Burning Ember (8 min)
Steve Bell and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra may just give you the shivers – this is wonderful!
Are Proverbs an ancient form of tweets?
Proverbs are concise, and because they are memorable, they are also pass-along-able – they can go viral! But as author Harma-Mae Smit notes, “the most significant difference between Twitter and Proverbs is obviously the end result of reading them” – Proverbs are for developing wisdom!
The restless heart of Generation Z and the mental health crisis
“The timing of this unprecedented outbreak of anxiety, depression and other mental health problems, Haidt points out, corresponds suspiciously with the rise of smartphones and social media apps.”
Is it loving for a Christian to attend a “gay wedding”?
A couple has asked you to come to their ceremony where they plan to pledge themselves to a lifelong rebellion against their Maker – should you go and lend your support and encouragement?
A parent’s guide to bullying (and teaching your kids to stand up for the little guy instead)
Kids in Christian schools get bullied too. Might that be because Christian parents don’t take the topic seriously enough? Are too many presuming their kids are immune to being bullied? And could never be bullies? Maybe we think of bullying as only a physical thing, and don’t even consider how constant put-downs (perhaps disguised as biting “Dutch” humor) can cause kids to hate school.
If we want to deal with bullying in our schools, this guide is really a must-read for all parents. It’s crafted by the Christian parents’ group Axis, short at just 16 pages, and free to download. It could be the start of something.
Johnson & John’s Sons & Son’s (2 min)
For all the English teachers out there…