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Saturday Selections – August 25, 2018

Colorado Civil Rights Commission is after Jack Phillips again!

A baker, who had to take his case all the way to the Supreme Court to be allowed not to bake cakes for same-sex weddings, is now facing charges from the same human rights commission for declining to bake a cake for a transgender transitioning celebration.

Today, more than ever, read beyond the headlines

Tim Challies on how even conservative or Christian media and bloggers can use headlines that are not telling us the full truth. That’s why we need to do more than skim article titles.

Susan Pevensie lives!

If you were disturbed by Susan’s absence in The Last Battle, the concluding book of the Narnia series, you’ll enjoy this explanation of where she’s ended up (10 min. read).

Two atheists walk into a bar…

Atheists will get upset when it’s claimed they can’t account for morality: “We can be as moral, kind, and helpful as anyone else. Many an atheist is the model neighbor, friend, and citizen.” This claim may be true enough, but it isn’t relevant. The point isn’t whether atheists act moral, but whether their worldview provides any reason for them to do so. A Christian may well kill and steal (think of King David), even as that atheist over there spends his life helping little old ladies across the street. But the point is that when a Christian steals and kills he is breaking God’s Commandments – he is not living according to his worldview. But if an atheist were to do the same thing, what atheist creed or principle would they be violating? What morality does atheism teach?

School is here again – parents, watch out for the performance trap

“The gospel is about grace; School is about performance. The gospel is about receiving compassion; School is about earning grades….The gospel and school. There is a disconnect, but it doesn’t have to exist.”

Truth is compassion: a grown man cannot become a little girl

Just five years ago, almost no one took transgender claims seriously. Now folks are getting fired for insisting that God created us male and female. Why are we are losing this debate? One reason is because too many are afraid to even offer up the truth. Compelling, thought-provoking presentations of the truth are available, like this one below. But they are only useful if Christians use them, sharing them on our social media feeds. If no one will speak the truth if we won’t speak the truth – it shouldn’t be surprised when the lie gains ground (3 min).

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