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Saturday Selections – February 26, 2022

When the Premier of Alberta was also a radio evangelist (2 min)

Today, Christians seem to have agreed with the world that God has no place in politics. We treat Him like the villain of the Harry Potter books – His is the name that shall not be named. But as Dr. Michael Wagner shares here, there was a time when everyone thought very differently, such that Alberta’s premier would spend his weekends proclaiming God’s gospel on the radio, doing so for more than 30 years.

Richer than the richest person of 100 years ago

Every billionaire of 100 years ago would be jealous to have things we take for granted. This is a secular article, so it doesn’t really have a moral to its story, so let’s add one: why then do people covet just as much as ever? Because covetousness isn’t motivated by need, but by ingratitude for what we have already been given.

Renewal movement in the CRC stands against LGBT theology

This ten-minute read gives a history of the Christian Reformed Churches’ witness when it comes to sexuality. The one side, pushing for change (under the premise that God’s Word is unclear here, and the current practices unloving), is being met by a revival movement that recognizes the Church can’t help homosexuals and others by encouraging them to continue in their sin. This is an encouraging read!

The failure of Canada’s Parliament

“The basic issue here is not political; it is theological…. Our governing elites no longer believe in God. They recognize no limits to their power because they believe they are the source of political authority. They are unfit to govern. A society that no longer believes in God cannot remain a liberal democracy for long.”

The mass grave that may or may not be?

This is shared in the spirit of Prov. 18:17, highlighting that the mass grave of residential school Native students found last summer in Kamloops may or may not be a mass grave after all. The emphasis here should be on might – it is uncertain either way – and should it not be, that doesn’t clear residential schools of wrong. But it does serve as a caution, once again, that media reports presenting the “facts” are very often too certain by half.

News worth celebrating

While recent headlines might have all of us concerned, Jonathon Van Maren is sharing news worth celebrating: abortions are down by 60% in Texas, and Malta is resisting efforts to make it legalize abortion.

Pandemic silver lining – less kids in gov’t schools (3 min)

Homeschooling in the US may have increased 4-fold since the beginning of the pandemic. While that’s a number to take with a grain of salt (other attempts at measuring the homeschooling increase have given other numbers), with government schools focusing ever more on opposing God’s truth on equality, sex, gender, and just generally God’s sovereignty over every square inch of creation, that’s a welcome trend.


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Saturday Selections – Feb. 19, 2022

Kinsey - the man behind perverted sex-ed The biggest bit of propaganda Kinsey passed along? That chastity was basically impossible. Thus sex-ed programs teach "safer sex" rather than actual safe sex – ie. sex only between a committed husband and wife – presuming that kids are akin to beasts in heat who couldn't possibly control their urges. God, in forbidding adultery (Ex. 20:14), presumes something very different. A case for shorter hymnals John Ahern argues for limited hymns. His main point? We can only sing songs well if we actually know them. Why Postmodernism promotes Big Government In this short yet provocative piece, J.P. Moreland offers an explanation for why the godless want government to get bigger and bigger. A how-to for combatting the lie of "deep time" Dinosaur soft tissue used to be inconceivable. Now it is incontrovertible. Our polygamous past This is quite a good practical case against polygamy: men with many wives leave other men without the ties that bind. Then, without families to concern them, these men often cause trouble. It's such a good argument that Christians might be tempted to base their arguments against polygamy on this line of reasoning. But a practical case against can be answered with practical solutions. For example: mayhaps we need to encourage women to take more than one husband so as to even things out. Now our "too many unconnected men" problem is solved...but not in any sort of fashion we were intending. Thus, when we defend God's truth – that "a man should leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh" (Eph. 5:31) – we need to defend it as God's truth. It's only once we have established that as our foundation, that we can then stack arguments like this "practical case" against polygamy on top. While practical objections can't stand on their own, they can stand when supported. Practical problems do come with disobeying God. But will the world listen to us if we talk to them about God? It doesn't seem likely. But is our goal to get pagans to act like Christians? Or do we want them to be Christians? One thing we can be quite certain of: if we are too ashamed to talk about God, we won't be used by God to bring people to Him. Do we want the Bible back in public schools? Gary DeMar explains the problem with that sort of partial victory... ...