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Reformed book publisher changes hands

Reformed book publisher Paideia Press, which has published over 400 titles since it started in the late 1970’s, has been gifted to the Cántaro Institute.

Many Dutch Reformed readers will be familiar with Paideia titles like Scout, Journey Through the Night and the well-loved devotional Daylight by Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven. After some quiet years, the publisher resurfaced in the past decade, and while S.G. DeGraaf’s fantastic four-volume Promise and Deliverance series might be the only holdover from those former days, they have a slew of new titles promoting “reformational thinking.”

Paideia Press was the effort of Niagara-based entrepreneur John Hultink. He has now gifted all the titles and copyrights to Cántaro Institute, which bills itself as a “reformed confessional organization committed to the advancement of the Christian worldview for the reformation and renewal of the church and culture.” The institute is based on the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689). What might be of most interest to our readership is the Institute’s own publishing efforts defending creation which includes titles like Jerry Bergman’s Evolution’s Dangerous Ideas and C.S. Lewis’s War Against Scientism & Naturalism. They have also made e-book versions of Promise and Deliverance available for free, which is a great quick study aid for parents and teachers trying to share Bible stories with children. You can find all four volumes by searching for “Promise and Deliverance” at

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