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Saturday Selections – November 30, 2019

Is surrogacy the same as adoption? (4 minutes)

This short video offers three ways in which surrogacy is different than adoption:

1. Adoption seeks to mend a family wound. Third-party reproduction creates a family wound.
2. With adoption, the child is the client but with third-party reproduction- the adult is the client.
3. With adoption, adults support the child. With third-party reproduction, the children support the adult.

The why behind Christian education

Trevin Wax shares 4 reasons to turn to Christian, rather than public, schools.

Transgender teen regrets his “Frankenstein” transition

Here’s the story of one 19-year-old who regrets what doctors and others encouraged him to do to himself. His is a sad story, but an important one to know about so we can share it with confused friends, family, or neighbors.

When your child looks at porn

Four thoughts on how to help our children when, not if, it happens.

How beauty in art points us to God

There is a tension in great art. So will there be art in Heaven once the tension between good and evil has been resolved?

How Big Government hurts women (6 minutes)

God says He made us male and female, we’re made in His Image, and it matters (Gen. 1:27, Deut. 22:5, Eph. 5:22-33). So, of course, our God-hating world says no He didn’t, no we aren’t, and no it doesn’t.

But their contrarian stance leaves the world scrambling to explain the equality of the sexes (what do we all equally share, if it’s not being made in God’s Image?), and to explain away the obvious differences that exist between the genders. The most obvious difference is that only women can carry and sustain a child for nine months and for the weeks that follow. Obvious, too, is that a woman who is away from the office caring for her child is not being as productive for her company as the man who continues to put in his 8-10 hours every day.

So how does the world address the glaring holes in their worldview? By papering over them with government policies like mandatory maternity leave which requires an employer to keep a woman’s position available for her while she is away recuperating and caring for her new little one. It means a woman won’t have to quit her job to have a child, and won’t have to start from scratch again when she gets back. But such a policy is premised on the idea that a woman at home is a wrong that must be righted, and that women are only doing productive work when they are working outside of the home, so we have to get them back out there. This policy also pretends that a woman who is away from her job for weeks or months is just as valuable to her employer as the man who never left. None of it is true, and as the video demonstrates, reality-denying policies like government-mandated maternity leave make women more expensive, less desirable employees.

A better approach? We need to keep preaching, teaching, and living the truth that male and female are equal, not because we are interchangeable, identical, and called to the same roles, but because we are made in God’s image.

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