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February 2014 issue

WHAT’S INSIDE: Being Berean: Why tackle touchy topics? / Tracking word usage through history / Killing Beethoven: Not all pro-life arguments are pro-life arguments / The case of the disappearing hands / In a Nutshell / The Fig and the Wasp: You can’t have one without the other, so how could they evolve separately? / “The child belongs to the state”: the State’s ongoing efforts to end home and private schooling / It can happen: Germany bans homeschooling / Church, Home, and School: a two-legged stool? / Books that will change your thinking / School: Who should rule? What do Reformed church orders say about church-run schools vs. parent-run schools? / Understanding, appreciating, protecting & using our educational freedom / When would we leave?: we have deep roots in Canada, but we need to have even deeper convictions

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