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Saturday Selections – August 6, 2022

The Great Escape? (8 min)

Might God be using technological innovations to grant His people freedom from government tyranny? That’s not quite how this fellow puts it, but that is the interesting possibility he’s presenting. While this is a libertarian, rather than Christian perspective, we share in common with libertarians the understanding that Man is limited and fallible. That gives us both every reason to oppose centralized government proposals, predicated as they are on those at the top having near-omniscient powers to know what’s best for everyone else. Christians know world leaders aren’t God, and don’t have His omniscience, and thus they shouldn’t put themselves in a position that requires them to be god-like.

To that insight, Christians can add our awareness of Man’s sinful nature, and Lord Acton’s adage that power corrupts. So, like this libertarian, we should want government powers to be limited.

5 things you might not know about Eve

Did you know that Eve wasn’t her real name?

Only the rich can “afford” to be godless

It’s no secret that certain Christian values, like stable marriage, sex within marriage, and abstaining from drug abuse, “strongly correspond to long term success.” So why do so many of the richest hold to more “progressive” views on marriage and sex? It might be, because they can afford to. They can use their money to pay the price for their unwise lifestyles. But for the millions of others who admire and imitate them, they are not able to afford these “luxury beliefs.”

When are you really dead?

Though this seems a Roman Catholic writer, he brings insight to an issue that is of growing importance “as doctors’ ability to transplant organs grows.” Do we die when our heart stops, or when our brain function seizes? This article doesn’t raise the issue of euthanasia, but in the context of transplants, the importance of knowing when a person dies becomes all the more important in a society that has no ethical objection to killing patients.

Deut 22:5 is a help to confused Christians 

Genesis 1:27 should have been enough, with God declaring that He “assigns” our gender, and no one else. But to His Church, knowing how easily we are influenced by the world, He has also given us Deut 22:5.

Everybody loves Jesus until they understand who He really is (1 minute)

When the Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses come knocking the way to get to the heart of it is to ask them what they think about Jesus.

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Saturday Selections - July 30, 2022

State or parents: whose child is it? (2 min) The case made for home school here is one Christians – even those of us with our own Christian schools – can and should get behind: God made parents responsible for our children's educational, social, and moral upbringing, not the government (Eph. 6:4, Prov. 1:8-9, Heb 12:7-11, Prov. 22:6, Deut. 6:6-9). The "Distant Starlight Problem": 3 answers If Creation is only thousands of years old, how come we can see light from stars millions of light-years away? This is one of the questions the creationists at Creation Ministries International get asked, and here's a three-pronged answer. National Review's publisher is "married" to his husband  One of the most influential conservative magazines in the US has thrown in the towel on same-sex "marriage" and no wonder, considering the publisher is, himself, in such an arrangement. But they're far from the only purportedly "conservative" media group to embrace the LGBT sexual agenda. The Daily Wire’s Spencer Klavan is "engaged" to a man. Glenn Beck's BlazeTV network features the Rubin Report, where host Dave Rubin announced that he and his "husband" were going to have two children via surrogates. In Canada, Rebel News is using the wrong pronouns for men in dresses. What we're seeing here is that if a media organization doesn't explicitly stand on God's Word, then they will stumble when the culture brings pressure to bear. Help when anxiety keeps you up at night When this pastor's daughter had unexplained seizures, he went to God in prayer and meditated on the truths about God's character and faithfulness described in Psalm 4. Kids, let's talk about sex A pep talk for parents, with tips on how not to make it awkward. For some book-length tips see here and here. Signs you might be a woman The differences can be subtle, but if you're paying attention to the signs, you might just be able to figure it out. And if you're having problems figuring out if you're a man, check out Signs You Might be a Man. ...