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Saturday Selections – July 11, 2020

Miracles happen…

John Barros has been walking back and forth outside an Orlando abortion clinic, reaching out to the mothers, long enough to wear a mark in the concrete. In this video Barros shares how God used him to reach a Spanish-speaking couple, even though he was speaking English.

The devil’s favorite punctuation mark

Where God puts an exclamation mark, the Devil puts a question mark: “Did God really say…?”

REAL Women endorse two/reject two in Conservative Party leadership race

Canada’s Conservative Party leadership race is using a preferential ballot. What that means is that if your top choice is eliminated after the first round of counting, then your vote will shifted to your second choice, and so on. What this also means is that there is no strategic reason not to vote for the best candidate, even if they might not seem to have a good chance of winning. Make him your top choice, and if he does indeed lose, then your vote will shift to your second choice and still be counted.

Why then are some Christians considering voting for the pro-choice Erin O’Toole? Because he is more likely to beat Trudeau than either of the pro-life candidates, Leslyn Lewis or Derek Sloan? That prompts a question: why is it even important to beat Trudeau? He might be bad for business and the economy, but is that the real problem with Trudeau? Canada’s national psalm, Ps. 72, from where we get our motto “From sea to sea,” provides a job description of sorts for a ruler. He is to:

…deliver the needy who cry out,
the afflicted who have no one to help.
He will take pity on the weak and the needy
and save the needy from death.
He will rescue them from oppression and violence,
for precious is their blood in his sight.

What makes Trudeau evil is not his handling of the economy but his support for the slaughter of “the afflicted who have no one to help.” So what improvement is it to replace him with another who supports this same evil?

Another reason given to support O’Toole is because he has promised to let all voices be heard. But is he going to award prominent positions to boldly pro-life MPs? Is he going to welcome the media storm that’ll result each time they do speak up for the unborn? Or is he going to relegate loud pro-life Conservatives to the backbenches where, as one of 337 other MPs, they will seldom be heard? It doesn’t take a prophet to know that any pro-life MP who is given prominence in an O’Toole government will be under intense pressure to act as if the death of 100,000 unborn children a year isn’t worth making a fuss over. And certainly not worth losing a cabinet position over!

What a blessing it is, then, that we have two pro-life candidates to choose from in Derek Sloan and Leslyn Lewis.

What parenting style works best?

A secular study defined 4 broad parenting styles as

  1. Disengaged – neither demanding nor responsive
  2. Permissive – responsive but not demanding
  3. Authoritarian – demanding but unresponsive
  4. Authoritative – demanding and responsive

It is this fourth approach that most clearly matches up with God’s call on parents in verses like:

a) Ps. 127:3 – “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”
b) Prov. 29:15 – “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.”
c) Col. 3:21 – “Fathers do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.”

It not surprising then, that it is this fourth approach that most lines up with what even the world recognizes as the best results. God loves us, and His commandments are a help and protection for us when we listen…and in parenting too.

“95 million-year-old” octopus’s ink used for self-portrait

Here’s a fun story. The “preservation of an octopus as a fossil is about as unlikely as finding a fossil sneeze” and yet one such fossil is so well preserved that ink from the octopus’s ink sac was used to draw a portrait of the animal.

The ultimate Rube Goldberg Machine…aka the 3-minute-long basketball shot!

A fun one to watch with the kids that might serve as inspiration too!

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