For C.S. Lewis geeks only
A new introduction to The Screwtape Letters has been found, and it turns out this manuscript didn’t first fall into Lewis’s hands, but rather a far-travelling professor friend of his.
The media botched the Covington Catholic story
In one of the more outrageous bits of media bungling, a group of Catholic kids at the US March for Life were condemned as racists and bullies by a media mob that wasn’t interested in hearing their side of the story. And as WORLD magazine’s Megan Basham noted, Christians were just as quick to jump to judgment.
Who owns a woman’s body? It’s not who you think.
Abortion advocates will chant “My body! My choice!” and pro-lifers will counter “The unborn are not your body.” But even pro-lifers have it only half right.
“It’s not fair!”
Jay Younts explains that every child’s (and many a parent’s) desire to get what’s coming to them “is to live like a fool, to live as if there were no God…”
Dutch pastors face possible criminal investigation for signing Nashville Statement
Dutch pastors are facing a public backlash after hundreds took a public stance for God’s views on sex.