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Saturday Selections – September 29, 2018

My big flaw: I am an impatient parent

Being on time is a virtue. Taking it out on your kids when you’re not, isn’t.

Thank-you for your messy house!

“While I’m not suggesting never cleaning your house, it did strike me that it is pride that makes me reluctant to present a less than perfect front.”

Prof tells BC student that discussing abortion in class is “hateful” and “unsafe”

Why is any mention of abortion thought offensive, even in a university (i.e. supposedly free-thinking) setting? Because deep down the world understands it is a monstrous evil, and even their deadened consciences are pricked when the least mention is made. So they don’t want to hear it! But for the sake of the unborn, hear it they must. And this Reformed young woman was willing to do so.

How to think (and how not to think)

This is an absolutely fascinating article making the point that much of the evidence cited in the creation/evolution debate isn’t evidence for one side or the other, but fits with both. So the key, then, is to focus on finding the sorts of evidence that only fit one theory or the other.

Our minds are more than our brains

The world views us as elaborate machines, the brain the equivalent of a computer (admittedly a supercomputer). That has implications, the biggest being that free will is an illusion. If we are only machines, then our actions – our output – are merely the outworking of our collective inputs. We’ve done what we were programmed to do.

The Bible says something else entirely. And a closer look at our brain also shows that the computer analogy simply doesn’t hold. The evidence says that our minds are separate from and exist somewhere beyond our brains.

Myers-Briggs and other mirrors for the soul (1o minutes)

A Christianity Today review explores how one of the world’s most influential personality tests doesn’t have a solid scientific grounding, while in the video below Dr. David Powlison gives a Christian perspective on how our temperament (our personality) can have a powerful impact on us. (10 minutes)

The video “Do smartphones make us stupid? Or rude?” that was previously listed here has been cut because it might have had copyright problems.

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