Ghost Ship: Where were you?
Inspired by the book of Job. They also have an intriguing live performance of this same song.
The revenge of the normies: Donald Trump retakes Washington
Jonathon Van Maren reports from Washington DC on the Trump inauguration.
Does God want you to fast from the Internet on Sunday?
This is a Catholic gentleman, but with a proposal that many others might feel a pull to too.
The space between your cells
We keep learning more and more ways in which we are wonderfully and fearfully made (Ps. 139:14) – not only is the cell an astonishing piece of engineering, the space between our cells is also vital, and an added level of complexity that highlights how great our Designer is.
Was 2024 the hottest year ever?
In Luke 16:10 Jesus tells us, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” In the linked article, John Robson shows how the folks preaching our planet’s coming demise are being dishonest in lots of littles.
I’ve heard it said that feelings follow actions
Sometimes we might not feel like going to church, or we don’t feel like praying. But sometimes we need to tell our feelings what’s true…