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Saturday Selections – Jan. 4, 2025

“Are you Christian?” (3 min)

In this “sermon jam” Paul Washer challenges his listeners to really examine their lives.

Why Christians should be
the most pessimistic and
least pessimistic people on Earth

One thing that sets Christianity apart from Islam and every other religion on earth is that it is entirely pessimistic about Man’s ability to please God.

But Christians shouldn’t be pessimistic about the state of the world. Yes, there are troubles, but God hasn’t let us fall into utter depravity and He also continues to shower blessings on an undeserving world such that here in the West we are richer than people 100 years ago could have ever imagined. So why then, does it always seem to us why this past year was a doozy, and this upcoming election is always the one that matters most? Turns out there are “7 laws of pessimism” – this is an entirely secular take, but one that Christians can read to take warning of how the temptation of ingratitude can so easily and sneakily come our way.

The myth of sexual experience

The world says it’s important for dating couples to test their “sexual compatibility” before they consider marrying. But the data says God’s ways are best – couples who were sexually inexperienced before marrying are more than twice as likely to be “very satisfied” compared with couples who were highly experienced.

Courage: the virtue that enables all others

If you were tempted, like me, to nitpick this title, then consider this question: is Love, without the courage to speak needed truth to a loved one who doesn’t want to hear it, really love? Or is it courage, that enables true love? In this article and accompanying podcast, Jonathon Van Maren speaks to a particularly courageous woman, and new Christian, Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Two collections of
Bible reading plans

It’s a new year, and, like many of you, that means I’m renewing my resolution to read through the Bible. And I’m looking to some good advice to:

  1. Pick a partner to read it with, to build up the positive peer pressure
  2. Don’t sweat it if I miss a day… or a week – just continue on with that day’s reading rather than trying to catch up.
  3. Engage with what I read – the point is to know God better, not mark ticks down.

Nancy Pearcey on biblical masculinity and the Cultural Mandate

Nancey Pearcey, author of The Toxic War on Masculinity, points to some pop culture ideas of what a man should be like – self-sufficient, isolationist, independent – and contrasts that with what the Bible says.

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Saturday Selections – Dec. 28, 2024

Click on the headings below to go to the linked articles... Scientist discovers “Cellular origami” This is insane: these cells can expand from just 40 microns long to 1,500 microns in length in an instant. That's the equivalent of a 6-foot-tall guy suddenly stretching from the baseline on the end of one basketball court to then, without moving, dunk the ball, not even on the opposite net, but twice that distance to the practice hoop 200 feet away. Click on the heading above to read the article or the video below to see this cell stretch. Hospitality: another command that's good for us Hospitality can still be intimidating, but this article assures us that "with practice, you’ll grow more comfortable with your guests, and there are tips and tricks that make it easier." Vetting kids’ entertainment isn’t a one-and-done As Brett McCracken highlights, there really are no kids' shows that you can rely on to stay safely propaganda-free. How divorce never ends A child of divorce on why divorce should be a last resort: "...divorce will affect your kids for the rest of their lives, well into adulthood. They will have split holidays and summers. They will have stepparents. Their kids will have step-grandparents. Whatever inheritance they would have been entitled to is often being divvied up with other spouses and their kids. More important than the money, however, is the attention they’ll never get because their parents are dating or remarrying or whatever. They will only be with one parent half of the year — if they’re lucky: we only saw my dad twice a year. They will have to choose who gets Christmas, forever. Or they will be bouncing around at holiday time with their kids, just like the old days." Where did the Flood's water go? Some critical questions get asked and answered so often they become "a PRATT. That is, A Point Refuted A Thousand Times." This is one of those. Interestingly enough, the unbelieving world has their own flood questions to answer. Why you should use the Socratic method when you witness (7 min) Ray Comfort shows the importance of questions when talking and witnessing to folks in the world. ...