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Saturday Selections – October 30, 2021

Do intersex people prove there are more than two genders?

We live in a broken world, and that means that sometimes people are born with disabilities or disorders and that happens with our reproductive systems too.

Without Luther, there would be no Bach (10 -minute read)

Luther was born into a church culture that celebrated religious work above all else. But by time Bach was born, he was able to recognize that all of his music — whether sacred hymns or secular cantatas — should be and could be to the glory of God.

We’re all in a video game?

Elon Musk seems determined to prove the adage that when you don’t believe in God, you’ll fall for anything. Tesla’s founder isn’t the only one proposing we might be “in the Matrix” so what’s the attraction of supposing things to be so? As the article notes the appeal is that it,

“gives atheists a way to talk about spirituality,” or something like it. It offers “a source of awe.” It even brings up similar questions for our simulators that one might ask of God: “Why did they create us? Why did they allow evil in their simulation?” “Why are we here?” And perhaps even, “Do they love us?”

For a short read see the article above, but for an hour-long discussion on the same topic (between filmmaker Eric Hovind and astronomer Spike Psarris, creationists both) tune in here.

Keeping our kids off porn (10-min read)

“…delaying children’s private access to screens is the top piece of advice I heard from experts. ”

Did Calvin murder Michael Servetus?

Jonathan Moorhead offers a short answer above, a medium answer in this interview, and a longer answer in his book The Trial of the 16th Century.

Will Islam become the world’s largest religion?

That’s what some are predicting will happen by 2050, but a closer look at the numbers gives us quite a different understanding.

What’s involved in throwing a strike? (2 min)

There’s a lot more going on than we might have realized.

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