The 16 most amazing nests built by birds
The amazing tailorbird crafts camouflage for its nest by using grass or spider silk as thread, and then it actually sews leaves together. But that’s not the only crafty bird God has made – here’s 15 more with the unique nests they build or borrow.
In 2018 at least 1.12% of deaths in Canada were due to euthanasia
“According to the latest figures, about 3,000 Canadians were euthanized in 2018.”
6 biological evidences for a young earth
Here are 6 very fun, very quick, evidences that point to a young age for the earth.
Sabbath rest: not just for grown-ups (10-minute read)
Our kids need to understand that we aren’t saved by our output.
18 spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day
2019’s Earth Day has come and gone, and in the lead-up to it we heard dire predictions like this one from congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez: “…The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change…”
This 12 year figure is being batted about so it’s important that we:
- Mark their words. They are prophesying, and the way to tell a false prophet from a real one is whether their words come true.
- Remember – as the linked article does – all the false prophesies of the past.
FREE FILM: The Fool – the true “banana man” story (65 minutes)
This is the true story of how evangelist Ray Comfort was mocked and ridiculed by atheists the world over for a silly joke he made that fell flat. But even as Ray was brought low, God was using Ray’s humiliation: these same atheists started inviting Ray onto their shows, podcasts, and stages sand they let him say anything he wanted. So he used these forums to share the Gospel with hundreds and even thousands of atheists at a time. Some atheists even took Ray’s books and read through them on their YouTube channels, all in attempt to mock him. But the end result was they themselves read out a Gospel presentation to their listeners. As Ray asks, “Who but God could take atheists and not only have them listen to the Gospel, but have them proclaim it?”