How to stop being addicted to your phone (4 min)
This is a fun one to share and discuss with your kids, but that might not go so well if you aren’t either, in control of your own phone usage, or willing to fight your own addiction.
Since this is a secular take, you’re going to have to bring the Christian perspective: it’ll take not only willpower to beat this addiction, but repentance and submission. Repentance doesn’t just involve turning away from our idol, but more importantly turning to God. So it isn’t just, stop frittering away your hours with your phone; it’s, start using those hours in ways that please and honor God.
3 biblical examples that disprove the Prosperity Gospel
“Though a much more in-depth rebuttal is possible, these three examples from scripture provide sufficient grounds to reject the prosperity gospel…”
Stand fast on the pronouns
This is a Roman Catholic take, but one that accurately outlines just how far we can go in response to demands in our workplaces to call male collegues women, and vice versa. Christians are already being called haters, or transphobic, for holding to God’s created order. No matter the insults, there is a line that we must not cross because to do would be to further confuse – and therefore harm – those who are already so confused.
Why Noah’s Ark makes no sense in an Old Earth scenario
Christians who hold that the Earth is millions of years olds will refer to the Flood as being only a regional event. But if the Flood was local, then why an ark at all?
Recovering the Lost Art of Reading: a review
“I grew up with the blessing of books everywhere. For most of my youth I inhabited ‘the dungeon’ — a basement bedroom with no windows, but a full wall of bookshelves. No, my father wasn’t an academic; he was a police officer. He’d completed high school, but didn’t go to university. Nevertheless, his many books filled my room. Even though we always had a TV in the house growing up, I was almost always reading a book. Reading wasn’t only natural, it was delightful. When I was a teenager, I spent hours and hours every week at the local library, about a 30-minute walk from our home.
“I wonder what would have happened to me if I’d grown up today rather than in the 1980s. We had TV, but we didn’t have mobile phones. We had cable and a VCR, but we didn’t have Netflix. We had a Commodore 64 computer (with some pretty neat games), but we didn’t have the Internet. So many less distractions back then! It’s a wonder that any kids today still read. Reading is on the rocks – and all ages are affected.”
– Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The man who created Settlers of Catan (4 min)
This is a charming account of how Klaus Teuber came to invent this very popular game.