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Saturday Selections – August 1, 2020

Why this valedictorian regrets finishing on top (6 minutes)

It took him a whole year to learn this lesson, and he’s happy to share it.

Free episode from Tim Challies’ new documentary EPIC (25 min)

In his 10-episode documentary EPIC, Christian blogger extraordinaire Tim Challies takes us around the world to investigate Church history by looking at a variety of key historical objects. In this first, free episode, we head to Israel to see what may (or may not) be Jesus’ tomb, and go to Italy to see some ancient anti-Christian graffiti.

NBA player wanted his jersey to highlight the national debt

Now that the NBA has resumed play, we’re seeing jerseys that, instead of the player’s name, feature one of several approved “social justice” messages. A message that didn’t make the cut was Spencer Dinwiddie’s request for “trillion” which, coupled with his jersey number 26, would have been the current US national debt.

8 lessons from a friend whose life (and death) preached Christ

A young pastor who was never famous passed away this past month. Part of his legacy was teaching a small group of men how to be godly men.

“No Justice, No Peace”? Do two wrongs now make a right? (10-minute read)

A 70-something-year-old waving a “No Justice, No Peace” sign at a BLM protest probably doesn’t understand the threat implicit in that slogan. But the rioters do. Intent on burning down the system, they are acting as if two wrongs can make a right. But as Hendrik van der Breggen explains, that simply isn’t so.

Pornography is harmless. What would you say? (4 minutes)

This is a great video laying out some practical problems that result from pornography use. But where the video falls short is that, even as it is produced by Christians, it fails to address pornography as the spiritual issue it is. The real problem with pornography is that it breaks the 7th Commandment (do not commit adultery). Sinning does bring with it practical problems, but if that was all there was to it, then we could address those problems with practical solutions. For example, if porn use makes someone lonely, only using it with someone else. Practical problem solved!

What we need to do, then, is to stack these practical objections on top of a solid Christian foundation. Then our argument might sound something like this:

Pornography isn’t harmless; it’s a sin against God. As a sin, it is destructive, causing – as this video describes – loneliness and sexual disfunction.

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