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Saturday Selections – March 7, 2020

Caterpillars feed on exploding seed pods! (3 minutes)

Wait for it….wait for it…..

Don’t leave kids to their own devices

Should we trust kids with online privacy? No, says Breakpoint Ministries’ John Stonestreet: “the least loving thing you can do as a parent is to leave your kids to their own devices on the Internet.”

How J.K. Rowling outsmarted the LGBT mob when it came after her

The Harry Potter author simply stood her ground unapologetically…

Euthanasia is increasing organ donations. What should we do?

“‘Medically assisted death’ comes down to people at their most vulnerable trying to hold on to a sense of control. Organ donation gives one more illusion of control: the illusion that this apparent altruism will give your life and death a meaning it otherwise would not have. This illusion further masks the inherent dignity each human being has as an image-bearer of God – the God who, in health or sickness, is in control.”

University: to go or not go? One consideration

Is college worth it, financially? There are many things to consider, and here is just one. US college students graduate with an average of $30,000 in debt. This article argues that, if instead of having to pay that off over the next ten years, they could instead be investing in the Stock Market each of those years at just a minimal amount of $3,648 per year, they could end up with almost a million dollars more in their retirement bank account. The lesson? Invest early (Albert Einstein called compound interest the “eighth wonder of the world”) and consider only going to college or university if you have goals that require it.

What is a worldview? (5 minutes)

Everyone has one. But what is it? And why does it matter?

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