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Saturday Selections – February 1, 2020

World’s largest pro-life march, in 60 seconds

This past week hundreds of thousands came to march in Washington D.C. to highlight the need to protect the unborn. May God bless these efforts on their behalf.

Roger Scruton on beauty

Philosopher Roger Scruton (1944-2020) was a favorite among many Christians, though he was not one himself, disputing the resurrection. But in the same way that Jordan Peterson gets many things right because, even in his unbelief, he takes much of the Bible seriously (and more seriously than many self-professed Christians) so too Scruton has some valuable insights on art that are discussed here.

3 ways boys can benefit by reading “girl books”

“Reading about women will not lift the veil and reveal all the mystery that women will always have for the young man. It can, however, help a young man know the difference, to borrow characters from Pride and Prejudice, between an ‘Elizabeth’ and a ‘Lydia.’ If it helps in this way, it is worth so much.”

Sesame Street pushing an agenda

Billy Porter, a cross-dressing LGBT activist, will make an appearance on the upcoming 51st season of the children’s show.

Free Documentary: By what standard?

The Southern Baptist Convention is a large American denomination with a Calvinist leaning, it is the home of Albert Mohler and also Beth Moore, and it has been wrestling with the issues of complementarianism, social justice, and also something called “Critical Race Theory.” This 2-hour documentary certainly isn’t for everyone, but it is eye-opening in showing how troubling worldviews can sneak into the Church via the best of intentions.

CNN helps Christian satire site grow… (5 minutes)

It’s amusing to see how attacks by and CNN have only helped the Christian satire site Babylon Bee grow. It’s also instructive to watch how Babylon Bee enters the fray. Christians needn’t be fearful – after all, we know God has already won! – so we can contend with a spirit of joy. This is what winsome looks like.

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