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Saturday Selections – Mar. 26, 2022

More and more can’t answer: “What is a woman?”

March 8 is International Women’s Day, and March is celebrated by many as “Woman’s History Month.” But it was this same month that US Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson explained she couldn’t define what a woman was because “I’m not a biologist.” She’s not the only confused soul. This is a trailer for an upcoming Matt Walsh documentary where he travels the world asking one simple question: “What is a woman?” Tune in to May 2022 for the answers…and non-answers.

Praying all the psalms over Russia

“At times when world events, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, shake us out of moral lethargy, these cries for justice and wrath make more sense. We, too, become enraged…”

The high cost of free money

A Canadian senator and MP are pushing for all Canadians to be guaranteed a basic income, to be provided for by the government, and without requirements for someone to work or seek work. Christian Heritage Party leader Rod Taylor explains some of the problems with that idea.

headSTART: science jargon made simple for high school students

A high school science student is going to get hit with a lot of scientific jargon, and sometimes the definitions they’re given in their textbooks are loaded with evolutionary assumptions. So where can a Christian creationist student turn for an alternative? is a great place to go. This online tool is designed for high school students but useful for their parents too. It defines scientific terms from a creationist perspective, highlighting the 100+ most important terms including: convergence, Junk DNA, Horizontal Gene Transfer, and the Framework Hypothesis.

Pronoun landmine

An unusual American job site has created this game where you get ahead by jumping over pronoun hurdles. But mess up once, and “You’re Fired!”

Why did so many Christians support the Freedom Convoy?

“For three chaotic weeks, the world watched…” Jonathon Van Maren offers his post mortem on the many reasons many Christians supported the Freedom Convoy.

Lifting mask mandates: good or bad?

Do we dare have an unpopular opinion? Christians have both a reason to risk ridicule (Ps. 27:1, Rom. 10:14) and a reason to be kind to those that think differently (Matt. 7:12). Our godless culture is increasingly showing they have no such reasons.

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Saturday Selections – Mar. 19 , 2022

When they stop even pretending (3 min) This clip, from Dec 2021, has been circulating social media ever since. What's made it so popular? Perhaps the unvarnished nature of it: opposition MP Pierre Poilievre is trying to get just one question answered and, in a jaw-dropping display, the government's minister gives up even the pretense of trying to answer him. Atheists against atheism "None of the three men believe in Jesus Christ in the traditional religious sense, but they all believe in belief in Jesus Christ..." 50 years of failed climate crisis predictions It's been three years now since prominent American congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced the world might end in 12 years: “Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us, are looking up, and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?” While later backtracking, claiming her statement was "dry humor," two-thirds of her fellow Democrats believed her. But for those above a certain age, they should have known better: her doomsday prediction was only the latest in a long line of them. Racial quotas argue that two wrongs make a right This is a satiric piece from 2011 that turned out to be downright prophetic – it's about a university's advanced math class that was 45% Jewish, which is about 20 times the Jewish percentage in the US population. So, racial quotas would say, we need to kick the vast majority of Jews out to allow more of the underrepresented in. It is an attempt to combat racism, not by ending the discrimination on the basis of skin color or ethnicity, but by redirecting it – it's one wrong being piled atop another in an attempt to make a right. But that can never be (1 Thessalonians 5:15). You are what you binge A recent trend of facial and vocal tics among teens has shown once again that we really are influenced by what we watch. Using questions to point out weak arguments (4 min) In an argument, are you trying to win the point, or the person? That's something to consider if a friend makes a weak argument you know you can crush. In this video Greg Koukl shows how you can use questions to more gently have your friend lead himself to the right conclusion. ...