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Saturday Selections – August 11, 2018

5 simple things you can do to raise kind kids

This psychologist may or not may be Christian, but the suggestions he offers for modeling kindness are bang on.

Is Genesis history or psychology? A response to Jordan Peterson

A couple of creationists look at the theological thinking of the most popular Canadian on the planet.

Ted Tripp on manhood

“Dads work out their leadership by toil and hardship in order to serve, not by demanding that they be served.”

The soulmate fantasy

“A soulmate isn’t someone you discover; it’s someone you intentionally and prayerfully become.”

George Orwell knew: we willingly buy the screens that are used against us

In 1984 screens are everywhere, monitoring everything people do. How did they get such coverage? In Orwell’s world, like our own, people willingly bought these tools of self-enslavement.

Does the US use 500 million straws a day? And is that a problem?

Why does the secular world want to solve fake environmental crises? Maybe it’s because their flawed worldview won’t allow them to solve real problems.

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