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July/Aug 2021 issue

WHAT’S INSIDE: When Steve wants to be called Sue / Conservative media fail their shibboleth / On mandatory vaccines / Does marriage impact IQ? / The impact of saying “I’m so busy” / 3 books to help our productivity / History made accessible / What does a Reformed entrepreneur look like? / You can’t beat something with nothing / 3 simple reasons we believe misinformation / The wonder of the womb / On the Regulative Principle of Worship and elements vs. circumstances / Residential schools and the devastation of State-perpetuated family breakup / The devil’s foothold / Solid answers to tough questions / How and why the Apostles’ Creed came to be / Making God our priority in prayer / Films for mom, dad, and the older kids / and more…

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Front cover of the July/August 2021 issue of Reformed Perspective. Click on it to download a pdf of the issue. RP July-Aug 2021-small

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