Who cares about the national debt?
This is an American presentation, but the point syncs up with the Canadian situation too.
Secular prof discovers that God knows best (15-min read)
God’s restrictions regarding premarital and extramarital sex are sometimes presented as being restrictions on pleasure. God is seen as a killjoy. But what one secular professor discovered is that sexual restraint benefits a society. In other words, God’s rules should be understood as guides for our good – they show His love for us.
The C-vid survey that should have rocked the world
As headlines tend to be these days, this one is a bit over the top. But it is important to understand the political group in charge of the US right now is the side that overestimates the dangers.
The dangerous science behind “gender transitioning”
Christians reading their Bibles already know that “gender transitioning” isn’t going to have a good end. While some studies argue it does help these folk psychologically, it is not surprising to us that as John Stonestreet notes, the best studies say something else entirely.
12 tips for parenting the smartphone generation
Tony Reinke, author of 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, has 12 tips for parents, including:
- Delay social media as long as possible
- Delay smartphones as long as possible
Ben Shapiro on climate change (3 min)
The commentator explains that climate change “fixes” intended to avert potential harm in the future would do real harm to the poor today.