Alberta’s NDP says Christian school cannot state that God’s authority supersedes human authority
If the idea that a Canadian provincial government would try this strikes you as unbelievable, don’t just read the article linked up above, but also the Christian school’s “Safe and Caring Policy” as marked up by the government. You can find it here.
What the 9th commandment would have us do in a social media world
Tim Challies applies the 9th Commandment (and the Westminster Shorter Catechism) to Twitter, Facebook, and more. Part 1 is here, and Part 2 here.
Keeping technology in its proper place: An interview with Andy Crouch
Andy Crouch is the author of the Tech-Wise Family. Parents will find a lot of advice here worth considering.
Gender ideology over science
The American Academy of Pediatricians has “made a monumental decision” recently to embrace transgenderism, and as the folks at Breakpoint show, it has nothing to do with evidence, or science, but is instead about blind unthinking obedience to an ideology.
Suppressing politically incorrect science on gender…and on intelligent design
This is a long read, but if you know someone who thinks science is the ultimate standard, this might be a helpful one to point them to, to highlight just how biased scientists, and published “science,” can be.
Answering Ehrman – one of the Bible’s skeptics gets answered in bite-size chunks
Dr. Bart Ehrman is one of the best known critics of the Bible, and now a number of Christian scholars have come together to answer his charges one by one, in bite-sized videos, at This is a great resource if you or anyone you know is being confronted with Ehrman’s work, but discernment is needed as some answers are better than others.