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Saturday Selections – Feb 3, 2024

Click on the titles below for the linked articles…

Make more babies!

I don’t share enough good news, so here’s a fun one. This is a diaper company taking the sort of stand that any self-interested diaper company should logically take – give us more customers! But with all the doom and gloom about population these days, it’s probably brave for even a diaper company to come out in favor of babies.

While they hang their baby endorsement on a statement from agnostic Elon Musk, there’s also an uncredited voice-over recognizable as American’s favorite pastor, Billy Graham (or, possibly, his son Franklin). So while they could get bolder – let’s explicitly proclaim God’s truth as God‘s truth – these folk are certainly taking some baby steps in the right direction!

The price of legalized pot

Way more teens are smoking way more marijuana than 10 years ago. And what they’re smoking is way more potent than what was around a generation ago. And it’s costing many teens their mental stability…

Euthanasia normalized by manipulation under the Trudeau government (10 min read)

There’s been some good news on the state-sanctioned suicide front this week. On March 17 the “eligibility” of death-as-medicine was going to be expanded to include the mentally ill too. Rising costs have made it impossible to find a home? If that left you depressed, the government might have helped, not with more affordable housing, but a prescription of lethal drugs.

But on January 29, the federal health minister announced they would suspend, at least for now, this expansion. You can read more, and what to do about it at the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, and ARPA Canada. To find out how we ever got here, read the longer article, from REAL Women of Canada, linked above.

Barbara Kay: on “Grave Error: How the media misled us (and the truth about residential schools)”

“”Canadians deserve to know the truth,’ Federal Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre told reporters earlier this week, regarding 2021 claims made — but never investigated — of unmarked graves at the Kamloops, British Columbia Indian residential school.”

And there’s a new book out highlighting how the media, and some of our elected leaders, steered us wrong.

A 21st-century Peasants’ Revolt

World traveler and sometime RP contributor Jonathon Van Maren was in Europe this past week to report on the massive farmer protests going on.

How we got here – a  transgender documentary (12 min)

How did transgenderism shift so quickly from a fringe movement to something taught in our public schools and affirmed by almost all our political leaders? This documentary gets to some of it.

While narrator Christopher Rufo doesn’t frame it in specifically Christian terms, what he highlights is how transgenderism is seen by its proponents as more than simply surgery, more than a personal decision, more than a struggle some small minority have to deal with: leading proponents view it as an all-encompassing worldview from which we are to interpret all else. Susan Striker, one trans proponent, spoke of his transgender manifesto as a “secular sermon.” That gives us all the clue we should need as to how best to counter this movement. Not with Rufo’s equally secular response, in which he’s left confused enough to refer to Striker with female pronouns. No, what’s needed is our own sermon of sorts, but a spiritual one. We need to lead with the facts as God as defined them, that He defines our gender.

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Saturday Selections – Jan 27, 2024

Click on the titles below for the linked articles... 80's "kids'" movies aren't how you remember them Those classic 80s kids' movies that you remember so fondly? Turns out they aren't kid movies at all - woah! There's a strange blessing that comes with understanding stuff was wacky back in the day too (Eccl. 7:10). We can remember how God was with us in the middle of that craziness, and be reassured that He's able to sustain us in today's clown world too. "Be fruitful and multiply" is not religious bumph. It’s how civilizations survive. The West is facing a coming economic implosion due to its low birth rate. And we don't seem to get it. What is Critical Race Theory? Samuel Sey offers this succinct explanation. Brits take Canada to task for state-sanctioned suicide (10 min read) This is a really good summary of how Canada has flung itself down the slippery slope, offering death as the medical treatment for more and more conditions. And while this is a secular article, they almost get to the root of it: they recognize that autonomy is a lie, and death isn't medicine. What they miss is that our lives are not our own to dispose of as we wish – the author doesn't acknowledge life as a gift from God entrusted to our stewardship. "In less than a decade, Canada has gone from legalising assisted dying in the tightest of circumstances – for adults suffering from terminal illnesses, for whom death was imminent – to offering suicide as an alternative to life’s woes. It amounts to a cautionary tale of the deep inhumanity, the cruel disregard for human life, that is unleashed when you introduce state-assisted death." We owe so much, just the interest is going to cost Canadians almost $2,000 a year Whenever you borrow, you're actually taking from future you, which might be fine sometimes if you really need to (for example, it's tough to buy a house without borrowing any money). But when it comes to massive government debt loads, what the previous generation borrowed is hitting us now, and if we keeping going along this route, then we'll be taking from our children. 8 fossil fuel facts: the other side (6 min) While we often hear about supposed downsides to fossil fuel usage, we rarely get the upside. But if we aren't taking that into consideration, then we aren't really counting the cost (Luke 14:28-30) of going "carbon free." This is a secular presentation but it presents the other side of the argument that we most often don't hear but need to (Prov. 18:17). ...