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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