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Saturday Selections – Dec. 1, 2018

The lowly dandelion is way cooler than we knew

Scientists have discovered that dandelions use a never-before-discovered means of flight.

Parents, discipline is not about justice

“Biblical discipline must not be seen as payment for the sins for which the discipline was administered. Retribution is not the goal of biblical discipline!”

Turning the Christian Reformed Church into a LBGTQ ally

Current and former members of the CRC recently met to figure out “the best strategy for turning the CRC into a denomination that celebrates the values of the homosexual and transgender ideology.” This is an account of that meeting.

Are You Attracted to Your Wife or Objectifying Her?

“Do you love your wife because she’s the one you get to have sex with, or do you love having sex with her because you love your wife?”

Take the no complaints challenge

Here’s six ways you can foster gratitude in your family.

How overparenting backfired on parents

When were you allowed to go outside and play on your own without adult supervision?

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