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Saturday Selections – Dec. 31, 2022

Dutch woman draws 6 pictures at the same time!

This is just fun and crazy…

Benefits of working a job for a long time

Russell Gehrlein offers a couple of benefits that can come with working the same job for decades. But he’s also previously offered a couple of problems that can come with doing the same thing for too long.

Blaise Pascal, with four rules for mocking God’s enemies

These are insightful rules, but worth testing against how God’s enemies are mocked in the Bible. Pascal says we shouldn’t make things personal – we should mock ideas, not people – but that someone might think it personal doesn’t mean it is. A man conducting a “drag queen story hour” might take personal any ridicule of him as a groomer, but would that really be a reason not to do it?

Bone growth demonstrates brilliant design

When it comes to the human body, and seeing God’s fingerprints, we might most often think about the eye, which is truly astonishing. Our bones, however, might get overlooked, because we imagine them to be simple, just supports, hardly more than sticks, right? But no indeed – even your bones, and how they know to grow just so, are unbelievably marvelous!

The best-kept secret in preparing kids against pornography

“The best kept secret in the fight for your kids’ minds is role-playing. A simple and not very time-consuming activity that costs nothing. Role-playing is practicing difficult situations with your child that might come up as they navigate through a world filled with pornography.”

Why does Socialism fail? (3 min)

Christian economist, Dr. Anne Bradley, offers 4 reasons (for the article version, click above):

  • Socialism doesn’t account for self-interest…
  • …or the importance of incentives
  • Without a marketplace, producers (and socialism’s central planners) can’t know what products people really want
  • Socialism requires that its all-powerful central planner remain benevolent, which never happens

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