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Saturday Selections – Feb. 23, 2019

Doing Jordan Peterson one better  

Jordan Peterson has inspired many a young man struggling with aimlessness. But Peterson isn’t Christian, so his answers can only go so far. While Peterson can’t answer life’s biggest questions, God can, so David Murray has created the Christian Man Academy, to share God’s thoughts on what it means to be a man.

Learn more at the link above, and below you can get a sampling of what’s offered, this one tackling the subject of “Real men repent.”

Practical thoughts on raising selfless children

Are we raising our children to be good future husbands and wives?

Or are we raising them to think that their recreational schedules should dictate parents’ schedules and that while others need to sacrifice for them they don’t need to sacrifice for others? (Prov. 22:6)?

What does Paul mean when he says ‘let a woman learn quietly?’ (10-minute read)

Some thoughts on 1 Timothy 2:8–14 and women teaching in the Church.

The Empty Planet – under not overpopulation the real concern

Two points worth noting about overpopulation fears:

  1. They were always unbiblical. God describes children as a blessing, not the curse that overpopulationists have treated them as. But Christians were largely swayed by the “experts” and their fearmongering, and started having smaller families too, and didn’t speak out as loudly as we could have. But, now, as this article shows, it’s becoming evident to everyone that “population bombs” were mere hysteria.
  2. We blew it by not loudly and aggressively fighting the overpopulation hype and it meant millions died, as this hype was used to push abortion worldwide.  Now, when scientific experts are telling us that carbon is deadly, will we learn from our previous mistake? Every new child comes with its very own carbon footprint, so there is pressure once again to minimize the population.

You don’t need a philosophy of education to home-school

If there are no good Christian schools nearby, don’t worry – you can homeschool. Sure, it might seem intimidating, what with all the different curriculum choices out there. “Choices are great, but when they become too overwhelming, we need to be reminded of simplicity….All you really need to homeschool is a Bible, a library card, and a math book.”

The Moses Controversy trailer

This trailer almost makes it look like an attack on the Bible, but these guys are on the right side. Could be very interesting…

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