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Saturday Selections – Mar 25, 2023

How do evolutionists explain how the first cells replicated? (14 min)

To evolve, cells would need to be able to replicate, so how do evolutionists explain the origin of replication? This cartoon Intelligent Design presentation is a fun watch but, admittedly, gets pretty technical. Fortunately, you don’t need to get it all to catch the gist: that evolutionary explanations for the origin of life don’t explain it at all.

The one-sided environmental thinking behind Avatar: The Way of Water

While this is a secular critique of what has become the 6th highest-grossing film of all time, the latter half lines up with God’s mandate for us to have dominion over Creation (Genesis 1:26-28): ours isn’t simply to have a hands-off approach.

Don’t trust ChatGPT

When Dr. Bredenhof did some testing on the AI website ChatGPT, he found that it provided both dreadful and impressive answers.

What does “woke” actually mean?

Folks who are too scared to define “woman” really want us to define the term “woke.” Can we do it? Yes we can.

Tim Challies on the changing of the dictionaries’s word of the year for 2022 was “woman” but how long will they have a clear definition of it?

Steve Jobs pitching educational vouchers (4 min)

In this 1995 interview, Apple’s founder makes an impassioned plea for more parental control in education via vouchers. It’s a great idea, but comes with its own hitch: government money comes with conditions, so a school might only be accredited if they adopt aspects of the government’s ideology. Still, distributing educational dollars through parental hands would be a real upgrade on the direct government distribution we have now.

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Saturday Selections – Mar 18, 2023

St. Patrick's bad analogies In honor of St. Patrick's Day just past, and our God who has made Himself known, and yet remains incomprehensible. Case studies – 2 Canadian, 1 Australian – show how ideology is preventing inquiry When it comes to the free exchange of ideas, Christians are often portrayed as suppressors because we have a problem with pornography and blasphemy - we do want to put some restrictions on "speech." But God has told us that iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17) , and that one person questioning another can help us find the truth (Prov. 18:17). Thus there is a biblical basis for allowing speech we disagree with: to help us better seek the truth. But what basis outside of Christianity is there for freedom of speech? Whatever reasons are offered will either be founded on a Christian foundation (if only you dig deep enough) or aren't strong enough to stand up to groupthink, as is evidenced by the reaction to the three follks here, who are guilty of wrongthink. Britain's 1984 moment The "conservative" government across the ocean has just voted for criminalizing the thoughtcrime of silent prayer outside abortion clinics. The silver lining here is that when the Devil overreaches – when he uses the iron fist, rather than the siren song – his lack of subtlety makes it possible for even the most tongue-tied among us to clearly present the antithesis: that the world must choose between bowing the knee to God, or standing with the baby-killers and the thought-police. That's clarity we can be grateful for. Fight for your pastor Shepherds not only have to contend with wolves but they are called to tend sometimes contentious sheep. So what are we doing to sustain them in their role? Are you fighting for your pastor? 3 rules of rational parenting derived from... economics? A Christian professor taps into economics to explain why you should never give in to your child's tantrums – this is a parenting lesson unlike any other :) This is a coat! (4 min) For parents everywhere.... (h/t Anita) ...