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The Moon is Always Round

by Jonathan Gibson
2019 / 32 pages

This picture book is a beautiful catechism truth wrapped in a heartbreaking story of loss. Author Jonathan Gibson places his son Ben as the lead character. Through Ben, we look outside at the night sky and see the moon in its different stages. Sometimes it’s sliced like an apple. At other times it’s shriveled like an orange. But no matter what shape the moon appears to be, Ben knows that the moon is always round.

When Ben’s little sister Leila passes away at 39 weeks gestation, Ben must rely on faith, not sight. Although God does not appear to be good, his goodness extends even beyond Leila’s death. God is always good.

Short, simple phrases leave room for the reader to pause and contemplate the story as it unfolds. Kids will love saying along with Ben’s dad, “but the moon is always round” when Ben wonders if the moon has really changed. At the climax of the book, Ben’s dad asks him what that means. It feels natural for kids and parents to answer with Ben that “God is always good.”

While this book deals with heavy topics, simple sentences for big truths are what make this book profound. The book closes on a sweet note- a family picnic, a beautiful sunset, a full moon, and the words from Psalm 100:5: “For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”

Children aged 4-8 will gain the most from Gibson’s simple catechism. Younger readers will love hunting for the yellow daffodils sprinkled inside the vibrant pictures. However, even older children and adults will be touched by this sweet, sad story honoring Gibson’s stillborn daughter, Leila.

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