Happy Father’s Day
Rapper Shai Linne pointing his father to our Father.
Yes, you can prove God’s existence…
….but proof doesn’t always persuade.
Fatherhood as a vocation in Richard Scarry’s The Bunny Book
“‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ It’s a question we are routinely asked as youngsters, with the more cliché responses ranging from ‘fireman’ to ‘astronaut’ to ‘explorer.’ Yet, as I’ve argued previously, we needn’t limit such contemplations to work outside of the home…. family needn’t be viewed as a ‘capstone’ to personal achievement, but should instead be seen as a ‘cornerstone'”
Kids’ shows are pushing Pride Month
Jonathon Van Maren wants Christians to opt out of a mainstream culture that is explicitly anti-God. But it’s harder to opt out when you don’t know what to opt into instead. So to help, we’ve got 243 viewing suggestions here.
Canadian gov’t to regulate (indirectly) what citizens post online
“In its original form, Bill C-10 would not have regulated the speech of ordinary Canadians at all. The bill excluded “programs that are uploaded to… a social media service by a user of the service,” meaning that the CRTC would not have had the power to supervise the content of individual users. However, in April, the heritage committee removed this exception from the bill….”
Should singles adopt?
Children need a mother and a father, which is why it is selfish for single men and women to, via surrogates or IVF, create a child who will have just one parent. But one parent is infinitely better than none, so for singles considering adoption, rescuing a child is an entirely different thing.
A miracle on the frontlines (5 min)
While miracles aren’t the norm, God will do what God will do. And in frontline ministries, where maybe the need is the greatest, God sometimes makes Himself very evident.