A very unique way to share the Gospel (5 min)
Here’s an inventive way that one church is reaching into its community.
Josh Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, renounces God
David French weighs in on Harris’s Instagram announcement, and on the purity culture that Harris fostered.
Reformation Wall in Geneva vandalized
Europe’s Christian heritage is being vandalized, including statutes of Calvin, Farel, Bèze and Knox that were recently covered in a rainbow of paint colors.
The United Nations is still pushing the overpopulation myth
“World Population Day [was]….instituted by the United Nations in 1989 to bring attention to high population growth. [I]ts original purpose is now largely irrelevant – though you might not think so from some media reports.”
How Alberta became the gambling capital of Canada
Is the Alberta government addicted to gambling? It’s now getting more revenue from gambling than it gets from Natural Gas royalties.
X-Men flub Evolution – mutations don’t build anything new (8 min)
In this Intelligent Design presentation, we see how Evolution’s key instrument for change – mutation – doesn’t do what they say it does.