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Saturday Selections – September 19, 2020

Chickens are fearfully and wonderfully made too! (4 minutes)

This incredible video shows how a fertilized egg becomes a chicken and it is amazing!

Should parents spank their children?

While spanking isn’t the only tool in the discipline toolbox, Sam Crabtree of explains why it is an important one.

Creation scientists debating their Flood models

If you follow the creation/evolution debate you’ve come across creationist critiques of holes in evolutionary theory. But did you know creationists critique each other’s theories too? This is an intriguing overview of some different Flood models creationists have proposed.

The economic stimulus program that won’t cost taxpayers trillions

As the article explains, if President Trump (and Prime Minister Trudeau) would simply cut their tariffs on incoming goods, they could quickly and greatly increase their citizens’ wealth and opportunities for investment and job creation.

But doesn’t cutting tariffs cost local jobs? Tariffs do protect some jobs but at the expense of other jobs. By making all of a country’s consumers – including manufacturing companies – pay more for a good they could have bought cheaper from overseas, those extra expenses represent money that these companies can’t use to invest in their own business. That’s why tariffs cost jobs too. Tariffs are the federal government interfering in the economy to favor some companies at the cost of all consumers…which include some other companies. Would we want them to take from our company to favor another? Then Matt. 7:12do unto others as you would want done unto you – tells us we shouldn’t be asking them to do it for our benefit either. offers free Christian films and TV shows

RedeemTV is the latest free streaming service and while Christian films do often suffer from a lack of quality, there are a few offerings here worth checking out:

  • C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert  – a fantastic one-man stage production with Max Maclean as C.S. Lewis
  • Tortured for Christ – a well-done drama about Pastor Richard Wurmbrand’s stand against the Romania government
  • Martin Luther – this 1950s film was nominated for an Oscar
  • Francis Schaeffer: How Should We Then Live? – This 1970s documentary series remains very relevant today
  • Torchlighers – this series about “Christian heroes” features some figures we might admire for their bravery even as we don’t want to present them as “heroes” to our children. Another caution: though animated, some episodes are too intense for younger children, as sometimes martyr’s deaths are depicted. Parents should be sure to preview.

The Jenny Geddes Band: Hold your peace (5 minutes)

Romans 9…with a beat.

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Saturday Selections - September 12, 2020

Who has measured the heavens with His fingers? (2 minutes) This video unpacks what's contained in an area of space that you can cover with just the tip of your finger. God's universe is bigger than big! <span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span> Why Bibles given to slaves omitted most of the Old Testament While the Bible teaches we should be in submission to God – slaves even – His Word is all about freedom too, which seems to be why slaves that were given the Bible were given an abridged version. You need to know what your kids are listening to (10-minute read) The lyrics of the mega-hit WAP celebrate promiscuous, loveless sex in a ruder, cruder form than anything Madonna ever managed... and it is the #1 song in the world right now. So what are your kids listening to? Is it ethical to use data from Nazi medical experiments? The Nazis performed research on imprisoned Jews, and today we do research using the remains of aborted children. The justification given for this experimentation, in both cases, is that the subjects weren't fully human. If that is a reason not to use cruelly-derived  Nazi research – which is universally condemned and unlikely to ever be otherwise – isn't there all the more reason to steer clear of the results of experimentation on aborted fetuses? After all, abortion is an evil still with us. This is an especially relevant question today considering that some of the COVID vaccines in the works are being developed with the remains of aborted children. "Respectable sins" of the Reformed world "Respectable sins" are the ones that we justify and might even defend...if we talked about them at all. Tim Challies lists several specific to the Reformed world, including suspicion, gossip, and slander. The OT chapter Jews don't read: Isaiah 53 (10 minutes) Christians think Isaiah 53 is about Christ. But what do Jews think? This is a wonderful video, with the interviewer, a Jewish "Ray Comfort," sharing the chapter with Jews, and then lovingly confronting them with their sins and need for the Saviour. ...