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Saturday Selections – April 3, 2021

Bach, in the forest, on a really, really long xylophone (3 min)

The phone this advertizes is long gone, but its commercial is standing the test of time.

More on Rod Dreher’s “Live not by lies”

“Solzhenitsyn…told the Russian people that totalitarianism is built on lies and the people’s fear. The way to defeat it is to not live by lies.” In other words, if you are scared to stand up for the truth, at the very least commit to not speaking the lie.

Protecting minors from pornography

This free 33-page e-book from the computer monitor company Covenant Eyes is aimed at Church youth group leaders, but there is lots here for parents, pastors, and elders to benefit from.

Many college grads believe life has been created in the lab

“…more than 41 percent of respondents thought that origin of life researchers had created ‘complex life forms from scratch,’ such as frogs, using simple chemicals and conditions that “approximate Earth’s early atmosphere.” …. To put it kindly, the respondents’ great expectations about the accomplishments of origin of life researchers are wrong. Wildly so. Origin of life researchers have not created a frog or a bacterium…. they haven’t created a functional membrane, or a ribosome, or flagella or cilia, or any of dozens of additional parts and molecular machines required for even the simplest living bacterium…”

How Canada’s government is supposed to work, and how it does (15-minute read)

A very helpful overview of the state of things, by REAL Women of Canada.

When good intentions harm children

It’s a no-brainer that we should ban child labor, right? But what if doing so leaves some children in an even worse situation?

How did people live to be 900 years old before the flood? (10 minutes)

Lifespans that passed 900 years have critics dismissing the reliability of early biblical genealogies. But as Dr. John Sanford has noted, the long ages then, and shorter ages now, can be attributed to genetic degeneration – accumulated mutations that have caused us to be far less fit than our ancestors once were. This one is very interesting!

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