The Genius of Flight (11 min)
A close look at birds reveals the Genius behind the design of their feathers, heart, muscles, navigation system, and more.
Why so many are so skeptical now
This isn’t an anti-vaccine post and I note that because some might otherwise conclude it is. It is being shared to help those who are frustrated or in any other way exasperated at fellow pew-sitters who are “vaccine hesitant.” If you don’t understand why anyone could possibly be so, this will help, and not because it offers any medical insights into the vaccines. This is, instead, about how media and governmental leaders have undermined their own credibility. Draw your own conclusions about the vaccine but patience please with those who differ: their skepticism is not unreasonable.
Should the Church “stay in its lane” and stay out of politics?
“…every law… [is] based on consequential assumptions about human value, the nature and purpose of sex, what and how children should be raised, the scope of the state, and a million other things. The question is never whether politics will operate from worldview assumptions, but which worldview it will operate from.”
White House working directly with Facebook to limit the spread of “misinformation”
Social media companies are taking it “upon themselves to be the arbitrators of truth” and the problem isn’t just that they get it wrong and that they are working with the government to restrict speech, which has been caught lying repeatedly.
The real problem is that we the consumers aren’t outraged – we still continue to turn to these companies as our main sources for news and information. One alternative? You can find Reformed Perspective on MeWe here.
Want to fund a Christian nature series?
The folks behind the two Riot and Dance nature documentaries are looking to make a nature TV series now. Find out more – and watch the first half-hour episode about swimming with sharks, for free – at the link above.
How can we see distant starlight? (15-min read)
If the universe is only roughly 6,000 years young, and it takes millions of years for light to get to us from many stars, then how can we see them? You can read an explanation at the link above (a free chapter from The Creation Answers Book) or if you’d rather watch Dr. Jonathan Sarfati and Dr. Robert Carter discuss it, then check out this 25-minute video.
Does the Bible “whisper” about sexual sin? (5 min)
What better way to minimize the sinfulness of a sin than to say the Church should remain quiet – or only whisper – about it. This is worth listening to because this tactic is confusing even conservative Christians.