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Mar/Apr 2023 issue

WHAT’S INSIDE: A Call to Action: Loving our Indigenous Neighbors / Tragedy, resistance, and change: Glimpses into the Lejac Residential School near Fraser Lake, BC / The Truth Matters: Analyzing the facts beneath “mass burials” at residential schools / Truth & Reconciliation is possible, but not as it is being popularized / The lesson that’s being lost: our governments need to stop indoctrinating children / How to have a proper conversation / Obituary for my beloved: Anco Farenhorst (1948-2022) / RP Call to Action: What lessons should we learn from Covid? / Featured Author: Virginia Lee Burton: Queen of nostalgia / Come and Explore: Go to the Ant / Interview with an artist: Stephanie Vanderpol has a zoologist in the house / Thinking on the Margin: Why some pollution is better than none / How does the world explain life’s origins? / Simple steps for living generously / The bad king that prompted the Great Charter / Top 10 films for mom and dad on PureFlix right now / and more!

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