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Saturday Selections – April 13, 2019

Is it a sin to be angry with God? (2 min)

R.C. Sproul gives a clear answer to this question.

The 8 deadly sins of political conservatism

Whatever party we might vote for, most RP readers probably identify themselves as politically conservative. That makes this article an important read for us all.

The trans-child as an experimental guinea pig (15 min read)

“So what if the boy wants to wear a dress; what’s the big deal?” If you’ve been asked this question or one like it, this National Review article is an answer. God tells us we are made male and female (Gen. 1:26-28) and those who “in compassion” say otherwise are only showing God right when He says the “mercy of the wicked is cruel (Prov. 12:10b).

In Canada living as God wants keeps 99% out of poverty

In Venezuela and many other parts of the world, poverty can happen to people no matter what they might do, and even in the stable West many things are still beyond our control. But the Fraser Institute has found that in Canada poverty is largely a result of “bad choices” rather than “bad luck.” The poverty rate here is less than 1 percent for people who do 3 things:

  • graduate high school
  • work full time
  • have children only in a committed relationship

Of three, two are obviously biblical: working full-time (Col. 3:23, Prov. 12:11Prov. 13:4) and having kids inside marriage. Graduating high school is the wish of most parents so there are some Fifth Commandment implications there too. So while the world hates God’s law we can see here how His restrictions evidence His love. Our Father knows what’s best for us and for our good He’s warned us what to avoid.

Parents, you can control your temper

Our kids can be exasperating, and while we don’t want to lose our temper, sometimes it just seems to happen. It can’t be helped…right? Jay Younts says, not so fast!

Preacher, apologist, and ordinary joe plead for the unborn (3 min each)

In Phoenix, preacher Jeff Durban, apologist James White, and ordinary joe, Zachary Conover showed what being a public witness for God and for the unborn looks like.

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