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Saturday Selections – May 18, 2019

Caterpillars feeding on an explosive treat (3 min)

BBC Earth is all about getting viewers closer and deeper into Nature than we’ve ever been before. And in this clip what we find is freaky coolness.

While the BBC never gives God his due, by giving us in-depth looks at His creativity they can’t help but prompt praise for the One who made it all.

Tardigrades too tough for evolution?

Here’s a fascinating anti-evolution argument: Natural Selection has no reason to over-engineer. So why can the Tardigrade survive being frozen at -267ºC? And why can it revive after being hit with 250 times the radiation needed to kill a Man?

Israel Folau thrown to the lions

Australia’s top rugby player has been fired for an Instagram post that noted, unless they repent, drunks, adulterers, liars, thieves, atheists, idolaters, fornicators, and homosexuals will go to hell.

But he’s not backing down.

5 charts that show the world is improving for mothers

We can sometimes get tricked by all the doom and gloom in our daily news  into thinking the world has never been worse. To provide a little balance – and show how much we have to thank God for – here are five charts that show how some things are better than ever.

The religious language of climate change

John Stonestreet notes that the way the world talks about climate change is religious, with transformative language, its own list of sins, and its own damnation too.

Keynes vs. Hayek: round 2

Rap and Economics? Can it get any better?

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