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Saturday Selections – June 9

I believe in “theistic evolutionist”

Dr. Bredenhof on the disingenuous way some in the creation/evolution debate describe their positions.

Airport security: where do we draw the line?

When airport security selected his 13-year-old daughter for a pat down, John Stonestreet wasn’t going to have it.

Should churches incorporate?

“Incorporating the church also undermines Reformed church governance because it puts power in the hands of the membership to overturn “board” (i.e. elders’) decisions. Incorporation puts final decision making power in the membership rather than consistory.”

The myth of deforestation: the difference between environmentalism and biblical stewardship

On the surface biblical stewardship and secular environmentalism seem to have a lot in common – both are concerned with pollution and loss of animal species. But where they often differ is in the Christian belief that people are more important than plants and animals. Now, saying people are more important than the plants and animals isn’t to say that plants and animals are unimportant – it is only about getting our priorities straight.

And when it comes to deforestation, secular groups have gotten their priorities mixed up. While the planet is, overall, still experiencing a slightly decline in the extent of its forests, that is happening in the poorest countries. Meanwhile in the rich West, our forests are increasing – in the UK they are three times what they once were!

Trees are a luxury – the person who doesn’t know what they are going to eat today doesn’t have the time or energy to care about trees…and we shouldn’t expect them to. But the wealthier a country becomes, the more likely they will see an increase in the size of their forests, as trees become a luxury we can now afford. So when environmentalists complain about deforestation, what is it they are asking for? That the poorest countries start making trees a bigger priority, even as people are still starving? They aren’t saying that out loud, but that is what they are asking.

And those are mixed up priorities.

Starlings are stupendous!

Grab the spouse, grab the kiddies, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the jaw dropping spectacle of starling “clouds.” God is fun! (4 minutes).

On reading and how to do it

We all know how to read, sure. But we don’t always know how to assess what we’re reading. Bekah Merkle gives us some of the tools (40 minutes).

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