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Saturday Selections – March 13, 2021

Our weird and wonderful brain (4 min)

This is what Paul means when he says in Romans 1:20, that God’s power and divinity are clearly perceivable in the things that God has made. You don’t have to understand everything being said here to be awed by what God has done inside our brains.

Christian adoption agency now serving gay couples

Bethany’s capitulation to cultural pressures is sad. But with 20% of gay couples looking to adopt and only 3% of Christian couples doing so, is one takeaway that the Church must do more for orphans?

Are lockdowns one of the most catastrophic policy errors of the century?

In many countries, there has been a systematic and mandatory paralysis of worship, schooling, work, leisure, mobility, and hospitality. And of the churches that are now worshipping in person, attendance is down.

Water, water, everywhere!

Lots to celebrate in this story of how Christians brought water to every village in Liberia!

Why just two? What’s coming next in the sexual revolution…

God designed and defined marriage, and we know His way is best. So it’s no wonder then that “children living with a mother and her boyfriend are eleven times more likely to be sexually, physically, or emotionally abused than children living with their married, biological parents.” But as REAL Women explain, the push for legal recognition of polyamory is already happening…

Cosmic child abuse? (17 minutes)

An accusation sometimes leveled against God is that the atonement is an example of “cosmic child abuse” – the Father monstrously taking out his anger on his innocent Son. This excerpt from the excellent documentary American Gospel: Christ Crucified, answers this objection by showing that this isn’t simply a child having punishment inflicted on it, but Jesus freely taking this one. And this isn’t God inflicting this punishment on someone else, but in Jesus, taking it on Himself.

It’s worth noting that this “cosmic child abuse” accusation does have application to Jehovah’s Witness theology (and maybe Mormons too?) that sees, not eternal God, but a created being taking on other created beings’ punishment.

You can find out how to rent and stream American Gospel: Christ Crucified here.

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Saturday Selections - March 6, 2021

Tim Challies on 10 books every Christian should read Challies is a Reformed baptist so it isn't surprising that Reformed baptists Charles Spurgeon, John MacArthur, and John Piper have a place of prominence on his list. What books would you put on your own list? British doctors order "Do not resuscitate" for the mentally handicapped Here's one to share, with the note that this is the logical result of denying we are all made in the very Image of God. If our worth doesn't come from Him, but from what we can do, then those who can do less are treated as being worth less. COVID charts that CNN forgot This is a free ebook offer for The Covid Charts that CNN Forgot by Tom Woods. It's just 30+ pages, and while it can be argued that any covid comparisons of one place to another are apples to oranges, I think, by weight of one comparison after another, Woods makes a good case for his position, which is: " admit that they don’t fully understand it, and that it doesn’t behave the way their mitigation guidance seems to suggest it does....Graph the results any way you like: lockdown stringency, people’s mobility patterns, mask mandate dates, whatever. The results are completely random. They absolutely do not show a clear pattern whereby ruining your life solves the problem." Woods is a libertarian Roman Catholic, and the libertarian comes out far more than any Judeo-Christian perspective. But what libertarians and Christians both know is that government isn't God, and thus it doesn't have God-like powers - there are things beyond its control. That's a point that seemed seldom raised over the last year, but it is a point this booklet drives home. To get it you do need to give your email, but you can unsubscribe easily (he's not a spammer). An Australian human rights tribunal is being given the authority to investigate prayers "...Parliament has outlawed praying and even talking with another person about sexuality and gender. People are free to discuss, pray, and counsel so long as their view of sexuality and gender conforms to the current set of theories being preached by activists." A boy who has a smartphone/laptop/TV in their bedroom has a fool for a father This pastor puts it plainly and that may offend some. But isn't repentance the better response? Jay Adams tribute (3 minutes) Jay Adams (1929-2020) can rightly be called "the Martin Luther of biblical counseling" because, like Luther, he was pointing people back to the Bible. Like Luther, others came after and built on his work, and differed with it. But these differences only underscored the importance of his initial insight – that we need to go back to the Bible! – so long as the discussions involved turning to God's Word for direction. ...