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College isn’t for everyone (3 min)
Christians listening to this Mike Rowe clip might hear echoes of Paul’s message in 1 Cor. 12:12-31, about how the Body has many members. We’re not all the same, so we shouldn’t presume that university is for everyone. This is a clip from Rowe’s free 20-minute mini-documentary called The Case for Trade School.
Good news: the Earth is getting greener
Even NASA is sharing this, though with a negative spin (they can’t get away from their cataclysmic take).
Millions of Americans are banned from pumping their own gas
Under the pretense of “safety” millions of Americans are prohibited from pumping their own gas. But is it really so unsafe? No, as all of us who manage to pump our own gas without blowing ourselves up can attest.
So then what’s the real reason for the ban? It’s a case of private interests using the levers of state power to fight off their competition. And that’s far from unusual.
When is a question better than an answer?
John Stonestreet – riffing off of Christian apologist Greg Koukl – offers 6 simple, great questions that’ll help you stand up for the truth.
“Time to admit genes aren’t the blueprints for life”
Have you heard that your cellular DNA is the instruction sheet or blueprint for your cell and body? Well, now it seems that was a gross oversimplification. This article is complex too, but here’s the key: scientists keep discovering the life is more and more complex than they’d previously thought.
And evolution only makes sense if we are simple enough to have come about without design or direction.
Equal pay for equal work laws hurt (4 min)
Milton Friedman offers up a practical objection to “equal pay for equal work” laws, no matter how well-intentioned they might be.